Just Suggestions

yes this would be fine too i’m sick of the coolest looking class being obj the worst class in the game for FT


I know. I’ve had people message me on Reddit about Dutch 25 builds and all I can think to myself is, “a different class could always do any Dutch 25 build better.”

I really like your predator gear suggestions.

There are a couple other ideas I have that conflict with your ideas, but I’ll have to save those for tomorrow.

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added a few more ideas and cleaned up the post abit so it’s easier on the eyes and added a poll since those tend to be popular

damn i’m at 50 edits already


Your an idiot but I agree with you

Why didn’t you seperate these in the poll

cause i’m not great at posts remember the mess of text “how to be good” was?


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This really only affects idiots and I say let them be idiots

Remove the revive speed

Allow FM to restore about 25 health to a FT member with a 20 second cooldown and a lengthy animation

Combine them with the heat gadget

Have a special model with the two of them welded together with some blue and red wiring running between them

Make them cost four but you have four

That’s a nerf

It’s much easier for the FT to destroy them do to covering fire, hitscan weapons, and a first person view

That’s all guns

We’ll have to add something to the other guns, barring the hammerhead, that makes them special to counterbalance this but ya

A. Ones darker

B. Have crimson be purple? That makes no sense

1Cause even though they are idiots doesn’t mean they should be allowed to perform badly cause their dumb when it can be solved

2as in when they revive? or just as a standalone ability if it’s an ability fine but i still think the revive hp is better suppose i’ll add to the list it anyway

3this would be fine i’ll add it to the list as an alternative

4 it’s compromise since people would be compelled to take them over beartraps since their gear now

5and it would be easyfor predator to destroy the ft ones due to aoe leaping jumping and also cover fire

6fair enough


8we don’t have a flat purple shader and i like the color purple and the olive shader is black on some predators not every name illfonic does makes sense and cleos bronze mask is purple
i don’t care if one is darker i don’t’ care about 2 slightly different reds just give us a slider for how dark/light we want it


They’re stupidity is they’re own fault

Let them suffer for it

We shouldn’t be coddling these types of players

As a standalone

Basically every twenty seconds you can interact with a raised FT to heal a small amount of health

Even as they are they’re worse than bear traps

The amount of tether time you get is very minimal which means you can really only use your wrist blades with them, which in itself is aweful damage and can easily be outdps by any FT nearby.

Sure it takes up a weapon slot but when the most popular weapon is the plasma caster that means very little

But now you’re adding a gear cost?

IDK why people are so obsessed with making it a gear item

A. Pred doesn’t have cover fire

B. If he does the AOE leap he’s dead

No cloak

No energy

And animation locked for longer than it takes for a single FT to kill him

C. It’s harder for Pred to find them

D. FT could have up to 24 of them without prepper

E. Information is way more important for FT than Pred with how much tools Pred has for information, not counting his superior mobility which makes finding FT much easier

Since we’re adding ideas in let me add my ideas

And go ahead and tweek within the quote system to make them cleaner

  1. Pred needs the ability to wield two weapons at once

There would be weapons/gadgets tied to the right hand and to the left hand

The right hand would have equipment that is used with just R2/M1

While the left hand equipment would be anything using with L2/M2 to aim

Anything that uses both would be considered two handed

This would allow predator to combo gear such as the net gun, or potential smoke nades, with actual melee weapons like the elder sword

  1. A predator sniper rifle with a long wind up to prevent quick scoping and has a very heavy zoom, but it can one tap.

This weapon would essentially turn the game into hide and seek from a Pred in a very high vantage point

  1. Fan service skins

But only for men because I’m not a simp and seek not for lust

Thank me later woman of PHG :p


  1. A.I builds

Add A.I dogs for pred as a gadget

Add a predator that has passives buffing friendly dogs, a weapon with synergy with dogs, and perks that work with dogs

Also have a commando FT, with the ability to summon A.I with a heli drop, and also give the new class a passive to buff friendly A.I and perks to synergies with it

Also add a way to command them

  1. A spear gadget

When you hit a FT member with it, it disables they’re guns and they’re pulled directly to you, you still have free movement during the pull allowing you to reposting behind cover so you can melee the FT safely.

The counter play would be another FT rescuing them.

LMS would still be able to use they’re guns

  1. Rework the custom loadouts

A lot of people want limits on class selection so let’s give it to them

You can only have one custom class of each class, and when you enter a match you then choose your class with no default class

  1. AOE jump shouldn’t lock you in an animation afterwords

  2. Weapons should add cosmetics to your predator

Equiping the bow should add a quiver

Equiping the elder sword should add a sheath

  1. Melon shaders

  2. Templar skins and predator class (hunter-esque stats)

I think tracker in itself is fine, it’s the stack with Recon that’s the issue. Make it non stackable or give recon another passive.

Prefer the cancel rather than medic affecting it. I think medic should also by itself include 1 more heal.

Reduce the noise but not eliminate it completely. A scout disciplined with this would be ungodly.

If they want a target Isolation based spec/buff…make pigs permanently marked when spotted for target iso. So all pred as to do is flick thermal and see pigs.

I’d rather see them drop all damage based perks first. Than play with specs at this point.

Why not split this. Remove it as a specialization and make it 2 perks. 1 for near instant revive speed at normal revive health. 1 for regular revive speed but stacked health. Give Dante and Support new/different specializations.

I’ll pause here and continue later since it’s a lot and it’s early. @SkooLBoY_SkePtiK penny for your thoughts too.

Without that stack, what is recon?

Now that scout’s Damage passive works, scout is going to be super strong, especially compared to recon.

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Like I said, another passive. Say Izzy’s ranged damage buff?

Add kopesh elder sword skin

Add alpha Predators bone spear/disc

Add broadsword katana skin

Add exploding smart disc

Add dual wrist blades

Add unique stealth kill animations for the trophy weapons

@OldKingHamlet @Wil @Courier

1 fuck that we should help them

2well it’s on the list

3 fast hands exist and they are better than BT because they are more consistent against good player BTs do not arm but for a net gun you can just shoot them stopping them for 2secomds

4 do you play this game? Predator does have cover fire I’m talking about plasma caster lol it really isn’t hard to find them you just look at buildings cool

Then they would have the same passives.

1 that may be true but I can’t see removing either of them from the game or preventing them from stacking when all other perks/specs/passives do

2idk man medic is already one of the best perks I’d rather not let it also give another medkit

3 people want a stealth improvement other than scout disc and they are clearly ok with perks/passives/specs that ignore mechanics entirely

4 this should be a perk so you could use it instead of a medkit trading a perk for a year would be an interesting gameplay decision I’ll add it to the list

Same but I don’t know what they will or won’t take from said list

6i don’t have any ideas for this so it’s easier to just nerf it I’ll think about it


Hmm, maybe a passive like auto spot map items in FOV then or something.

I just think that’s a little too much though. At that point you’ve got a 100% silent pred…that just feels a bridge too far for me.

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I do think Disciplined should be a universal specialization.

Predator Scout should have a specialization for 10% increased sprint and Predkour speed.

There should be a perk for quieter sprinting/landing with the intensity set to silent beyond 30m and half volume at point blank. Not overpowered but useful enough to approach silently and leap into the action or attack with stealth from range.

What do you think, @KameofWar?

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