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Tough match for Thunderwolf. GG

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I was playing with my 5% considering I had 10.frames literally and 300 ping 😂

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All 4 predators destroyed

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4th game is finished. All recorded. I guess for now is enough. 2 ps4 and 2 Pc Predator players. If some one want to challenge me as Predator with their team write me now. Next weekend I won’t be able to play.

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Good pressure by Dan38000. Gg. Caves looked like a decent place for iso engagements but FT was ready

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Matches with > 400 ms. lol

Great sportmanship maybe, but not so great match organization though, sadly. Obviously, the op did not consider delays/response times or even know about their relevance for a fair match. Matches with such response times make no sense. Note that online games (including Predator: Hunting Grounds) try avoiding matching people with such response times for a reason. Hitting a moving target with an arrow at > 400 ms?

In addition, this game is not even about “winning”. It is about the great atmosphere and experience (excluding the bugs ;). In my opinion, IIlfonic did a great job in making this game. @ Illfonic: Thanks a lot!

What are the victory conditions, again? Killing the whole fireteam? Highest score? Finishing the mission? Killing the Predator? - Predator’s Hunt mode is simply not designed for competition or tournaments.

Is a tournament in Predator a reasonable way to find out if it is “balanced”? No. For example, premade fireteams and matches against skilled players do not represent the standard matches. How did you even select skilled players? Just by asking? Does it work like this in sports? (Actually, it does in free-for-all tournaments.)

From my point of view, Illfonic is doing a good job regarding balancing. This type of balancing is not meant to make the game “fair” but to keep it fresh. Version 2.03 was in favor of the fireteam. Now, in version 2.06, the Plasma Caster and the improved cloaking give the Predator the possibility of effective sniping and the improved Alpha sickle kills even “Dutches” with a few hits. Medikit’s effectiveness was reduced, too. I like this change of rules. It changes the experience.

Moreover, crossplay is not balanced by principle. Fighting against PS4 fireteams is much easier than against PC fireteams in average. It is always strange when PS4 slowly “rotate” their gun rather slowly while the PC players nearly immediately aim at the Predator. Isn’t the field of view lower for PS4 than for PC, too?
Shame on you if you reduce graphic settings to get the advantage, PC players ;). At least, you are punished with uglier graphics in some way ;).

By the way, some of the PC fireteam players participating in this tournament sometimes tend to play “autonomously” with randoms, i.e. they think they can take down a halfway skilled Predator on their own even if separated and not covered. It works often but not always. Some of them got downed easily (e.g. after being netted) - not because the net is not balanced but because they made a tactical mistake. But who cares in a non-competitive game, anyway?

Being skilled at playing only as fireteam or as Predator does not make you the greatest hunter in the galaxy. A better tournament would force a participant to play as fireteam and as Predator.
If you want to feel at least as being the greatest hunter:

  • Dominate no matter which side you play. If you cannot play one side, you are obviously not great at the game. But you don’t need to be. Just have fun.
  • Be able to compensate for lower skilled random players or just use them as bait to make a careless Predator an easy prey. Works fantastic very often as you know (for both sides).
  • Don’t forget that eliminating the Predator is not the fireteam’s mission.
  • Improve your tactical skill by employing real life tactics like breaking the LOS, taking cover, flanking, defeat in detail, slice the pie, shooting from “hull down” position. Shout “Oorah!” with Austrian accent.

As long as you have fun just enjoy this “tournament” but keep in mind that Predator: Hunting Grounds is not a competitive multiplayer game by design. It is very reasonable by Illfonic that there is no ranked mode. And, please, don’t try to convince Illfonic to introduce any kind of ranked matches. It makes no sense for this type of game just like the subpar Clash mode.

@ players at PC: If you think you are skilled at fps, simply try out a competitive game like the recent free-to-play Quake (if you haven’t already) and find out if you will dominate the matches or get fragged. Quake’s skill cap is extreme and it requires both reflexes and tactical understanding.

First Challenge Round Is Finished

Thanks to all contestants, I was not able to watch all games, indeed I just was able to have a peek here and there, but my impressions was, that all did very well, GGs!

If i got it right, the intermediate record is Predator 0 : 3-Men-Fire-Team 9

So, predators, do not be ashamed, you are not alone :) You can be proud, you had the guts to face top FT teams and you fought well! FTs, you naturally did well too :)

If one already could draw a conclusion, then that, that it seems to be nearly impossible to defeat a top 3-Men-FT - whether PC or PS4.

BUT, fire teams, do not get overly self confident, we have a second round coming - and be sure, the predators will have studied your matches and weaknesses until then

So, now we all are quite eager to get links to ALL recorded videos to see the games from all perspectives!

Until then, CU


I didnt read everything cause it is too long and I am playing right now. So:

1)it wasnt a tournament but a friendly challenge

  1. it was for showing at devs the state of PHG about balance , later I will put my opinion in a big post considering also the ps4 vs pc arguement

  2. there are no dedicated server for private, you should have known that

4)there is no sense to get mad in a friendly challenge and also there is no sense to say “go to csgo , quake ecc” . One guy of us was global elite on csgo, me and Dice were high rank Overwatch players, Sharpy competitive player in Team Fortress ecc ecc. We play this game cause it has Predator IP that we love, it’s similar to a shooter and we like that and also it is asym so you can play 2 sides. No sense to say that , it’s small brain. Just enjoy the challenge or dont do that no problem.

  1. the fact that this game is not e-sport doesn’t mean it shouldnt be balanced. We are making that to help devs.

To all the partecipants, thanks so much for the games. This is gonna help devs (if they will see) to make proper changes in the game. I will make a big post with many videos of me playing. Enjoy the game guys đŸ’ȘđŸ»


You are free to do it better. By the way, the OP is not your babysitter - you, and if I write “you” I mean everybody, are free to think for your own and e.g. do not start a game with pings >100ms.

Or to clear up this topic beforehand.

https://youtu.be/JqK0-zPvwBM PS4 Squads 5 games today


You posted every match already?

what do you use for put you’r video together?

> 400 ms!

Read my post above in detail.

By the way, each of the fireteam members should fight as Predator against the other fireteam and show their skills as a Predator. Who is the greatest hunter of the galaxy?
Maybe, the magic grenades translate nicely to the AOE plasma caster.

If the participants have fun, it is nice but this tournament as a competition is not relevant for Predator: Hunting Grounds as a game. And, please, don’t ask Illfonic to put their limited resources into a ranked mode. That is my fear and in the end, we get another subpar game mode like Clash. Predator is about atmosphere not about competition by design.

However, the tournament could be useful to motivate the hunters to discuss and develop new tactics - hunting/combat school, e.g.:
Did the Predators break LOS all the time?
Did they engage “hull down” with the Plasma Caster or did they expose themselves?
Did Predators have superior situational awareness or did they engage blind sided?
Were they aware of all the fireteam members’ positions and zones of fire?
Did the fireteam members establish killing zones?
Did the Predators try to separate fireteam members?
Was there a single player with a specific weapon or tactic who did most Predator/fireteam damage?

Obviously, a reasonable fireteam can always get to the choppa just like our beloved Dutch did.

And one of the faster Predator classes can always disengage, break LOS, and attack from range with the plasma caster. Though, the fireteam can always compensate with sufficient amount of medikits.

This is by game design and it excellently captures the first movie’s atmosphere.

Read the 670 posts above. It (nearly) has been said everything there already.

It was a long day, I’m tired and off for now.

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Username checks out

Man you are missing that this is a video game and not a film. If it had been like that it should have been a single player. But this isnt a single player so your points are absolutly wrong. Also the challenge was to show high level ft vs good Preda from ps4 and Pc. It wasnt for showing how good we are, we dont care about this. There will be the season 2 of the Pc tournament for that in November. Same thing for ps4 and maybe for the next cross play tournament. We all play Pred and if you ask in that forum most people know about ProziPix, Arrow_Calis and Dice for example. Also there are many more good players. We are just 3 of the many 🙂.

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It seems like the op does not want to have a after-action discussion of a “tournament”.

However, one suggestion is indeed part of my next post:
Each player of the two(?) fireteams plays as a Predator against the other fireteam.

Predators host matches to compensate for delays. Though, I am sure if it works like this in this game’s private matches.

Regarding babysitting: The 3-men PC fireteam invited the op but the op rejected.
The op could have asked if he may join this fireteam at least (if he does not want to play as Predator, in general). I am pretty sure that the 3-men PC fireteam would have played with him (not in this “tournament” but in other matches).

Ok so I’m free genuinely whenever. But i won’t lie i tend to sleep late so the morning time frame wouldn’t work for me. Its 4:15PM for me at this moment Texas time zone i believe its CT time. And I’d love to play Predator but if you need a FT team mate like a sub I’m definently down.( edit oof nvm saw you did it already)

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Sorry Bonator, I meant to play with Arrow as FT, he already knows me.
But anyway, doesn’t matter anymore.

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