Lazy Thoughts On Clash, and what is needed very soon. (FINAL FOR NOW)

Test at different ranges and different movement speeds at each range.

also ty bb

How dare you say nerf pred.

You sicken me.


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I can help you test if your buddy cant Im free all day.

You on right now?

I can be just need to turn on my ps4.


Ya fucking PMC asshole!

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What’s your psn?


Glad to hear that you’re into this mode and want it to be better instead of dismissing it 😃


Yep, Might not be what everyone wanted, but its what we got. Besides I do think it can be really good. It just needs to be ironed out a bit.


It’s too much invisible at close range, at middle you are completely invisible even while moving (you read well, middle, not long) and you wont get punished because of a bad positioning now.

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After testing with @TheETgamer
Can confirm that pred is completely invis at 40 or 45 meters, which is indeed too much.

This is while cloaked and moving around.

I feel the range to easily see pred should be extended to at least 115 meters, or 125 meters.

But right now its ridiculous.


I thought as much.

thx for testing guys.


Agreed, 125/150 would be ok


I think I would be okay with that too.

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Fire second question. Did the cloak when it was visible seem harder to see to you? Like I said Ive been having issues seeing a pred running five feet in front of me, let alone 45m away

Yes, but I didn’t find it too bad.

Maybe not when thats all you are focusing on, but in the midst of the chaos of a firefight that difference in visibility at point blank seems to be actually really bad. Still, thanks for the info. Im glad to know my observations arent bootycheeks without testing lol

So you can actually strike fear into fireteam?

Need a predator to look for I’ll join you my mic dosen’t work but I’ll hear you