Let’s learn from our mistake illfonic


My Team consists of freaking superhuman monsters who kill nearly every Pred, so I would love to be able to kill multiple ones in one match.
Saves us a lot of time. lmao

I’m serious, I would even like to play against 3 Preds, or 4, that would be insane.
An additional modifier for custom games would solve this pretty good.

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Two charged plasma shots can down the right fireteam member , I’m guessing that’s with downrange maybe equipped, even the splash damage eats you up

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They don’t have anything to lose by letting us have two hunters in custom hunt matches , the way the game runs sometimes I cant see how much worse it could be . With their response and the fact there is multiple preds in clash , it means its clearly possible, but I’m guessing they don’t want fireteam at a “disadvantage”? Its not like players would be forced to play the mode or maybe they don’t want the backlash over wait times getting worse for hunt ? You can’t make the player base play what you want . We put time and money into the product , we should be allowed to choose . Ufc 4 has that issue just now , if playing online ranked you can only play certain weight classes at certain times , like what the fuck , let people play how they want to play

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