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There’s a possibility that some kind of ranked mode is in place and being tested or was tested in the past without us knowing, just to see what the queue times would be. Not sure if such thing is possible, perhaps illfonic has servers set to look for a matchup ‘ranked’ for 4 minutes and if it’s not found to revert non-ranked search

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I thought about my mode proposal yesterday after quite a bit of time away from it. There a big problems they still need to be worked out. First is that role of radioman is boring; he has to avoid fights as much as possible so extraction. Can be called. Secondly, if he dies quickly, it may be tough for FT to hunt down preds who can just hit and run and set up ambushes for chasing FT. And lastly, at some point either preds or FT could have a big advantage, 1v8 or 3v6 or something similar and may think that match is unwinnable and just leave. I’ll try to think of ways to solve those problems over the weekend.


High level is absolutly fucked up man, fireteam is 800 times stronger than Pred and it’s the same in pubs if you find one or maybe two good players. You think that premades play only in provate with discord? There are plenty of teams from ps4 and pc that have fun to pub stomp since day one. The issue with balance is real, is not for few players , it’s for everyone since only one good player can solo kill an avarage Pred



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There is a lot truth in what you say arrow, but one thing I doubt:

This “all” - that simply cannot be. The differences between weapons are too big in terms of damage. Would you really be able to make such damage by just using e.g. the Z06?

Or to emphasize this point - by just using the first pistol? No way…

I am quite open to discuss the DPS of specific weapons - but then, please name them… The base pistol, by all means, is surely not “overpowered”, right?

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In this case, the imbalance just would be the other way round. I think the game should be in favor of a team cooperating well and playing good - what it obviously is.

For random pubs the game IS well balanced. The only question is: is it possible to balance it better for top premades - too.

But, true, the only reason, why the game is well balanced for random pubs might be, that the predator in the average is played by more experienced players than the soldiers, if you ask me. And this setup backfires for the top premade situation. Right?

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“Just” too much damage? Have a look at the second match of team Dovahkiin:


there was no “several thousands of damage points” of a single player. The reason, why White had just a little impact in the end was simply the speed of the game - it was over before it started.

PHG forces you to hurry into battle and hurrying into battle comes with a price. And this seems to be something true for all player skills (whereas the “weapon overpowered” argument just is true for outstanding players - if you ask me)…

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Except for shot guns, first pistol, grenade launcher and minigun, all the other weapons are OP in term of damage output.

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The game is not well balsnced for pubs, is in favor of Pred because no one can see him. For ps4 only in particular. The Combi Throw damage must be reverted to the previous

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Does this mean, that if the GOSL, Pitbull, Hammerhead and alike would not be there (or banned), you could still easily win as FT with e.g. just using the Z06 only?

As the Z06 seems to have much less firepower then the aforementioned, right?

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G row , Ak-47 , all the snipers, all the secondary weapons are super good.

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For PS4 it is (definitely) in favor of the FT. But true, when just the predator is PC (and most FTs are PS4), it might be in favor of Predator. Which just leads to the question: is it really the same game for PC and PS4?

I am beginning to believe, that it’s not…

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As you can see by the video, 3 people of Dova team are able to beat most of pc preds in 3. Imagine in 4. Ft has huge advantage when it comes to premades in general.


Yeah, for top players, in premade teams, the situation is another.

But when I play, the balance normally is fine.

Some days ago I played 10 games just PS4. It was a good day for me - I made 1250 predator damage in the average. Just 3 out of those ten were lost by the FT. I would call that “in favor of random pubs FTs” - as this was the way I played.

The day later, I played crossplay with my PC friend. I made a little less damage in the average - but still some 1000 points. I did not count this day, but what was ovious: everything went quite similar as the day before - but in those games, where the predator was PC.

Then there were some predators, were we had no chance at all… Greetings to @Dentdesabre from here:) By the way, I still believe, that my damage counter must have overflown then, because 0 just can’t be :))

So, if you ask me, when I play PS4 with randoms in pubs the balance is fine - I would say it is 60:40 or 70:30 in favor of FT, and that is fine, I think.

But as soon, as PCs come into the game, the differences are huuuuge. Then some games still are fine and some are just senseless.

It is quite seldom, that I play with or against a PS4 who renders the match completely senseless. With PC players this is nearly 50% the time true…

And I also see a big difference in the videos of Dovahs team and the videos of your team. It might be true, that the arms are overpowered for some single super top players on PC. But I yet cannot see the same for all the others…

And the game cannot be balanced to fit just a handful of players, right?


Dentdesabre is a good player, so you cant consider him in the “pubs” discussion. Also you were playing with friends so it was premades, only 2 but still premade.


Yeah, true. Just wanted to give you some example from POV of mid-rated players who normally play random pubs.

In this region the balance really IS OK, if you ask me.

The differences come with PC and top players.

What I mean: I cannot say, whether it is the same for “just PC random pubs” - as I cannot play that. But if you stay “just PS4 random pubs”, the balance is OK - from my POV / experience.

But back to the “overpowered” discussion: I am not too familiar with all weapon names - I do know e.g. the GOSL (first weapon) as well as the Z06 (second weapon) quite well.

If you would say: the GOSL is too strong, I could believe that. But if you say: the Z06 is too strong too, I have difficulties to believe that.


you mean that, right?

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he is not totaly wrong, if i play PUBS is because i love wreck havoc on randoms, but i love a good challenge as well

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So, if we would not have agreed to not use insults in this thread…;)


wait what insult?

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Some insult fitting for someone, who wrecked havoc on a poor random…:)))