as none of those perks have been adjusted since 1.06 the list is still accurate friend
regardless at this point i’m derailing the thread my apologies suppose i should stop here
as none of those perks have been adjusted since 1.06 the list is still accurate friend
regardless at this point i’m derailing the thread my apologies suppose i should stop here
Also if a pred comes into melee at all “zerk” in your case, he would get melted mid combo and go into second wind maybe just downing the guy and that’s a maybe if everyone runs meta FT weapons. The issue you’re having with zerk doesn’t happen when fireteams use the right weapons its literally a easy win. I solo queen as fireteam and if the pred downs my teammate I can get there last minute for the claim and put him into second wind every time and finish him. Because it really only takes one person to have the right guns on
Sure with extended mags one player can take down the predator. This is not surprising.
However two things. First of all, in my opinion the mag size for the GOSL-R needs to be limited to 20 for normal, and 40 for extended. as it does the most absurd amount of damage.
Second of all, goes back to my last reply, unless the predator stands perfectly still, or gets into an animation, the likeliness of the FT hitting all of their shots is very low.
Meaning that while ARs have a “potential” dps high enough to wipe predator,
The actual dps is likely far less. Otherwise Predators would be being wiped far easier than they are right now.
I just said this I think my work here is done too my good sir 🤣
Yes in all of those cases predator is most certainly at a disadvantage, but Like I said, Playing predator is about making smart decisions, and when it comes to berzerker, it stops being about smart decisions, and it becomes the “Which team can kill the other the fastest” kind of game.
If a predator gets melted mid combo, maybe he chose the wrong moment to strike.
ok but then if this is the case is this a bad thing that the game becomes that?
as if it’s true then it becomes which team has better understanding of the equipment of the game and thier skill at killing one another with that equipment
i do not see this as a bad thing
Yes I take down preds while they claim all the time. But if you are close enough to get to the predator while he claims, that means that the predator chose the wrongest moment to claim. Period
i see we are at odds here
i do not believe there is a such thing as bad time to claim you must kill a fireteam member if they are downed if you do not you have wasted your resource and the FT wastes nothing putting you at such a disadvantage that in most cases will lose you the game
Sounds more to me like it becomes, which team can exploit the most powerful combinations of items in the game. At which point everyone runs the same things every match, at which point every match becomes the same, at which point, the casuals dip the fuck out, at which point the game dies.
You understand the issue here? I dont disagree that balance needs to be made all around, but the point im trying to make here, isnt those things. Its that the predator berzerker has way too forgiving of a health pool, and as such can wipe even decent fireteams in minutes if they get caught at the wrong moment.
also another variable to consider back on the topic of assault rifles is TTK
Even if you mag dump a berzerker perfectly, you wont kill him without your teamates help. Often time your teamates cant drop him either.
Because no one hits a perfect mag dump.
So what happens more often than not, is that the TTK of the fireteam, is not enough to counteract the TTK of the berzerker for at least one of the fireteam members. Sometimes claiming included.
i’d say then the meta of the game has formed and people then have to play around it or let balance happen
like literally every multiplayer game ever and some of which are still played like League or CS:GO etc…
albeit this could be apples and oranges but i hope you see my point
I dont get what you want to happen. If a zerk is melee you to death with combistick and your 3 other teammates fail to have the right gun on or shoot him while he’s attacking they failed you thats why your dead. If they succeed and shoot while he’s trying to melee you and melt him they succeeded. That’s balanced bro, regardless of mistakes made. That’s the whole point of competition trying to make less mistakes than your opponent to pull off a win
And yeah that’s how games work theres always high tier and low tier weapons and perks. People that want consistent results will run the best class setups to get that. If you want to play casually and use whatever that’s fine but dont complain if it’s not killing the other player quick enough because it’s not meta. Because meta fireteams are melting preds left and right even preds that try to shoot plasma shots from a distance get melted by accurate fireteams using meta weapons
If the entire fireteam is shooting at you, its a bad time to claim.
But the truth is, the game really never gives you a “good” time to claim unless the FT is all downed, or they left a teamate behind. So basically, claiming is worthless imo you are better off in most cases just plasma or bow spamming and getting the kill. Or baiting the body and taking down a second teamate.
Yes you have to kill the FT, but if you dont do it opprotunistically, you will be punished for it. (Unless you are playing berzerker, which is kinda the point of the whole post)
I have been single handedly killing predators all day as FT. But when it comes to berzerkers, I often cant. And that is perfectly okay.
So I stick with my team right? because we can all take him down together.
Except most times we cant. Unless he takes way too long to down us.
as i don’t want this to turn into a qoute arguement i’ve already adressed attempting to force a kill via ranged attacks at this point the arguement is in circles for me so i suppose i’ll say
i will agree to disagree with you
And yes, People run metas in other games. But other games are 5v5
This is 1v4.
So things have to be done juuussst a bit differently than other games.
Well of course we just told you the meta weapons that you didn’t know about. Go to your team and all you guys run the best weapons and see what happens when a zerk tries to combistick you all to death 😁
Dead by daylight is a 1v4 also theres meta perks for killers and survivors and meta killers but I’m done with argument hopefully we’ve helped you out have a good day
I mean, no you didnt tell me any meta weapons.
I have 7 days of straight playtime. I know the rough feel of every weapon in the game. However I havent tested weapons in private matches against standing still predators, so I dont know exact values.
But when it comes down to it, the rough feel of the game and its weapons Have been consistent since launch. Aside from the most major of changes.
yeaah but in dead by daylight perks dont help you kill the monster and end the game in the first few minutes or vice versa really. They just help you extend your life really.
Predator is a whole nother ball game because both sides can kill each other.