No need to be so vile and insulting, guys reporting a legitimate concern and you’re throwing insults like you’re some God tier e-sport gamesmaster. Chill tf out.
List of suspected cheating players
You can report cheating in game but :3
Because it’s not legitimate at all. It’s a fucking game mechanic and the post is pure ignorance. Theres nothing disrespectful about facts. Grow up.
I don’t understand? He’s asking if he can use keyboard and mouse, perhaps that’s his preferred gaming style? How does that make him a potential cheater?
Because it sounds like you may need special hardware or modify your hardware in order to use it?
🤣🤣🤣 I see what you did there, nice reference 🤣🤣🤣
As a PS4 player, this was what I was worried about most when doing crossplay. Out of a whole week of solid gameplay, there’s only been a couple of incidents that made me think cheating was happening and that was when the Predator was able to be at our infiltration zone before we had even finished mudding up. We had only just touched down from the chopper, mudded up and started making our way to the objective but he was in the trees above us right away? I thought the Predator player didn’t start his hunt until after we had landed…but seeing that Wallhack, looks like PC Players are determined to ruin everything just like they did with Red Dead Redemption 🙄
Illfonic will not talk
So HiveWars and I just tested this, and we could not replicate the “popping” off of the wall when freeing yourself. I stayed put/against the wall after cutting the net off of me. I tried standing still, as well as trying to hold sprint and jumping while cutting the net off but I seemed to stay put/against the wall.
Now I admit that I do not play FT hardly at all, so if there is a trick or tactic to use to do this please let us know. Thanks!
Edit: I forgot to add we went to the map location to where HiveWars saw this happen and tried in the same location, as well as other random places around that area.
I’ve seen illfonic respond on twitter regarding exploits and ask to be privately DM’d. I would recommend you just message any Illfonic dev on the forum with this information. Also that screenshot is worthless. get footage next time.
After checking with Draedark, I can say that either it is an exploit, some cheat or maybe something punctual that happens very very rarely, because we just tested it and nothing happened.
Kids can’t handle losing in 2020 lol
Really? You netted him to a wall and there was an animation of him escaping and it didn’t teleport him off the wall?
Please upload a video of that so the rest of us can see your 1 in a million copy of the game. Because that mechanic doesn’t exist for the rest of us.
You must be special.
Either way, I would still very much like to see this “popping” off of the wall affect after breaking out of a net demonstrated.
I recommended for HiveWars to start recording his matches. I do the same and most of the time when I re-watch them I often see things clearer than when I was in the moment playing.
And just to be fair, isn’t fear of losing (or perhaps a “need” to win) a factor in what drives folks to cheat?
Or could you please, as we were unable to replicate any of this. It may be down to lack of us not knowing how to do it, as I said.
Keep in mind the netted FT would need to “pop” to a location of about 30 meters from the wall, at an angle that project them partially through the wall in order to make your explanation fit.
If we did and nothing happened. Maybe the answer to this is simple; a programming error like many others, maybe it wasn’t a hacker, but after all, what would be your impression when you see something like this?
Yes, could have just been a glitch or bad lag or mistaken identity. Still interested in this wall “popping” though.
My explanation is after he escaped the net the person in question who is unfamiliar with the net to wall mechanic lost track of that FT member and the very next FT member he saw was on a bridge and he assumed it was the person he netted. Seems logical I think.
That could be, but I think you clearly stated that the netted person teleports a few meters off of the wall when escaping, with no animation.
“Invite a friend to a private game. Net him to a wall. When escapes the net there is no animation. The game will teleport him a few meters off the wall. Do you understand now?”
From the FT point of view, I still saw an animation of my hands cutting/ripping the net away very quickly at the end and I seemed to “drop” back onto my feet from being suspended a few inches above the ground. I cannot say if HiveWars saw an animation or not though from his perspective.
And how do you explain that he was locked in hand-to-hand combat with the guy in the net before he got loose? I hit him twice before he got free and when he got free, he disappeared