Looking for a OP full meta death squad to play against
LFG Pred
You ps4 or pc?
ps4 weebykiwi
They’re usually on during the day, kind of a bad time for the people i know.
It’s not really easy getting matches like that set up, otherwise I’d probably be doing it.
I’d say try earlier tomorrow.
A quick note tho, depending on region, most private matches tend to have more lag and connection issues than public.
Try renaming your title to,
Pred looking to vs meta premade, ps4.
Might help.
Good luck btw.
If you’re looking for a real challange, why don’t you turn crossplay on and try out a PC death squad
its on
Ok you can find us on discord every day, almost every hour.
You can add me , search for Mr_Mojo_Rising_
or you can add these people
@Scarface_1983 @Dentdesabre @Arrow_calis @Thunderwolf450 @PsychoBaBas
yall on now ??
I dont see anyone online now , but it is morning here in Europe and we are mainly european
Why would you want to do that to yourself, are you a masochist?
its linked
No longer using that nickname, someone else has stolen my name.
ok, same gamertag as you forum nickname?
challenge i get bored as hell if i find something easy. i like to challenge myself and my builds
Join our discord and we can arrange something
friend invite sent
inv me