I didn’t really get to have a shot after patch 2.5.
Let the Games Begin... Apply here!
Sorry, I did not get that, can you explain?
I hunted arrow and his team the weekend before the 2.05 patch.
Ah, I see, you want your match! I understand that - but it does not lie in my hands. There are others too, I guess, who still would be eager to play in the second round against 3-FT-Arrow-Team too…
Maybe, if you all ask him nicely, he will do it - despite the aforementioned :)
I keep my fingers crossed…
Hey now. I call on Unit Jungle Boogie too. Hard to find a FT that can move. Especially 3. But still you caught me kicking off my vacation week with unnecessary supplements…still mad bro.
How Do We Proceed?
This thread seems to have come to some sort of standstill - maybe even to its end.
It looks like, that our initial question: “is a top premade 3-soldier-fire-team even (or even more than even) to a 1 top predator” already has been answered by the first round of our challenge, sufficiently.
So, contestants, let me ask you directly, should we:
- Stop / end the challenge now
- Continue / finish the challenge
- Play the second round just for fun
- Amend the challenge (*)
0 voters
(*) examples for possible amendments are
- Fireteam is just allowed to use the Z06 (and the knife)
- Fireteam is NOT allowed to use medi- and revive-kits (syringe still allowed)
- some of aforementioned - but with 1 vs 4
- or alike, proposals are welcome
Whether we continue or not naturally depends first and foremost on the FT-players, so, players, please vote !!! :
and please inform your team mates to do so too (I do not have their forum names)!
I think a pause is in order until the game breaking bugs are fixed. Specifically charged bow shots and parry. These are critical game mechanics and high end play
Amending the challenge would be a bad idea in my opinion. It just wouldn’t exactly be fair as the people who fought in the first round will have a complete different experience than the people who fought in the second round.
The best way to amend the challenge would be so the rematches would have the changes but a problem that would come from that is the fact that the tournament could be extremely long and complicated and I’m pretty sure lots of people wouldn’t want that.
I’m up for continuing the challenge as it is and doing the rematches that people want after we’ve done all the original matches.
If you want we could make it so the rematches are a little more fair but that’s up to you and everyone else
The challenge is ended. They haven’t listened to us and they did the exact opposite of what we said. Now even 2 people can kill the Pred with the new specialization perks and Support plus Field Medic and Dexterous. I think we all did a great job and thank so much to the partecipants. You gave a great help to the community. Unfortunatly Illfonic doesn’t care about our feedbacks. They are a group of retarded and dishonest. Until the next patch will drop we can’t do anything. Also any kind of challenge in private match is unplayable because of the loadout bug and all of the new Predator bugs. Soon we will post our ultimate troll challenge. Stick around 😎.
A pause is certainly in order until a hotfix of some kind is implemented for the current bugs. Predators simply cannot employ enough and all of their tools.
However. I would also be in support of an end to the challenge. Although premature, as @Arrow_calis has so eloquently stated, what was proven in the challenge was ignored by the powers that be.
It doesn’t matter if they correct the bugs with an hotfix. Right now:
-the Predator is too weak
-the Viking is a waste of money
Hey where’s my shot at redemption? You played against a drunk who had really good bud at the time. I literally haven’t had a drinking session probably since that awful performance. Thank God and that dreaded FT you linked up. I’m entitled to a rematch I feel.
Ask @Bonator cause i think he was in the middle of of. I think @Arrow_calis expressed that results are in and he’s not that interested in it, but @DovahkiinJr and @Crazyboy9YT might still be game. I think @Dentdesabre and maybe @WxWHITEWOLFxW also expressed a desire for rematch. It would be tweeter if you all coordinate. Even though this likely won’t change the results, i would like to see the matches.
Whenever y’all ready man. Im getting on now. Psn: nogutsnoglory13
I just watch 😁 Other players that i mentioned will respond in due time
Wolf here, im game. ⚔ message me for details.
I’m not in charge. I’m just summarizing. Hopefully either @Bonator or @DovahkiinJr or @Crazyboy9YT respond. If none will respond, I’ll message @Bonator privately and see what he has to say.
So if we did a private match, 1 v 2, you would win?
Has this been proven with elite preds?