Kenobi TV Show

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It was also vastly agreed back people deserved to be slaves back in the old days.

Popular opinion has no dictation on reality.

Further more a story is just a way for the author to communicate an idea. You can’t say that idea is different from the idea intended.

That’s like saying this


Because I twisted your idea to mean something other than what you said.

The good ol days


How come when I try to quote you and it doesn’t work? And it’s irrelevant to use the popularity of slaves because it would be against it, why do you think we had a civil war? Obviously not the popular opinion or there wouldn’t be a war And actually I can because if you saw the original trilogy then Disney, it instead copy paste ideas and characters in their trilogy as I stated above with another colleague on here because Disney spin is that Rey is better and every Jedi like obi and luke are both miserable hermits and failed as Jedi, because they are men because Kathy is a feminist and believes the force is a women, which is slang for God is a woman changing the natural order of things

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The original grifter

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Wow…. What a finale, definitely got me to cry some tears of joy…… series started off iffy but turned good at the end

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Thanks for staying on topic

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Finale was very good. Whole show I give a 7.8 out of 10. Moses Ingrham isn’t the best actress, but her arc and backstory were very interesting. Some of the shots from ep. 5, namely the fighting in the caves was a bit off, like how only maybe 2 refugees got hit. I know stormtroopers can’t see shit, but with that many, the law of averages suggests at least a dozen casualties. And little Leia and the super slow speed chases. Lt. Dan couldve caught her. Shouldve had her slip into a drain pipe or vent, like Newt in Aliens if they insisted on chases with a kid. Any time Vader was on screen, the show was great. Evan McGregor never disappoints. Over all, very good. I don’t think a second season involving Vader or Leia is necessary. But another focusing on Luke, sure. Gimme.

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This show sucked major fucking ass , the finale was great? Did you watch it through tinted glasses?

It made no sense to the movies Canon and the acting was terrible . Leia is a child warrior and luke is a special needs kid .

It was shockingly bad and a stain on anything before episodes 7-9.



Though I agree with you let’s hope season 2 is better

I cant tell if you are being optimistic or nieve? Everything disney touches turns to shit these days

Don’t worry guys “insert star wars show” gets better after season 3


Its like they always say , “every great show takes 2 or 3 seasons to get good”.

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This serie had a lot of problems, many episodes were hard to watch,
but that last episode actually got me…
it has the same problems as the others (bad direction, choreography, etc) but that fight scene, and the dialogue between Anakin/Vader and Obi… did a very good job.

After that closure I say that for me the truth is that it’s not a shitty series that ruins canon, nor even a great series that add something new:
it’s barely a decent product, watchable, mostly for who already knows Star Wars, but which could have been realised far better.

Stockholm syndrome. Star wars fans realize they’ll never get the old days back and simply accept Disney’s conditioning, rationalizing a bad show because it’s all they’ll get anymore. It’s best to just eat shit and smile than walk away and move on.

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Where the hell did our messages go?😄

@REYNOSO_FUA11 took them.

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Hey I picked this name long before Kass was moved to janitorial duties, ya snooze ya looze

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