Lazy Thoughts On Clash, and what is needed very soon. (FINAL FOR NOW)

I could see that. Yeah I dont mind quick rounds, but there absolutely has to be rounds for a gamemode like that.

I feel the jank too. FPS isnt such an issue for me but I cant imagine what a nightmare it is when you are playing. I kind of expected to feel the jank, its been an issue for a while, but its not really an issue when all you are aiming at is really shitty AI and predator who cant spray back. Now with this FTvFT shit its time to refine the gunplay, because it does feel a bit like a bootleg COD right now.

I can agree with the gunplay is lacking something. I played scout all night last night. Gear was nade, smoke and flashbang. Perks Thick skin, Dbltime and iron lungs. I was ending games with 19 20 kills. Speed kills in this game.

The whole point of this mode is to get to the obj first and hold it. I played with so many randoms last night that never got close to it. Im pretty sure it 1 point per second per ft player near the computer. I think pred is 5 but im not sure.

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PC is much better now, played a few matches yesterday on clash and got me 20+ kills mainly with it on hunt itā€™s pretty good too. I agree that the any new mode should be teamwork focused but this mode is more for casual players it seem. Donā€™t get me wrong I do enjoy it but at the moment it definitely needs some work.

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Good to know. Ive been doing alot of flanking rather than running straight for OBJ. That probably has a lot to do with my team getting slaughtered tonight, as while flanking can be really strong, not so much when the whole team is trying to do it lmao. Good observation.

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Cloack should be reduce in close/middle range. They made it more stealth for snipers. But itā€™s too much now, you just run close range and no one can see you. Maybe a little reduction of cloack invisibility from close range should be implemented. @OldKingHamlet
Also agreed with punishment for quitters.

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Thats exactly what I was thinking. Even 5 feet in front of me I can barely see pred moving and thats really absurd.

So cloak is too good now?

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Also I think , talking with friends after an entire evening of playing clash, that maybe starting the game with a Predator that change every death could be better. Because right you may have no chance to play pred even once in 5 games.

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Yep, unskilled I would say.

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They could just made a straight up tdm, no need to capture the objective.
Instead of a full map just limit it to certain parts of the maps.

Also new cloak sounds good.
Like it should be.


Ew you enjoy it?

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What do you mean by unskilled sorry Iā€™m dense?

It seems a bit much as far as ive seen tonight.

Yeah I still havent played pred a single time in clash tonight.

I think the objective is really designed to work with the pred system they have. it also gets the teams moving to different locales in each map. Though Im definitely not opposed to a straight out TDM.


He means that its so strong now that it requires no skill to maintain stealth anymore, as its very difficult to track pred even with sound.

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Damn, I mean that helps new comers then, Zerk is still trash though I didnt realize he couldnā€™t leap in second wind.

lol I mean his leap is no better than a normal jump so no surprise XD

all preds can leap in second wind though if im not mistaken. That was added on the third month in I believe.

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Shit I was playing zerk last night and I had full stamina and I couldnā€™t leap cost me the game probably a bug.

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Yup but I mostly run Alpha and Elder now love the stats changes, though in Clash Alpha is super squishy.

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Look ima test out the new cloak if my buddy joins up, il be the judge of cloak being good, or too hard to see.

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