List of suspected cheating players

Here you have from this list possibly one of them is someone who uses cheats, the 100% secure browser.


what did they do that was cheating? using the wall hack?

at least one of them was caught in the net on a wall and… when I went to hit him… he disappeared.
After that they started chasing me all over the map to kill me

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Start spamming illfonic, there’s a simple file tweak to wallhack in their files, they need to be aware of it, they are radio silent.

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I’m aware that in your files you can do wallhack if, thank you anyway.

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Is it the glitch where after a certain number of downs they go invisible? I’ve had that happen to me once before.


Did he cut himself out of the net? Did someone cut him away? Were you looking at him when he disappeared? Just a few questions to try and understand how Houdini did his magic.

Are you fucking kidding me? If you net him close to a wall it pins him to the wall. When he escapes the net theres no animation it just moves him off the wall. Are you fucking new? For real.

I thought you cancelled payment for the game through your bank?

It just happened like that:
I shot the net and he got stuck in a wall, I went to hit him, two hits and he disappeared… then he showed up on a bridge and started unloading his gun on me… after that they started chasing me all over the map and shooting even when I was crouched down and invisible.

Bro your a gucking noob no offence. Bye.
Clearly haxors l337 cheaters. Must be

Wow that sounds really fucked up ! The way you describe it… does sound like he used a Teleport hack of sorts… I had that happen to me once while I was on FT vs a predator. He was healing on the ground almost dead in front of me, I shot him and then BANG, he was somewhere else and shooting at me with a Plasma Caster while invisible, I swear to God I have 0 idea what the hell happened.

I still think it was a visual bug … the fact that I was seeing the guy crouched in the middle of nowhere healing but it was really weird and I never saw it happening again… if that is a hack… then I hope EAC manage to catch those whom are using it… if not… well… it is still a weird thing to happen… but got me laughing for a good 4 secs before I got blasted on the back with a full plasma shot which left me scared shitless and running for my life trying to get under cover so I could patch myself up… I think we ended up escaping in that match.

In this jungle very strange things happen and I thought that the only strange thing would be to see an alien Yautja and that is the least strange :D

In the Yautja jungle, there are many pathways that lead to sights that many would consider, unnatural…

I have cross play turned off and am on ps4. Could I still be experiencing cheaters? Not sure how that would work

I’m sure I shouldn’t post this here…
The intention is to report it @illfonic check that and work to solve it please
Many don’t want to believe it but here’s the proof.

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Nun liebe Kinder, we have recently found out that console players are not the polar opposite of the cheating devil’s they commonly enjoy making PC players out to be…

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If anyone wants to add me to Epic to play, or to try a few things: Hive Wars

I love how I literally broke down what happend but your still so tunnel vision you think they’re cheating. I’m not saying there is no cheats for the game but in this instance its 100% not the case, which is normal for these cheat posts.

Invite a friend to a private game. Net him to a wall. When escapes the net there is no animation. The game will teleport him a few meters off the wall. Do you understand now?

Im sure theres no chance this is what happend, you lost track of him and the first FT member you saw next was on a bridge. No chance. Must be hackers man. Must be.

Please take the time to understand game mechanics before posting this rubbish.

and you learn some manners and respect.