Kids don’t belong in a mature game

It’s a free country. Some would say only children should play video games. Some would say violent videos games shouldn’t be made.

Star wars battlefront 2 had many problems and isn’t considered a good shooter, but I just realised that they did an actual good job at preventing bunny hopping. If you start bunny hopping, your movement speed starts to slow down for a short duration, so if you’d continue to hop around, you’ll move at the speed of a snail wich makes you even easier to hit.

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Another thing I’d like to see is accuracy reduced to almost zero while moving at all.

Bro i was talking about that Idek dude
he threatened to kill me so i m still waiting for him to reply
now hes made his profile hidden and hiding like a pussy

Maybe he’s on vacation.

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it just shows how strong FT is… your saying it yourself… you strong boy you strong… thanks for the justification for a nerf.

Sorry can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic. OP was in a premade against what he believes is a less then 10 year old Pred and lost. So how does that prove that FT is overpowered?

Now, I’m not saying FT isn’t overpowered I just don’t see this thread about a premade FT team losing to a Pred is proof of FT being over powered or a justification for a FT nerf. I think there is valid proof in other threads and videos but not here.

Then again maybe you’re joking and it went over my head.

In a way… sounds like the pred knew his skill level wasnt up to the task which in turn made him troll. Either way its funny how a kid trolled a FT

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I’m not sure he didn’t know his skill level was up to the task but I do agree it is funny to think the kid might have trolled them. lol

Edit: I don’t really support trolling nor do I necessarily bemoan it depending on what’s done.