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Every assault rifle except for first and mercenary can second wind the pred while quick claiming. The G-Row is the best cause it’s the same of AK but with better accuracy. But basically all assualt rifles are good after the patch, mercenary and M4 are still garbage in my opinion.


Trust me that missions are a joke right now, too safe, too fast, too easy because you have a lot of missions in which you have to stay in the same village for the entire time. More hp actually could be cool to make the game more skill based, they should nerf the fireteam sustain and fix the fucking pigs spawn.


What if the predator health and damage were like clash, 1.5x damage and 0.5x health, in hunt mode?

Personally, I think this would be fun to experiment with.

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Interesting! Thanks for the hint! We just compared damages of single weapons in a private match. The concept to compare a weapon bundle did not occur to me yet.

That’s really a cool idea… And the concept is so simple, that I am even a little ashamed of not getting it on my own…

Shoot once with a sniper rifle, switch immediately after that to an automatic weapon and consider the damage amount per time possible with that - compared to stronger weapons alike the GOSL (which I was using most of the time). Excellent, you made my day…

PS: this just makes sense, because reloading is much slower then changing weapons, right? Which, I think, is true for nearly all weapons…?


By the way, guys, we started this challenge also due to the question: “is FT overpowered yet”.

If you asked me before this post, I would have said: “for mid-rated: no - for top: I do not know”. Maybe this is due to a lack of knowledge - if you take the last post into account.

So, could you please tell us, which are the weapon bundles, which can do the most damage per time (if one need a special strategy of usage alike the aforementioned weapon switching after the first shot, please mention that too) - from your POV?

And if you do not use them often, why do you don’t use them?

Thanks in advance!

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Until now, I thought, the GOSL is the weapon, with the most “damage per time” - due to the fact, that it has a good damage in mid-range too.

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Thunder has published his match against Arrow and his team:

Well done, Bro! You played excellent, it is somehow depressing to see, that Arrow and his mates were able to hit you hard nevertheless.

When they did, I sometimes even wondered: where the f*** did that come from now?

This POV really gives us a better insight in how fast the predator health can be shot down by those guys, although the pred does not seem to do anything wrong - at least nothing obvious…

Thanks for publishing! Strong predator play!


We need to make the cloak less effective and nerf fireteam damage. This will allow:

  • noobs fireteam will play better because they will spot the Predator better

  • high level predator could finally match high level fireteam

  • close range fights will be finally viable (melee or not)

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I think, we have to differentiate between

  • PC and PS4
  • premades and randoms
  • top class and middle-rated

So, there even might not be a simple solution, which is fine for all cases.

But, when I look at the games of your team, my impression was, the main difference between you and me is the distance in which we are effektiv.

Let the predator hop right in front of me, I might make a similar damage with my GOSL.

But, in medium and long range, I am neither able to see, spot nor hit the predator.

The reasons are not only the cloak - which anyway does not seem to prevent you and your guys to hit the predator in awsome distances in the middle of a leap.

The reasons might be:

  • just 30FPS with PS4
  • additional Blurring of PS4 during movement
  • additional Blurring of TV (not to be underestimated - there at least is some additonal gaussian filtering going on in my TV:)
  • I am 1m away of my TV, prevents from seeing small aerial jitters made by the cloak
  • Smaller FOV
  • Slower shifting of the FOV due to controller
  • a brain, which is less used to detect patterns in games
  • and so on and so on

Nerfing the cloak would not necessarily lead to me seeing, spotting and hitting the predator in the mid and long range - but it would lead to you seeing, spotting and hitting the predator in said ranges even better, right?

And I thought, we all agreed, that the new cloaking is an improvement along these lines,right?

Fireteam damage probably should be nerfed for top-premade but maybe should not for all the others - although, admittedly, a slight nerf might not destroy the balance there too much.

But, look at the games, would a slight nerf really have changed things in your games? Hard to believe…

I think, extending missions - without increasing medical support for FT - could change things - at least in the end phase - what do you think?

((Would be an interesting experiment too: how long would you and your team live WITHOUT ANY medical supply? Is the vast medical supply even the real reason for the superiority of the FT yet?

If so, there would be a quite easy solution to differentiate between beginner, mid-rated and top games - just decrease the medical supply the better the players are…))

The advantage of such an “the later - the less medical supply” approach is, that then a match would have different phases - the first phase also beginners can keep the pace, whereas they likely would die in phase 2 or 3 (no more medikits & co available then:). Middle-rated might manage to live through phase 2 but would likely die then and just good teams would manage to exfil. But all would at least have one phase fun - bad FTs at the beginning, bad predators at the end.

This kind of changing the tides during a match therefore could be a solution for all skill levels somehow, if you ask me.

By the way, if you insist on buffing firepower, then just limit the available munition - which then would result to such phases too - high firepower at the beginning, then you do not have munition for the first weapon and just have the second weapon (with its lower firepower) at hand then…

What do you think, would that be a feasible approach to get both worlds together?


Ok I read everything you wrote. We need to make some clarifications:

  • my frame rate in game was almost like ps4 because with my graphic card and the shitty optimization of this game , my frames were like 40 so not do distant from ps4.

  • my FOV is very zoomed cause I prefer that, it’s 85, I don’t know about ps4 but it’s not so distant.

  • the cloak change was a bad movement for randoms because now they are losing even more, the texture change was good cause cloak was shit in the past but the full invis at 45 meters must gone.

  • a damage nerf wont affect randoms because as you said from my videos in the other thread the reason why I was doing 4/5k damage every game was because of the absurd damage one fireteam can dela alone. And the reason why randoms with me were doing 0 to 200 damage (that is nothing) was because THEY COULDNT UNDERSTAND WHAT WAS GOING ON IN THE MATCH. So, no, a damage nerf wont affect randoms so much.

  • ps4 need better aim assist and sensistivity options, they should be able to use a super high sensitivity.

  • missions and pigs spawn are the most impactfull factor in high level because pigs always spawn close to fireteam (it means the Pred cant eat them) and some missions are too easy and fast. At least every mission should have one objective for every village so the Predator has a chance to engage during the transition froma village to an other.

  • The Bow bug need to be fixed as quick as possible!


Let’s first stick to the common points:

Agreed, agreed, agreed!

Let’s see, whether we already have some common sense here - please, Forum people, tell your opinion:

  • first point true
  • second point true
  • third point true
  • first point false
  • second point false
  • third point false

0 voters

When you write about the relevance of pigs, that’s the relevance of medical supply too. So, two points are not cleared up yet:

  • nerfing of fire power (by the way - which arms are overpowered concretely?)
  • nerfing of medical supply

What do you think, can we get nearer to an answer making everybody happy, if we do another (if additionally or instead, we can discuss later:) row of matches with the following rules:

Match 1-4) No “overpowered” weapon allowed (I guess, e.g. Z06 is not overpowered?) for FT at all (maybe then 4 instead of 3 FTs?) – this would simulate the nerfing beforehand

Match 5-8) No medi-kit as well as no self-revive-kit allowed (just the normal syrettes still allowed) - this would show the impact of medical supplies for tops

These ideas might be interesting yet, as, to be honest, the 9 matches we already played with the normal 1 vs 3 rules seem to already have a quite clear outcome and may not need a continuation?

Forum, what do you think? Any other ideas for further progress in terms of the original challenge questions?

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That’s true for the vets. Game needs more content. For new players it’s not like that. There was even a post where a player was asking for missions to be shortened.


If they develop a system that detects which controller they are using(or whatever controllers they have) then it will be beneficial. Otherwise, if they can’t then its a very difficult thing to do to adjust it for all controller types as not all are designed equally.
That said, a simple auto assist (aim towards target) would suffice.


The game is at a good place for new players I think. To make it more challenging for the vets, new maps and missions are needed. Otherwise, since premades are a minority, everyone should just play as random and the game will be somewhat fair for everyone. The pre-made vs random rift is too big to fix with simple solutions unless Pred gets extra buffs vs pre-mades (premade would agree at the start of the match to this as it’s in their interest to make the game more challenging). Plus, it’s not just pre-mades and randoms. There’s also semi - pre-mades that are formed in discord. They may know each other and are usually vets, just not as optimzied.


Yeah - at least, it won’t be accomplished by just a simple nerfing this or buffing that, if you ask me.


I think so too. It sucks that the game feels stale to the vets, but if it’s going to grow, it has to be geared towards new gamers. We really need that coop Pred mode for the game to feel challenging again cause buff this/nerf that just won’t cut it. But thay will take its toll on the game performance. You just can’t win. Also, extending mission time will still feel boring. New content is needed, simple as that.


Or, something which we all already proposed, in one way or the other - let’s call it special (voluntary resp. selectable) FT-handicap-modes for top premades. Whether it is less firepower or less medical supply or more mission tasks or or or might in the end not be so important. But, what clearly has been shown in the first challenge row already is, what Arrow said, even 1 vs 3 is not really a challenge for the FT for top premades anymore - and that, definitely, is not nice…


Yeah, but still it would be a step in the right direction toward making it a bit more challenging for the pre-mades. They literally have no competition. Even this small change would make thinks interesting for a while. Otherwise, just don’t play as pre-mades, which really sucks if you like playing with friends.


A ranking system would also help I think, but youd need a larger pool of players or the queue time are going to be really long. Basically the game had a really bad start with little content and many bugs. Many players move on and it’s tough to get a numbers up now.


It was something, I had in mind, when discussing things with Arrow originally - my hope was, that a 1 vs 3 could improve the situation for top-premades; this hope obviously has not been fulfilled:)

So, we have to try other things…

What do you think - which (simple) handicap could work best?

Is it nerfing firepower, as Arrow says, is it nerfing medical supplies, as I think yet, is it something totally different (or in the end: do we need all of these handicap options to be selectable?)?

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