Old rework post, ignore. (Fresh post linked)

Good guide with the good vision… But too much error of equilibre

Please explain?

There are lots of things like the fact that the team respawn with 20% hp … The predator just has to make a smach jump to kill everyone

We can make a call on Skype or discord… I have a lot of thing I want say you…

Sorry but I’d prefer to keep it in the forums.

The 20%hp revive is from a self reviving gear item. This mean that in a second a fireteam membwr that pred has downed can be back up and fighting. So yes, a 20% health on revive from that, is warranted.

May be we playing different games.
But I want to tell you that they are already pretty good at killing a predator together in the middle to long range, what kind of reduction in HP are you talking about? Do you want him to fall dead after the first bullet? I don’t know how you play there, but

Why he would do this if this happens

and this

and this

Everybody in this game wants to kill Predator ALREADY. Giving them more time, Veritanium, weakining the Predator and complicating missions you turn this game into Hunt for Predator Literally! Especially reducing HP for Scout and Hunter. Very nice! Now I won’t breathe freely when the premade team flies away in their helicopter, because they will be able to search for me endlessly! So I forced to die anyway? I ain’t wanna play this game!

Predator needs to be stealthier. And that’s all. No HP nerfs for Predator, I playing Hunter only and got a lot of damage for 2-3 secs to SW. Or call this crap Counter-Strike add Deathmatch and stop fooling the customers.

Alright @meowera lets get into this

Yes, you can kill a predator with your fireteam, but I think that the ability for a single fireteam member to stand a chance against predator really is important. only the berzerker should be able to tank the fireteam and even he should be squishy.

Lmgs are insanely overpowered right now, as are quite a few FT weapons. Hence why i wouldnt call the game balanced right now.

He would destroy the extraction copter because if he doesnt he loses. Its a last ditch effort to try and secure the win, but it requires a sacrifice of his most powerful tool

Medical/ammo drops are so scarce now, that its very difficult to survive a pub match as FT unless you bring along both meds and ammo for the team, as most people dont, and expect their teamates to. That will help pubs basically

Veritanium being found by fireteam being kept is to incentivise solo players to continue playing as FT. The extra veritanium on a predator kill is a great reward for actually killing the big bad which will be much harder to do as the new changes take effect.

The stealth of the scout/hunter will be exceptional enough that you should be able to maintain endless invisibility, as the have higher energy. They also have longer jumps so they can reposition well.
On top of that, predators noises will no longer be directional.

So unless you ATTACK the fireteam and give away your postion, you will have very little to no trouble hiding from them if they try to hunt you.

Also keep in mind FT no longer have reinforcements. so sure they can hunt you down, but if they die thats it, they are out of the match.

It’s long over due I read this, but I’ve played enough to the point where I should give my thoughts on this

I dont think not having a time limit is good, as sometimes an ft will hide in one spot. I know you’ve mentioned a more stealth based game, so youd get a few ppl who would just load in to hide and see how long they can do so.

I no longer think reinforcement should be removed, but if this is done, it would have to change up the game completely. Which it seems like it’s the point of your post. But I love killing the ft twice.

Ok. So. Destroying the chopper should just kill ft. If it doesn’t, then HELL NO, that should not destroy the cannon.
Also unless the chopper is pretty noticeable, I’m not too big on not seeing extraction symbol pop up.

Everything in ft objective sounded good, but I’d add a hostage rescue.

The npc’s shouldn’t be that easy to kill unless they rework the a.i. completely and make them a lot smarter and deadlier. Because your changes would cause the ft to clear a camp in seconds. I mean like a fully alerted camp.

I personally like how much damage the npc’s can take.
I do like the idea of patrols, but as for your wave idea, I’d say more heavy armor troops all around. Only 2 fior the 4th wave is not enough. Start them at wave 2, or 3. But increase the amount by 10 or 15. Waves should have at least 20 ppl, max 35 or 40. So ft is forced to to bring in a full support player. Medkits, ammo.

No class should be able to outrun pred.

I dont think that many changes need to happen to guns, if they change guns to projectiles instead of hit scan. I think that would help alot with balance.

Even though it would only bring them up with 20% hp, I dont think any class should have self pickup.

I dont think pred cloak should be visible if they stand still while shooting any ranged wep.

I like how the pred classes are now, lowering the stamina of scout would just be lame.
Also, I guess you hate the beserker cause what you said about him basically having the lowest amount energy, gear, be slower AND less resistance makes him sound useless. I already dont play zerk, but lol reading that just makes me think, like what would even be the point of it even being in the game?

Wait you want to remove pc splash damage? Jesus christ. No. Hell no. Unless you give the pred his movie lock on, but even then, hell no. I like how it is in game.

Dont agree with changing the attacks of the combi, but that would be cool to give it another stance, so it attacks with stab attacks, but I want different stances and effects for all weapons. Melee weapons anyway.

If bear traps can be destroyed, they will be useless.
No one really seems to think so, but I know if they can be destroyed there will be no point in using them.

Too many ppl like the slam clip damage. While I dont really slam often, like most matches I dont even use the slam, I know that if roof slam is removed, too many ppl will be unhappy. So Instead I’d say just lower roof slam damage.

Unless they give some really good, useful perks, I dont want damage/defense perks removed for either side.
A lot of the pred perks are useless at it is, and a lot of them should just be passives for some classes, like they just have them naturally.

Like scout should just have all the tree perks built in.
Besides, taking damage perks or defense perks, basically decreases your utility, which kinda balances itself out.

I personally dont understand ppl who complain about damage perks in games. Anyway perks need an overhaul anyway, because alot of perks, on the predator side are extremely underwhelming, to the point of uselessness.

I dont think all pred classes should have the same amount of perk points.

So. I do the like idea of a more stealth focused game. But I’ve come to really like what we have.

So if I’m completely honest, I can see all the changes you want better suited for a new game mode, focused more on way longer matches, and tactical gameplay. Which I would love to play.

So how does that sound?
Because my thoughts on your notes are based off our current game. Not a completely different game, which is what your notes are.

I hope that sounds good, because I believe making it a new game mode would help with our lact of content.

Also, since most ppl dont like long matches in games, I think keeping our current mode would be good for those players.

One last thing I’d like to add, I just thought of.
If theres going to be no reinforcement, how about a group of 10 ft then? Since it seems ft is going to be a lot weaker in this mode. That would also make it so there could be raid type mechanics for missions.

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Theres a few grammar errors let me fix it. I hate this phone. Ok so I fixed the really bad one. One of them I could barely understand what I wrote.

My phone man… loves to change a lot of what I type.

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You arent wrong, but at the same time, I dont really know what people are gonna expect to happen when they hide. The game will just never end and they will be sitting on their dick all day. So I dont think that will be too much of an issue, but even if it is, the mud deterioration should help prevent that, as there will be times where they are completely visible on thermal before they can mud up again

I didnt like the reinforcement removal idea at first, but with the FT being able to take down predator in a 1v1 if they play things right, I think its fair that predators kills should remain. There is another side to this which is good as well, which is that death as a fireteam member will likely lead to you leaving the match, which means there will be more population on Fireteam at any given time, because they will be constantly cycling into new matches, rather than being stuck in one till the end. So it will be healthier for the game moving forward

Destroying the chopper is a tough one, because on one hand, its a last ditch effort from predator, to try and salvage a botched match. As such, he should have to sacrifice the cannon. That being said, if the fireteam dies in the helicopter explosion, I think it will be too far easy to exploit that for wins. So the only way it would work is if the FT members that were already on the copter, simply fall out and take some fall damage

As for the chopper itself, The noise does need to be louder of the propellors, but also would be nice if it produced a noise indicator of some sort. Either way it should be able to be seen from anywhere on the map, as it comes in for pickup.

Hostage rescue for FT is a great idea, but I think I know why they didnt implement it (besides the piss poor ai) it would be too easy for pred to kill the hostage, and prevent the FT from completing that objective, which could result in some fail state of some sort. If they could figure it out I would be all for it though.

I agree, the AI is ass, but there is nothing more mindless imo than fighting enemies that take a ton of bullets to down even with headshots. Its just not fun fighting the enemies, and its even less fun killing them. having the accuracy and overall inteligence of them boosted would be great but tbh I dont expect much from the AI, I just want them to be less annoying to deal with.

Unfortunately from a development perspective having too many of them will cause server instability and such. That being said I agree my numbers are a little bit low, and I will relook at them soon.

Everyone seems to misunderstand the scout/recon outrunning pred. The idea is that they can outrun a pred when he is constantly spamming melee. And they can only do this for a short time because of the lower stamina.
This means that the squishier classes have a chance to avoid being hit for some time, whilst the beefier ones have to fight back.
However if any predator is sprinting/leaping/jumping, they will still be the faster of the two. Its just about giving the FT a chance to run.
And because of the stamina swap, you wont have scouts able to chase pred down while hes in second wind anymore.

Projectiles with the already janky fireteam weapons will cause only more jank I suspect.

That being said, ALOT of the fireteam weapons are very poorly balanced. The LMG is a good example of that. being able to mow down a berzerker as quickly as the LMG does is absurd. And other weapons are just useless like some of the pistols and stuff.

Self pickup could be usefull for a scout as they have low health already, and will help them stay in the match longer, however the support is gonna have to really consider that because he doesnt have the gear slots anymore to just blow on field syrettes. With the removal of reinforcement, I think this is fair.

As for the pred cloak, all range weapons except for the bow will distort the cloak for a short period. However! the bow will light up like it did pre 1.06 so it can still be seen when charged, but it wont break the camo.

Well truth be told, The scout would benefit far more from having access to bear traps and other utility. The zerker does not need that utility. The change had to be for both FT and pred so I had to work that one out. However, that being said, Scout will still be faster in bursts than zerk, he just wont be able to leap spam. And considering that the scout is a ranged predator, and with the new stealth changes, I find this to be very fair. Zerker will be able to dodge and weave in CQB more, whilst scout will still be able to reposition when attacking from range, but he wont be able to abuse it as he can now (scouts mobility right now is absurd, meanwhile zerker can barely swing a melee weapon after a leap, seems kinda backwards right?)

Yes, I want to remove the Plasma caster AOE splash. I want the shoulder cannon to be a skillshot weapon as it was before, and be a 1 shot down. However, removing the AOE splash will force you to be VERY precise with this.

To make up for that, the handheld plasma caster was converted to a AOE pred nade launcher, as well as some plasma grenades for gear items being suggested for pred. These things will help diversify the predators loadout, whilst giving use to arguably the worst gun in the game, and also strengthening the plasma caster again. Win, win, Win

I dont like the combi stick. and its never been because its “OP”. Its because it can do everything a melee weapon would want to do, It can hit multiple targets, it has absurd range, it can be thrown, and it does a hell of a lot of damage. So stripping away its multi target hit, would allow the elder sword to come in and be the multi target melee weapon (Which is good.) and then on top of that, The war club will take the current elder swords place as the single highest damage, but slowest attack speed and range. This gives purpose to all the melee weapons, it makes them special, which encourages pred players to diversify playstyle more.

I agree, but also I want bear traps to be retrievable. So imagine, you can only destroy a bear trap when it is active. However, if you set it off, and deactivate it, you can no longer destroy it, and predator can get it back. I think this makes it fair. (This is compounded by the sound reduction, so you have to actually eyeball the trap to destroy it, or have the perk that spots it automatically)

The plasma caster nade launcher and nades that I just talked about for the plasma caster point, will replace the roof slam, so it will require a little more skill to get some aoe in the building.

Damage/defense perks do nothing for tthis game but make it a pain in the ass to balance. on top of that, when they exist, you literally arent allowed to run anything else, because everyone else is running them, and to not run them puts you at a disadvantage.

That being said I agree fully that the perks, and this goes for both sides, are EXTREMELY underwhelming, and need a bit more creativity.

I dont not like what we have, but we could have so much better. turning this all into a seperate game mode isnt a bad idea, my problem is, is that this should have been the main game mode from the start. The game mode we have is more like a deathmatch than anything else, that you would use to test weapons quickly.

Im not opposed to making the FT bigger, to counter the reinforcement removal, but it would defeat the health of the game purpose to some extent, as well as making it much harder to get away with making pred 1v1able which is kind of the point.

However I am always of the mindset of a “predators” style 3v12 would be sick as fuck especially with the changes.

Thanks for the reply, I hope I was able to properly counter your points. However, feel free to continue with counterpoints if you have them. I love discussing.

Lol MORTAL KOMBAT but with words.
Nah im kidding.

Ok so. I’m not really to against most of what you’ve said.

However, I dont think the bow should light up when chraged. I feel that would make only non charged shots viable if you want to play stealthy.

That ones a minor thing, but idk.

While theres more things I want to cover, I reeeeally can’t agree with the pc not having splash. Like if it had no splash from the time it was released on ps4, I would maybe agree. But I’ve grown to used to it being a blast that if you took that away, I would consider pred useless.

I like how the handheld is. Could maybe use a bit more damage but idk. I’m not too interested in it.
For me pc is my main weapon.

And its because of the splash. I dont mind it not being a one shot.

So basically I’m against it, Because it’s been how it is for so long, I really don’t think changing it would be a good idea.
Plus it’s never easy to hit players with projectiles in any game.

The only fair compromise I feel would be make it have lock on but… as cool as that is in the movies, I dont want it.

Next would be the outrunning thing. I feel this would just be too much of a pain in the ass to deal with.
I dont agree at all with the term melee spam. Spam is really only in fighting games. Like hadoken spam.

It’s a combo. You would remove the whole point of having a combo. So a pred would land 1 hit, then the rest of his combo misses. What would be the point? Then only 1 hit would be viable and that seems lame.

I get ppl hate getting meleed to death on ft, but if ppl play as a team, stay aware, cover each other, ect, then the pred wont be able to rush you.

The combi stick just feels really good thats another one I don’t want changed. It’s the smoothest of all pred melee weps.
But I like things to be good in games. People always think something needs an obvious flaw or its over powered. Which I hate. Just look for a weakness. I know in this game that would be hard to do, but parry, plus how much damage ft can do seems to work really well vs melee. Also I never seem to utilize the multi hit of combi vs players, just a.i. like if you’re standing that close you should all get smacked.

In regards to the other melee weps, I feel every wep should get some kind of passive to make it feel unique.
Also I wouldnt want sword to be a multi hit wep.

If anything, a whip should be the multi hit wep.

I feel like I should say the way you described traps, the changes, I think I could live with that.

As for the perks, honestly for some of my playstyles, if I had really good perks to choose from, I can see myself running non damage perks.
Right now theres not too many better options.

But I also see them as needed for those who just want to do straight up damage without utility. But that comes from me liking crit type builds in games.
And just other types of damage too. But I’m also a huge fan of indirect fighting/ utility builds.

The stuff I didnt directly respond too is just stuff that I mostly agree and understand.

I’m not a huge fan of making big post xD. I just felt I should respond to this post given how much I play and wanted to give my honest thoughts/opinions.

The only other thing I could say is, only because of how long we’ve had the game be how it is, I really think your notes would be better suited for a new mode like I said earlier.

The way I can best describe it, is how smite has conquest, and arena.
Arena is a way quicker mode suited to those who dont like long matches.

Conquest typically takes 30 minutes, and is my favorite game mode.

Your changes would make matches last longer, and given our player base, I feel a pretty big amount of people dont want or dont feel they would have time to play a 30 minute match.

Plus I think it would make it harder for newer players to get practice. In matches that long, I dont think they could reflect on every thing that happened.

Given that these changes would require a lot more skill, casual players may not find it too appealing.

I however, would love to try it out. Play a few matches with your changes. Best way too actually see if you actually like something or not, is to try it lol.

In regards to what

Yeah Im on the fence about the bow. But right now its already extremely strong with stealth as is right now. I think that it lighting up, will make it more fair that pred can now reposition (albeit slowly) without breaking invisibility

Plasma caster change is really the same way I feel about combi stick.

It has infinite ammo

has aoe

has lots of damage

has really good range

I can understand how you feel about it, but I would much prefer that I get AOE out of a weapon that doesnt require me to reveal my position as much, while making the weapon that does require me to reveal myself a skillshot weapon. I think its a necessary change, and whilst I cant really argue it any further than I have, I understand where you are coming from. One of those things I think we will have to agree to disagree.

You and everyone else arent interested in the handheld because its really piss poor useless and completely outclassed by the plasma caster in every way already.

Hitting with projectiles is difficult for sure, but if you can pull it off it will be highly rewarding, and will put some skill into the plasma caster charged shots.
The lock on, while I agree would be sick, would be extremely cheap. Plus I dont like the idea of the game controlling my shots over me, as I gurantee ill be hitting them better than the game

Well heres the way I see it, First of all most FT members wont react fast enough to make proper use of running from pred. However as you know, Scout/recon are extremely squishy. So giving them a tool to entirely avoid getting hit, makes sense. Support on the other hand, is very beefy, so forcing a support to actually take the knife fight makes sense as well.

Combos are already pointless in a game where the FT can parry your attacks, as well as the fact that the locking on sucks ass. I dont like the idea of certain swings in the combo being so significantl stronger. Thats not to say that the combo doesnt look cool and should be removed, not at all. but I think the over reliance on it should be toned down, especially considering this isnt a mortal combat game, its a predator game, and while I dont expect my weapons to 1 shot ko the ft so easily, I also expect them to be more consistent among the swings in the combo.

I dont mind pred being so good at melee, it makes sense, but the FT needs options to counter it, beyond turning and just spraying him down playing the who kills who first game basically.

Once again, the combi stick does everything, plus the animations are extremely crisp. I wont disagree with that, but as I said, it outclasses the other melee weapons so severely that you will almost never see anything but the combi stick, (or now the elder sword but thats just because of its insanely buffed damage)

I dont mind some things being better than others, but everything needs to be at least viable before the game is considered balanced in my mind.

I originally had passives, but I am fairly certain that they would not be easy to do for the devs, so I tried to go a bit simpler than originally.

Alright, I am gonna go on a rant, but please dont take it as though its directed towards you

I am so fucking sick of every single multiplayer game being based around 1 or 2 really ultra fucking powerful things that you can do

For example, warframe. Its gotten so damn bad with warframe that the game actually EXPECTS you to exploit the shitty damage system, to fight higher level enemies

Every fucking multiplayer game these days, does this in some way. There is always a meta, and if you dont play like a fuck nugget, you will not win because every other player that plays will exploit it. Its especially bad on pc because you arent casual if you are on pc in most cases. So EVERY multiplayer game, devolves in to sweaty fucks exploiting the games stupid design choices, to win.

Thats why I want the damage/resistance perks removed.

Thats why i want the combi stick and plasma caster to stop being so fucking versatile.

I want to play the game the way I want to play it for fucking once, instead of exploiting the best equipment because the devs are too fucking lazy to fix their game.

(Not calling you out illfonic, Im speaking about all games these days)

The worst part, is that most of the playerbase for these games get off so fucking hard to exploiting the same shit everyone else is, and feeling so good that they won using the absolute fruitiest methods possible. Using the best weapons doesnt make you good, it just makes the game annoying to play.

My cherry for competitive multiplayer was CSGO. and the one thing that our community very rarely used was the Auto sniper. And for good reason, the thing is ultra stupid. Killing people with it didnt make you good. Just made you a piece of shit. I miss those days in gaming where the communities were so non toxic that they actually had an unspoken gentlemans agreement to never use the most stupid powerful shit that has no business in the game in the first place.

I miss the days where I felt good because I won in a fair fight, not because I killed someone by optimizing my build to do nothing but damage.

So all of my changes are always based around this bias. As im fed up with it.

Git gud these days means learn the exploits. Not actually git gud.

It used to mean get some fucking skill.

Now it means learn how to abuse the game systems as hard as possible to win. Because most games have systems that will carry the most skilless of players to victory, if they just play a certain way.

lol sorry for the rant. but it needed to be said for once

edit didnt see your last 2 paragraphs

I agree, we should have a shorter mode. But Most of these balance changes are gonna be across the modes. Still, I would love to see which of the modes, when put up against each other, has more players

I agree, on the meta thing. I hate that theres always metas.

Theres only been one game I’ve played that had no meta and had a really good pvp and pve, and damn near EVERTHING was viable.

But you seem to hate damage builds. I played the hell out of warframe and its damage system I cant consider the damage system shit.
It’s just a basic system like every game. And honestly you can do separate builds in wf depending on the wep or frame.

Besides unless your doing some extreme farming, you never really fight anything over 50. And lv 50 and less are a joke. In wf.

The combi I only consider versatile cause you can throw it. But the only reason I prefer the combi is because it’s the only weapon that feels extremely smooth.

All the others feel stiff.
But I dont really think the combi THAT good.
Not like you make it seem.

Sword and even claws work just as good as combi.

But hearing your rant, I agree with the meta thing, but not the damage system thing at all.

The game I played where there was no meta, made everything work because it all had a purpose.
There was at least 2 ways to play any sub class.

The only way I can see this game being like that is adding unique bonuses and effects to each weapon.

Such as bleeding to the sword and ect. And different stances, so it could fit more people’s play styles. I know this wouldnt too easy to implement, but it’s the only way I could see people wanting to use different things.

Cause I can promise you this. If they made each weapon be the way I just explained and feel as smooth as the combi, then I would need way more loadout slots xD.

It’s a shame we cant agree on the pc or combi tho.
Cause I only see them as good, not super good or op.

lol I wasnt yelling at you, just venting a gamer fury

Not at higher levels. At higher levels it devolves into

Is your weapon slash based? Build viral

Is your weapon anything else based? Build corrossive.

And its not just that, with the addition of the multishot mods and stuff

I now have to waste

15 mod slots on serration

14 mod slots on multishot

8 mod slots on vigilante armaments.

Great that leaves a lot of room for “Build diversity” :P

You are correct though most of the content in wf doesnt require you to create such ultra lame builds. But A lot of the content still does so the point stands

The combistick was really kinda op pre 1.06 so I understand why people were so upset. and in the right hands it can still devastate a team too easily

But thats besides the point. The issue for me isnt that the combi stick is too good. Its that everything else is pretty ass. The elder sword does the most damage but god it has the worst attack animation imo. The wrist blades can be used with all the ranged weapons so I have no problem with them being weaker.

Aside from the handheld plasma, the ranged weapons are good rn. theres good diversity with them.

But with melee the war club is still ass, as well as the elder sword. Plus we have the alpha sickle coming next month so who knows how that one is gonna fit in.

That was the point of all my changes tho fire! lol! To give every weapon purpose.

Thats why I would argue that stripping the aoe from the combi and the plasma caster is so important, because it gives the other weapons a chance to have purpose.

I am absolutely not opposed to stances/bleeding style effects with melee. But as you said, it would be difficult for them to implement so I dont expect it.

Personally I think all of the melee weapons other than the combi need to be smoother with their animations, i wont disagree with you there.

Like I said, I dont think that they are super good or op despite my rant, but because they are so versatile they dont leave any room for the other weapons on pred to shine, and as such, they create the same kind of environment as having a super op weapon outclass everything.


one more thing. The beauty is, is that the weapons being as they are now, doesnt force you to play a certain way as predator.

However, the fact that most predators will use these weapons, forces the fireteam to always play a certain way. And I think thats why alot of the FT mains call for nerfs, which I dont blame them for. but simply nerfing and buffing things wont fix the game. Its not the values that are killing the game, its the design choices.

My favorite video ever from summit1g explains how I feel on all the games all around these days, and really describes the biggest issue in the industry rn

Lol I knew you weren’t yelling at me, I just did that dramatic comedic effect. You dont neeed multi shot. You also dont neeed corrosive. xP.

All you need is Inaros xD.

The only thing I will say now, is if you take away my blast, il be depressed. That’s my main weapon.
And even a if the handheld got your changes you would ruin my main wep.

Yeah sure my aim is decent, but I would have no fun and just get too frustrated without my splash. None of the other weapons are a good enough replacement. So this means that yes, other weapons need a change, but idk man. I’ve gotten so used to it. To take it away now i would probably just quit.

I know it’s one thing but. I really dont feel it needs a change.
But I’m just repeating myself here lol.

I think its a case of you wont know till you try it.

Regardless change does have to come for all things. and it sucks but it is what it is.

Im not entirely happy with it either, but I didnt make the guide to make only me happy. I made the guide so that anyone could enjoy any thing in the game. sacrifices have to be made for that


thanks for finally reading tho man! It was good talking to you about it all.

Lol np. We’ll see what they do.

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@Lazycollinator I was thinking about people’s comments on Target Isolation. I don’t much care for it, I enjoy pre-prepping certain areas and stalking via Thermal, but I thought of this;

I do tend to sabotage main areas the FT fight in, and was thinking of an augmented Target Isolation - like an Asset Isolation. AoE Pulse in the immediate area maybe 50-100m radius from the Predator. All destructibles (Med-kits, Ammo Resupply, barrels etc) are highlighted for a small period of time in Thermal, helps lockdown an area for Pred in advance, aides trapping but can also let a Pred know the level of resupply if a battle is in an area the Pred hasn’t been in. This would be traded for Target Iso in a loadout or some such option. Also have you seen my post for reworked Lv. 100 rewards in General?