Jungle Hunter should be obtainable

I mean, they kind of did that when Alpha launched.

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That would be cool

Maybe get a weapon that comes with it or something like that

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jungle hunter free now

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Getting really sick of seeing this topic reappear time and time again. Here’s what I think, and this isn’t me defending my “pre-order ego”, especially for a basically dead game.

If we turned the clocks back a decade ago I would be more understanding. Digital downloads for console downright sucked, on PS3 downloading big games took forever and came with alot of performance issues compared to a physical copy, and I heard Xbox was similar as well. So if you wanted to pre-order a game you’d have to do it through your local video game store such as GameStop, which involved waiting in long ass lines with popular upcoming games, and if the store sold out of that game before you could pre-order you were shit out of luck.

However nowadays its gotten a helluva lot easier to do so, digital downloads on consoles are as smooth as PC. No more buying through stores or waiting for re-stocks, and the biggest improvement is that if you’ve linked your console to your phone with the corresponding app, you can straight up pre-order and buy digital games with a tap on your phone.

With that in mind, all you guys saying that you didn’t get a chance to pre-order or didn’t know about it…shut up…seriously…just shut the fuck up.
When this game was announced for pre-order, on social media and the playstation store mind you, there was a four month period to pre-order until release. With a one month trial for the game being advertised as well. You’re seriously telling me that in four months, with the current technology we have and the ability to buy digital games with literally any electronic device with internet, that you didn’t have a chance to pre-order? Sure, justify that other then saying you were too lazy to do it or too dumb to glance on social media to see it.

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Captured > Jungle Hunter

Change my mind

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Imagine getting captured & strung up in some guys backyard and needing to be rescued by humans

His clan didn’t come for him when he literally got kidnapped.

like every other pred except JH he failed at kys

also his necklace game is weak

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Quite simply, Urinate off, if you please. Just use the Captured pred with the Elder mask and shaddup!!


Stop it just stop it, asking for that now would be the apocalypse for this game, we would buy dlc then after all the purchases they will shut this game down out of spite

Superior drip


Captured=poverty jungle hunter

yes plisssssssss

No. You should of Pre-ordered.


he is exclusive


You have captured get over it.

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Oh God is that dog okay?