Jungle Hunter Obsession

Lace it.

That boy’s cheese slid off his cracker.

Fun times lol
Like the good ole days after 9/11

Ay don’t worry, I only poke when he starts crying. If Fire can keep his big-boy trousers on, all will be fine.
Oh what the fuck am I saying, ABANDON ALL HOPE YE WHO ENTER HERE

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Dont see how calling out your bullshi this crying, but hey, you’re a fuckinh idiot.

You’re having a stroke, seek medical help lmao
In all reality, it’s the way you’ve gone about it. Oh, also the early-onset dementia kinda isn’t doing you any favors either lol
Ay yo @TheSenate you were right XD

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It’s funny how you ignored the post where I basically broke down what I said and proved you wrong.

Unless you’re trolling, in which case you’ve done a beautiful job.

So which one is it, you’re fucking stupid or you’re trolling?

Yo don’t blame me for having other things to do XD
I’ll go read it, if that’s what gets you off.

Read it or dont. But dear god man.
It proved that you literally didnt understand shit I said.
On an embarrassing level.

No it didn’t lol
It proved that you based your entire knowledge about mental disorders off of a reality tv show made by a man who exploits people’s suffering for money XD
Also proved you dropped out of elementary school before they could teach you what grammar is.

What fucking show? What random shit are you bringing up?
And nah, it showed how low your reading comprehension is.

You literally couldnt tell the difference between stating some in a literal way, or in a similar way.
That’s pretty stupid even tho it was pretty obvious.

You mean @CHUCK_YT’s channel?

Yo Chuck, Fantasma wants you for something on your channel.

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Also @YautjaSymbiote I want you to read the useless bitching in this thread, and really reflect on the fact that you caused it to spread to here.

The end is nigh


Why doh

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eat my shorts

I don’t know, ask @Guecha_Ikal_Tupad

Eat a dick