Lazy's Full Game Rework and Rebalance Guide (V1.2) Final

aliens were never cannon… it started as a spin off of comics and like batman vs alien… it was never supposed to take flight like it does now. Ripley the creator hates the universe. I can see why… it takes away from the horror and turns it into star wars rated r with b rated movie scenes.

As for your post thats a brand new game you can gladly make with 800 million dollars.

lets start with new maps, boss camps where predator and FT fight for a buff of somekind… a small buff…
maybe 2 v 6 so 6 FT can play vs 2 preds that have to work together.

Def diff maps on planets, redwoods, middle east, artic, mountains in Colorado area 51 where a predator has to gather his weapons around the map before he goes after the FT. People are potatoes and if any FT is good or above they will last longer than 5 min… Stop playing 4 scouts and recons and get some real weapons and dmg.

Okay technically @YUPPERS in my opinion adding ALIENS as AI/bots would be dope and not being able to play them, but rather the aliens would hunt both fireteam and predator if they have the chance…

Also the point here is not to make AVP remaster game in predator hunting grounds… Its technically still predator hunting grounds IF they go in antartic map to get to hunt the aliens and kill the queen, the AVP 2 is kinda an accident thingy for predators, so it would be hard to put it in a game as a mission…

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You exaggerating with the numbers or do you believe that’s the actual cost?

Except theres an alien skull in the second predator movie. Doesnt matter if the creators dont like it. It’s there.

I really don’t know but using the predator license, Arnold and advertising I am sure its not cheap. Voice acting etc.

I agree, they should and can implement the Aliens as BOTS and you can claim their trophy and stuff…

(ALIENS) ya they shouldn’t take much to kill them… but they should hit like a 50 cal sniper, or an ump dumping a full clip… I just dont know how they would deal with leap mechanics from predtor as he can use them to overwhelm the FT. Get what im saying

Eh i never said they should.

Just that it is canon.

They probably still need the rights for it and I doubt they do

They can also leap btw, they are more agile and flexible than predator, they can also totally be silent and you cant notice them until they pounce on you

they can just add aliens(not ALIENS) on different planets from comics, shouldnt be much for copyrights on that… if anything it promotes the comics

the predator is supposed to be the same… quiet and silent. And a berseker chopper in avp shrugs off pistol fire like a fly.

I forgot about that.

they should add ghost predator in the game after 13m if know body wins ghost comes in and mops the floor against everyone (LOL)

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Well i also think predator should be that type of killer hunter that his voice echoes and people run away from him and he just meets them there where they are running and BAM kill them and gut their spine… but meh they made him a bit more easier to kill due to small maps lol… i think if they add more game modes and bigger maps… its possible they can redesign him… AND it wouldnt be the first time devs redesign maps in their games… we can see Rainbow Six Siege…

Also the way i imagined this, in antartic map right, as predator and fireteam you can go in the nest and complete side objectives to earn more money or XP or bot… like first they start of as face huggers and impregnate the bots OR fireteam members and then the aliens are automatically going to reprocreate and their missions is to release the queen and if both fireteam or predator win or kill the queen earlier then its basically sudden match type of mission at the end…

@Lazycollinator Also we definitely need bigger and redesigned current maps and new maps… by bigger i mean like in real time u have to walk actual 5 min across the map or more… xD

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Lol 30-40% Decreased silencer dmg? uh no, then no one will play fire team and your pred times are just going to be in 20-30 min wait times.

Also ability to remove silencer during match.

Plus ft stealth heavily favors ft now as long as pred doesnt find them and screw it up.

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I like the ideas of using pistols when downed, bonus Veritanium awards with a successful exfil of Pred’s body, suppressors being attachable/detachable mid match, adding Claymores, and field syrettes being buffed to revive teammates/yourself when downed. But everything else is diving into such minute detail that this starts to read more like someone asking for their own personal preferences rather than changes that everyone will like. I would just let the devs check their backend data and determine how to change a lot of this stuff.

Also you can cook frag grenades. In fact they made it easier. You used to have to equip them from your weapon wheel then hold the fire button, but now you just hold your gear button down with grenades highlighted, and you’ll start cooking. Once thrown, you’ll immediately switch back to your currently equipped weapon.