Lazy Thoughts On Clash, and what is needed very soon. (FINAL FOR NOW)


I think Ive finished with this post so you can look it over now if you have the time. Its mostly QOL Changes and a bit of my own opinion about potential balance issues. We still have about a month before the meta’s are really truly sorted out, but I felt this is worth keeping in your pocket for now. Have a good one.

Do you have any footage of this? We tested in hunt yestarday and cloak is only improved on distance, from close range is still the same. Mayby that was a one of glitch?

No I dont. But @Fire Tested it and says at about 45 meters pred is full invis at full movement. He also stated that the cloak seems harder to see when it is visible, at close range.

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Fuck FT!!


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Well that would explain why I couldn’t see the pred in a match yesterday at all on the new map until he got in melee range. Like I would see the leaves rustling from the trees but nothing moving on them.

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Yep. It seems like they made the cloak too good.

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Never anything in the middle always two ends of the extremes, story of my life.

Sounds about right


youre no moderator, calling for bans is against the forum rules.

Also can you please delete the image of my posting activities? I dont think its that important to be posted here publically? Also thanks, I juat changed the settings because this is seriously weird of you. Are you okay?


I just looked over the forum rules but didnt see that rule. Besides, ive called for them (to some extent) maybe 2 or 3 times, and the people I showed got banned. If you need to be banned, you will be. I just point them in the right direction when I see something crazy.

Literally anyone can look at your profile and see that. It was in fact relevant because you have done little but target me in your last few times online.