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True, if you ask me. But “aim assist” implemented in this game for FT is complete crap too. If you would use your own “aim assist program” instead of the implemented one, would you not call that cheating?

By the way, if you do not like the word cheating, feel free to replace it with “circumventing limitations of PHG” - in this very specific case, I am quite fine with that. I just do not now an English word for that but ‘cheating’…

What I am mean, I do not have bad feeling against people who use the PS4 voice chat or alike instead. Nevertheless, it is obviously not the idea of PHG:)


For the Predator playing with the controller might not make such a difference - at least, if you do not use weapons alike the bow. The advantage of keyboard & mouse is quite more relevant for FT - if you ask me.

This is due to the fact, that the predator is faster and more jumpy as well as more often up in the trees… It is due to the kind of weapons of the FT too - e.g. for the sniper rifle, you need more precision than for using the predator sickle.

So Aihrui may not loose too much performance being the predator.

I may mention that I quite appreciate using the same means when crossplay is on! So, I keep my fingers crossed for Aihrui…

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You can’t even compare aim hacks to using audio chat with an external program. 1 would get you banned in any game that actually bothers banning players and the other is accepted in all of them. The issue is placing such a limitation in the game, not people using discord. Any developer worth anything should know that people use external communication in games when they premade. Its on them, not the players.

I could even get into the many bugs that the sound has in this game, things like my friend was hearing me like I was 100m away when I was standing right next to him. Yeah, sorry but in this case I don’t see people using discord (even if no bugs) as getting around the limitations. The predator can still hear you shoot and what not. Also before you say anything about predator understanding what you’re saying and plan… I hope you’re not going to claim next that using a different language then english (or whatever the pred is familiar with) is circumventing the system…

As for the controller argument. A predator using a controller or MK makes ALL the difference in the world. Team you have a hard time winning with MK you’re never going to beat with a controller. The meta, more so now needs you to do pinpoint accuracy with arrows. GL doing that with a controller before you explode from the FT weapons. If the preds could melee and win I could agree with you but this game is ranged play to the max.

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I think the way the in game voice chat works in this game is ridiculous. Proximity is stupid because soldiers would have radios.

Also, the human behind the predator should not be able to hear what the fireteam is saying like the predator understands human language perfectly.

Finally, the fireteam, without even using the chat wheel, automatically says things like, there is an enemy, over here, I need help, or I’m mudding up. That is all that was ever needed.

The constant sound bubbles are certain death for random teams that are trying to communicate with each other through the in game chat.

What they should have added was the ability for the predator to hear what the fireteam is saying when they are claiming them and at the beginning and end of the match, that’s it.


yeah i mean with radios the proximity is dumb

though if the game is uses comic pred lore which implies predators have been going to earth for many centuries and we know for a human in only takes like an avg of “difficult” languages 72 days i’d find it hard to believe with predator tech which can record audio and play it back that at some point the preds should’ve been like “hey man wouldn’t it be a good idea to translate this language for hunting purposes? be kinda hard to uphold honor if i can’t understand what there saying right?” specially when the game uses the logic that the mask’s vision mode has been outfitted with enhanced audio measures

and yeah the FT normal chat is also probably fine but my issue is FT sure their chat is loud (except for dutch) but it’s not often cause only trolls use the chat wheel and for good reason

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I’m sure predators would have caught on to certain words, but that’s different than a native speaker, not to mention how many languages and dialects there are, including the fact that evolution of language guarantees that English from 500 years ago is almost a different language from English today.

Even without using the chat wheel, characters will shout out contextual information.

Honestly it’s like a broken record at this point that Illfonic doesn’t understand how to “balance” in a competitive way.

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Anybody on for a friendly? Im on PSN.


The proximity limitation of the voice chat undoubtedly is annoying. I do not like it too.

But in random matches, it is more annoying that nearly no one uses the voice chat at all. Whether they do not want, are not able to or use discord or alike I do not know.

My microphone is always on. But I discarded to use it often myself, because nobody seems to care what I am talking…

And yes, I do not talk in my mother tongue, even if I play with my friend. English it is.

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Sorry, not yet, but I will try to invite you occasionally:)


Voodoo, anybody still alive out there?..:))

How’s it going @Bonator? What do you think about the update /dlc?

Oh, well, I am quite happy that there seem to be no crashes - at least no new ones - yet…

I did not recognize any changes which are relevant for me / my playing style yet - but I understand, that Illfonic has to deliver some new aspects from time to time, as some people like that…

What do you think?

Im still not sure what the buff to Pred armor was cause tests say that nothing changed, but others people say that they noticed their press being more tanky. Boost to impenetrable is nice too. Coupled with her that advantage, trees are even stronger now. Ironside is so so. FT got some new classes and toys which is nice. Likely FT is still OP, but it is what it is.

Supposedly next dlc is Isabelle from predators. Good to see that they finally tapped that movie and that those press may be coming at some point. Though data mining showed other press, do it seems like illfonic is really slow playing it. I guess they don’t think that that content will make the game any more popular. A bit weird.

I didn’t expect a map or game mode this time around so I’m not disappointed with that. I’d expect those to come for 1 year anniversary. Really hope the new mode is pred co-op

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No charge on bow, but it may be usable with impenetrable and height advantage while camping trees. Healing in tread maybe be safer than on ground too

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The OWLF class is useless, if you ask me - at least I did not see the advantage yet. It can still be located by the predator - even with all available specializations and perks alike “cold”.

What new toys for the FT would you suggest? Which is worth trying?

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Not sure about the toys just yet.

OWLF operative is so so. He’s nearly invisible when crouched and if he was immune to target isolation, he’d make a pretty good sniper

…and, if he would be immune to being marked with that nasty red mark after the predator viewed the IR view…

He might be nearly invisible in IR view, but he is automatically marked with a red mark by using the IR view - right? So, the invisibility is quite short lived…

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I guess, considering that assault and support are already OP, i woundt mind if they did the same for him

What do you mean?

They are streaming on twitch tonight. Maybe they’ll answer some questions. Unlikely, but worth trying

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