LCBanana, Finesse, JCKRsomething, and another douchebag

Thanks bro. I figured you were all buddies and played privates together since I know you do that a lot and I’ve seen Blaze, Bending, and Cheeks in your videos/streams. That girl seems like a libtard SJW feminist that Cheeks would hate though considering his Rumble content. She’s used usernames like Trump4Prison2024, Joe Fuckin’ Biden, and obviously the Fascists username which I only hear libtards throw that “fascist” term around on the daily. Definitely strikes me as the exact feminist type that Cheeks rails against on his channel. I personally agree with Cheeks. People can hate me if they want for that. Idc

P.S. - You know what’s funny? I misspelled fascist as fac-ist at first, and it blocked me from posting saying fac-ist wasn’t allowed. Wtf is fac-ist? 🤣


Definitely seems like the feminist butch type. Unattractive. At least she’s getting taken down a notch because I hate girls like that

Some real white knight energy here. There’s no need anyway. I didn’t say shit about your buddy Blaze. And if Skadi or Finesse are your buddies, well then I don’t care because they swung first. Don’t know how you’re gonna defend that in good conscience. Talk shit get hit

Very against the idea of predators using ranged weapons such as the bow and combi

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Lmao, Blazeking is like a dog with down syndrome that we keep around

Gotta keep the women away from you, you’ll dry them out 😂😂


Yea skadi and him argue a lot but they seem to handle their differences

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So basically a potato since it’s always potatos that complain about that. “Come down and fight me you puzzy. I don’t play pussies” drops out - LateStryker

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lol whatever dude I make panties drop! Skadi is probably the type of girl that wears a one-piece swimsuit and has pink/blue hair anyway

F that I can’t stand next-gen girls. They call themselves “progressive” but going backwards isn’t progressive in my book lmao. 99% of these girls can barely make Kraft mac n cheese and would starve without UberEats. Not sure how going from useful to worthless is progressive. Betafemales

We should tell fireteam to stop spamming their guns

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And grenades, PDL, and anticloak nades. “Wow puzzy, takes a lot of skill to have to actively aim and guage the target lead amount to account for movement and projectile travel time when shooting me with your bow/pistol. Why don’t you come down here and left-click your mouse like a real man!”


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Says the guy that drops out at even the slightest of challenges

dude who the fuckl gives a shit about challenges?

what’s with the fucking dick measuring shit?

Why so many people here have such tiny dicks?

Is a video game. Is meant for entertainment and amusement.

If having a frustrating hard time trying to win is something that gets you hard, good for you. The vast majority of people just play to troll and have fun with friends.

Nobody’s gonna give you a medal for being good at this game. The very best players on this game are average on most other multiplayer games. And the average “good” player here is a potato on any other game (like me, for example.)

Bragging about how good you are at this game is like going to the track and brag about your civic when you are racing against a ford focus and a chevy bolt

What? I didn’t mean a challenge like “I challenge you to a match”. I mean that this guy came here talking trash saying I have small dick energy when I said nothing to him, yet he’s known to drop out of any match where there’s even 1 player on the team that’s going to give him a hard time. He even framed himself as “only a potato fryer” that will leave a lobby if it’s not going to be easy mode, so who is he to talk about small dick energy? That’s all I’m saying.

No where was I ‘bragging about how good I am’. The origin of this post was to call out exactly what you’re on about. The toxic players that rage when they don’t win and talk shit. Any other attack I made has been towards people attacking me first because the guys I’m calling out are their friends

boo hoo… toxic players said mean things to me, I must tell others…

seriously, who gives a fuck?

If you get triggered by their shit you are giving them exactly what they want.

Blaze couldn’t be more full of himself. Everyone knows it and all his “friends” (more like acquaintances) make fun of him whenever he brags. He can be annoying to the point that is better to lower his volume or mute him over discord (I had him muted for months because I couldn’t stand him talking but I still wanted to play with the rest).

Just ignore them.

You come here, you react, people trigger you, and you are giving them exactly what they want. Bet they are all literally laughing at everything you write in here because this is the internet dude, no one gives a fuck.


Bro, what are you on about? I never even said anything to Blaze, and he never said anything to me, so I don’t know why you’re mentioning him. Did you even read the thread before replying? Or are you just coming here unhinged with an axe to grind for some ulterior reason? Were you one of the guys that got beat and are pissed or something?

It’s really not that deep. “Don’t give them power” lol. I came here to rub the L in their faces for talking shit because like you said, a lot of people here pride themselves on their performance in this game. Clearly Finesse did with how pissed he got at having been beat in a pub by a rando. So I’m the one that’s laughing, but if you want to twist it into something else, then by all means you do you.

Your original reply referenced my reply to DISK. The dude tried saying I have small dick energy, and I simply rebutted by explaining how it’s actually him that has small disk energy, and I’m the one you decide to attack? Really? You’re the dude that would see someone get attacked in the street and defend themselves, then go up to the dude defending himself and be like “wtf’s your problem?” lol doesn’t seem off at all. Seems like you have some bias motives bro. Maybe just practice what you preach and mind your own business since that’s what you’re basically telling me to do. You got triggered at the thought of “dick measuring”. Why? Is your PHG game “tiny”?

Then you go off changing the subject and mentioning Blaze for who knows what reason. Your reply referenced my reply to DISK, not Blaze. If you’re going to open your mouth to tell other people to shut theirs, then at least keep it on topic instead of being unhinged and going off the charts. Just practice what you preach and mind your business. I beat these guys, they talked shit, so I rubbed it in. Done. Now leave it be.

I think you may be playing the game for the wrong reason


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What reason am I playing it for?

Nevermind, keep doing what you’re doing 👌🏻