Kids don’t belong in a mature game


I was meaning bunny hopping in the sense of a human jumping up and down constantly in video games to avoid taking fire. THAT doesn’t happen in real life.


Iam just sarcastic dude no offense. But it looks really funny…

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I see what you mean about the predator’s long leaps, though.

Did the predators long leap in and immediately long leap out in any of the movies?

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Maybe in predator 2 but iam not sure…leaping predator looks even funnier

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If they did it was offscreen and cloaked so you couldn’t really tell HOW they moved and got around so fast. It was implied but not shown.

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Seems to me like you and your team are bad and feel the need to yell at a little kid because he was beating you. You should all probably stop playing this game.





Yeah but I literally challenged him and he refused even though I was separated


Technically us because there were two alive

Listen, he wasn’t beating us, he was literally taunting us and saying we were bad when we kept putting him in second wind. So don’t call me bad.

Kind of was from a certain point of view.

Really? A meme, how original. I’m not being salty, I’m just mad that a kid literally tainted us even though we did a lot of damage on him than he did on us.

Never though of it that way

Chuck, it has more to do with you screaming back at the kid. You don’t need to sink to others level.


Yeah I guess ur right, thanks man

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No worries, welcome to the community.

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Little kid got your goat, Chuck.


Lol who exactly are u to decide whether or not who should play the game ?
Btw remember me asshole u made empty threats to me about fighting in real life
Took me a long time to find you though
Now are u ready to meet up and kill each other or are u gonna shoot empty threats out of ur moms ass ?

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