Jungle hunter

It’s NOT gunna happen ‘87 Jungle Hunter was a preorder exclusive — at least anytime soon.

The point of preordering was to support the game pre-launch and to get ‘87 Jungle Hunter and Ole Painless.

Sony announced preorder in 2019 and we had from Dec—April to get Jungle Hunter if we wanted it.

But everyone can get lucky, regardless of preorder status and find his bio-mask as a Mythical Drop.


I’d say keep playing PHG, stay positive, don’t be toxic and maybe it just might happen!

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No, absolutely not. If you didn’t take advantage of the promotion at the time, you missed out. Simple. There are still physical copies available on eBay, brand new, that include the pre-order extras. If anyone wants it that bad, that’s the only option.

I didn’t pre-order. I missed out. I’d love to have it, but you can still get the 87 Mask in Field Lockers which is a fair compromise.

It would feel wrong and unfair to those who have supported the game since pre-launch and secured the pre-order exclusives if suddenly everyone could just get it. It’s never going to happen, and we need to accept that.

Exactly. And the Elder Mask is near identical to the 87 Mask. Illfonic have been fair, they gave ALL of us the Elder Predator for FREE. Be grateful, but respectful to those who pre-ordered and accept what you have.

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Wait…this is an old thread? Sighs

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hey i pre order it back in 2019 but it didnt give me the jungle hunter skin 87 for the ps4 can i have it back on my ps4


Fucking how many times do I have to say this, EITHER BUY THE DAMN HUNTER PACK TO GET CAPTURED PREDATOR OR LEVEL UP TO GET ELDER CLASS, THERES NO FUCKING DIFFERENCE!…except Jungle Hunter has a necklace but it’s basic compared to Elder and captured doesn’t even have one, probably because he was CAPTURED (lol see what I did there?) Lol and that the super preds took it

Another one of these huh?
