List of suspected cheating players

The entire video from FT perspective, but you can start from here:

Hmm I have to admit the video is pretty clear guys there is an animation for sure. I stand corrected. Iā€™m more interested to know now why I never get this animation in my tests.

All my damage and net testing was done on Derailed maybe it is due to the wall surface in question?

Also if anyone else reading the thread could confirm they get a teleport instead of an animation it would help alot.

Theres loads of things it could be tbh, an issue with that bit of wallā€¦

A dsync issue between the server and the player,

a random glitch

a cross-play render issue

and so onā€¦

Its hard to tell from these tests anything tbh. :/

So the different walls did seem to behave differently, so we have that going for us. It is totally possible that a different wall has a different affect all together. What about those breakable/panel walls? Now I am super curious. Anyone bored?

I am recording on PC, locked at 60fps if that makes a difference. My rig can go higher, but that is all I can get out of my screen so that suffices for me.

Test it on derailed on the warehouse walls inside the warehouse itself please. Thatā€™s where I tested it with my friends

can also depend on which part of the body you shoot the net to.

I think HiveWars is out of game now, but I have enough time to test this out quick if anyone else is interested.

EGS: Draedark

That sounds about right. I probably could also, but I usually try to guess where they are going and lay out some motion detectors, set off some alarms, and pre-kill some piggies, etc.

Okay no takers, we can save this test for another night. I am off to bed, thanks all!

Hey guys just an update incase your curious.
Sorry for the late reply Iā€™ve been abit busy of late.

I went into a private game with a friend to test a few things including the net.
When pinned to the wall if I was attacking that player with blades or simply stand very close to him about half the time the game did teleport him behind me. Itā€™s like Iā€™m standing where the game wants to put him after the net and it cant so it moves him. Try it out. Cheers. Let me know your results on PC as Iā€™m on PS4

šŸ˜ur toxic asf

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I have not had a chance to test this, but what you are saying here makes sense about the game trying to position the un-netted player with obstacles around.

Was this indoors or outdoors?

name and shame allowed in these forums? I dont think so. Reported/flagged.

Got problems with ā€œHackers/cheatsā€ then take it to the devs. provide video proofā€¦ to the DEVS!

It could easily be a bug as well. I know I was in a private match and hit an AI soldier with the net gun from above and he was animated as being trapped on the ground but was floating above the ground like 6 ft and I couldnā€™t melee him lol.

Itā€™s not the exact same scenario but clearly the net gun pin isnā€™t well tested.

Do you think your some kind of authority ā€¦you comment on everything like we should listen to youā€¦your a tool ā€¦a know it all ā€¦no one cares what you thinkā€¦you must have a different game from everyone elseā€¦cause this game has glitches n broken jumps and freezes and assholes like youā€¦

Crazy personā€¦seriously damaged šŸ‘

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I got a clip for ya, see what ya think. I personally am pretty convinced this was a cheater but maybe someone has a reasonable explanation for this:

Add Sharpy 47 to that list.

i think it wasnā€™t a cheat but they are the crew administrator Game which they assign to hold and prevent your level goes up fastā€¦

they were play so selfish / self esteem even you try to tell them stay togetherā€¦after you killed , he will give feed himself to Predatorā€¦

if this account really used a cheat , Sony will detec it fast