Loadout Bug Over and Over again

now i have 4 and 3 of them dont work properly
last patch i had 12 and some of them didnt work properly

does it happen if you rename loadouts or not?

It happens in renamed loadouts,i am gonna check if it happens if i dont change name

yeah it happens even if i dont rename loadouts

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ok, could you maybe do the following to help track down the problem.

Reset everything so there are no bugged loadouts. then make 1 loadout at a time, and copy the save file each time you make a loadout, copy it as a NEW FILE each time, not overwrite.

Then when you add that final loadout or something breaks, save that file as a seperate file.

Then the devs will ahve a file that is OK, and the next file that immediatley broke it, and they can compare the 2 to better see what happened.

If you feel like doing that i think that could help. i understand if not because its a lot of faffing around.

i can do it
reset you mean to delete all saves right ?

yeah so delete save, then create one loadout at a time and test between creating loadouts. save the files each time u make a new one. then when you get to the point where its broken you will have the known “good” file that you just saved to compare to the broken one.

This could be very useful to tracking down the issue.

well the files are “unreadable” so i will just upload them here

yeah you cant open them the dev team can thoug, maybe worth putting them into a zip file or uploading them to your google drive if you have one. depending on size you may not be able to upload them to this site as it limits things a lot, even images are usually too big.

i did some test and i found that Scout pred is 100% bugged
every loadout resets when i use scout/valkyrie and hunter
but when i use elder they work fine (same loadouts) idk if this helps

so i did more tests , i tried the “bugged” loadouts with others classes

  1. Scout just empty the loadout
  2. valkyrie changes the weapons in loadout
  3. Hunter same with valkyrie

4)city hunter seems fine
5)Elder is fine
6) samurai is …strange , 90% of the times it keeps the right weapons but sometimes it changes 1 of them

i didnt test the other classes


Same here no weapons or equipment save in any load out. Soon as i finish a match they reset. load up a new game, they reset. So irritating .

good testing jim, all the info is usful im sure.

If you could make a loadout that you know would bug out, then before joining a match, close the game, zip your save file (it’s located in %localappdata%\Spacefish\ just zip the whole saved folder) and email it to info@illfonic.com, we can get that in front of QA directly.

In that email, also include a small number in Predator: Hunting Grounds. It’s on the Options screen, in the bottom right corner. It can be hard to read, so a screenshot is fine.

This will help immensely as we can test the loadout on accounts that have everything unlocked, see if it glitches, and then 1:1 against your personal unlocks


posted this to the topic on steam forums regarding same issue. hope thats no a problem.

I just sent you the email

so did you get my email ? did you try the loadout ?
some feedback would be nice

its not only yours they will be looking at and they cant reply to everyone. If they do need anything they will probably reply by email. we just have to let them work

Try this, you will basically override some of the points where the game validates your loadouts and resets them, but I can’t say for sure that it works for other people all of the time, as it hasn’t been tested with enough people yet.
The basic issue lies in the game itself, which creates bugging loadout files, even if you delete them.
If you have a friend, who*s loadouts don’t bug, use his file.
I was able to transfer a friend’s loadout resets by just using his file, while he got rid of his using mine.

new patch and the reset bug is still there