Kinda feel that Support should get less over all use of their gears

Yeah but see michael myers can be spotted just by turning your damn head lol. Hes blatant af.

Pred on the other hand has all the tools he needs. They just need to be stronger. Invisibility. Range. Melee. Traps. Ofc it depends on the pred. But theres no limit to the tools he wields

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Maybe thats the problem theres not enough options for him in a fight whatt if they made one item ment and built for each problem that might come up

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In my super post I go through all the pred weapons and even some gear and give some ideas to make them all usefull, as well as more role specific. But in truth you should be able to get by with just wrist blades and shoulder cannon. Everything else is really utility.

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maybe i should read it but sigh i hate reading ( i sound like im 5 but COME ON READING SUCKS OK, s-shut up!)

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This reads like someone that got wrecked by Support and ain’t happy about it rather than some valid points regarding it being OP. 🤔

How so? the fire team by default ( as the support) gets 175 hp the spear ( through my testing) deals roughly 35-45hp a hit but i’d say its closer to 35 anyways that means i have to hit someone with the spear right around 5-6 times sounds fair but when we point out that after the predator gets his 4th hit in he has to wait inbetween hits so over all ttk is like 5 seconds thats form starting to hit em and lastly claiming them and moving again thats ALOT of time to shot at him and with most of the weapons for the fire team that normaly means death.

NOW if we add the 25HP points form thick skin that brings it up to 200Hp witch adds one more hit to it for 7 hits to down a guy little much

that in it self wouldnt be much of an issue if the predator could come in and deal some quick dmg and dip and come back later but as is. you deal dmg get say 4 hits in and leave he uses a needle boom you need to go in and hit him 7 times again and he can pack 8 heals for him self witch is a bit much if im being honest so attack and run isnt a good idea with the predator unless you can kill one in the attack other wise it was pointless might as well be shaking his hand.

I’m a pred main and I don’t agree with nerfing that class lol