Its time to speak about defuse

Yes. Xp obviously isn’t the case, so that can’t be an argument.

This paragraph has nothing to do with anything I said. If you want lore, there is a giant crater where the mission used to be, and the blast has decimated much more. Any surviving Stargazer has scattered, any intel is destroyed or gone, and any spy equipment is useless.

Its a draw at best. You still failed your objective.

That’s fine. You can hate the game mechanic, so you ignore it and pretend you won because you don’t like that part of the game. That’s fine.

The puzzle was too easy. Now its more difficult than before. And if you don’t do it, you fail the objective.

Your job is to complete the mission, which can’t be done if the area is a giant crater. And OWLF is always looking to get the body, they just don’t reveal themselves until it becomes relevant.

Its the future. We have that prototype rifle. We have gear and perks about the Pred. You don’t need to know where something came from to use it. If you teach me how to use a computer, I don’t need to know who built it.

Yes You can be happy in failure. No one is stopping that.

I’ve read the context. One we enjoy doing, the other we do not. That is if they expect people to do something they don’t like, they better gain something they want or redesign it in a way we actually like doing!

What if the predators leaps on top of a big building where you stand no chance of reaching and disarming? What if he runs outside the map limits to force a draw? The answer is, shit happens.

Baby mentality? How does every single one of you who want to attack people who don’t want to disarm, end up calling us immature one way or the other…

The predator can end up dead even after you finished the mission. Anyway, I don’t see how you fail the mission if he blows up. OWLF takes over when when you kill the predator and disarm, ZEUS recomands you stick together and finish the mission and get out. Then if you somehow do end up killing the pred, OWLF pop up asking you to secure it.

You don’t become a disgraced soldier for killing and intergalactic alien and fail to disarm a bomb that would take scients years to even understand how it works. Its nonsense. The FT are the best of the very best. Nobody is going to can them for not disarming lol. After a predator kill, if anything, they would get hired by OWLF to actually hunt predators.

Nah dude, I don’t care for your head lore. I can run out of the explosion range. Its not that big. Even if in other lore other explosions are bigger, its obvious this one is not. You can consider this one also bomb defective or whatever.

What part of us not caring if we fail this objective is not clear? Yes, we don’t care. The game offers you the posibiltiy of running out of the blast range, I take it. Done!

No, the FT members have no clue how that computer/bomb works. There is no way they could disarm that. Perhaps Dutch knows but that’s it. Do you think bomb disposal technicians learn how to disarm bombs in a few seconds man? Its extremely dangerous and complicated.

And you can be happy in your failure as you blow up with nobody around you as I smile happy at your smoking crater. Next time, perhaps you will do better.

“the game offers the posibility of running out of the blast” yeah so both monster and ft loses
but if losing makes you happy go do it

Nah, its a draw at worse. Its more of a win for FT. You not only survived the encounter with the predator but also killed him, just like Arnold.

“it is more of a win for ft” yeah because you create your own rules because you dont like the official
sorry kiddo the game dont give a fuck about your feelings
and the game dont have ties in haves double lose , both monster and ft loses
and this is not the movie retard , move on

You seem like a really angry kid. You must really hate the fact that we enjoy something that pisses you off. I guess sux to be you.

“you seem like a really angry kid because i dont accept my loss , rules mean nothing to me” this is you my friend
you want to feel good for been loser ? i am fine with this just dont cry “i am winner idc about rules”

You keep calling us losers, you keep throwing insults and acting childish. We don’t lose for not disarming, again, at worse is a damn draw. The simple fact that we killed the predators proves we’ve bested him.

i dont call you loser , you are loser , you lost and cant accept that , you just cry “bhuhuhuhu i didnt lose rules dont count”

Ok, fine, show me where not disarming translate into a loss and not a draw. Go right ahead.

You know what I think? You are so bad at playing the predator that you NEED to kill people in that blast because you can’t any other way.

What’s going on?

Oh, Jimbo is really mad we don’t wat to disarm predators for him since he can’t do it and when he plays the predator the only way he can’t kill people is with the blast.

No. The game just gave you an option to draw…


Some reason…


Last time we had this conversation about a month ago he strawmanned, insulted, and ignored me and some one else.

He’s a phantasma

Only thing to do is to joke about him

tenor (1)

imagine bees so bad and still crying about predator when i told you 10 times i dotn want ft mates like you
or even worst imagine how pathetic you are for not understanding basic rules
according to rules for ft , goals are

  1. get the body
  2. exfill
    (wich is easy provable from daily quests (staying alive after explosion dont count for win ))

according to rules for predator , goals are

  1. left no alive ft members

this game has no tie it has double loss and you cant accept you are equally loser like pred

I don’t even understand why he is so angry that we don’t want to disarm. Its not like we are forcing him not to do it himself.

you got pwned last time too and left crying and started bs “bhuhuhu in other games this dotn happens”

How are those two things even connected

If the predator blows himself up and FT are alive he fails his mission objective. If FT does not disarms or evacs then FT fails its objective. If BOTH sides fail the objective its a DAMN DRAW genius since both sides failed. Seriously, have you failed logic in school or something?

Wait a minute you are a kid lol
