I won’t support racist redesigns, simple as. You wanna teach kids its okay to change how a character looks to meet a financial quota, that’s on you.
LOTR Rings of Power in a Nutshell
I think kids are going to say, “cool The Little Mermaid”, and not “time to change how a character looks to meet a financial quota”. Again, it’s us adults that are going into that shit lol
Wasn’t exactly child friendly media but I grew up with stuff like Legacy of Kain. Written by Amy Hennig, it’s a Shakespearen story about Free Will; fighting against what the world & society expects of you, doing the right thing at great personal cost & staying true to who you are. They literally do not make media like this anymore; we haven’t had a game story as deep & complex as this series since it sadly left us before it could finish its tale. Focus on making good, honest media like this instead of this bullshit drivel we have today. Because the kids who grow up with good things will go on to possibly make more good things.
Who the fuck is telling these kids that? Let me tell you a little secret, LOOK IN THE FUCKING MIRROR. These people who claim to “support and uplift” precious “minorities” are the most racist and demeaning people Ive ever met. If a black kid thinks he wont get anywhere I guarantee it was some white leftist telling them that because the white man is keeping them down and the world hates them.
Oh and for the people screaming to abolish the police and how they target black people unfairly, can you please explain THIS poll?
They very people who are most affected by crime and violence in their communities dont want less police it appears, some even want more! So all you middle class, out of touch progs can shove it up your ass when you say you care about “minorities”, not to mention thats such a demeaning term and is only situationally accurate since it ignores GLOBAL population sizes.
Yeah, like there is no argument from me here.
Racist ass mofos. Yeah I seen many on the left, but I’ve also seen PLENTY of that on the Right, with folks like Ben Sharpiro, Matt Walsh, Steven Crowder, the ENTIRITY of Fox News, Donald Trump “they are bringing crime” quote. Hell, even when they weren’t around when I was growing up, comments like these were always people from the right. All about family values except when they shit on black kids for being future drug dealers or gang war statistic or calling young hispanics beaners or janitors.
Yeah I think everyone wants law enforcement that don’t have a biased view on POCs and actually do the job of helping the community. These goals aren’t exclusive. I mean if they are treating them like shit, can’t blame them if they don’t want them around if they aren’t going to help and just treat them like they are part of the problem. Law Enforcement is needed, but not ones that beat the shit out of helpless low offenders and let kids get slaughtered by a crazed school shooter.
A. If it’s going to play a factor in the story, why wouldn’t that factor be advertised? The point of advertisements is to give you the important information.
B. What about past race swap products?
It’s an announcement more than an advertisement. Again, we reference Prey as an example of a leak that people mistook for a DA AGENDA Feminist anti-male film based on a scat few sentences that turned out to be not that at all. If there is more to come, then I will wait but until then, I have no idea as much as you do so I guess we’ll see what will happen.
Which ones exactly? In general or…?
Trailers are literally advertisements both literally and by intention
But it was true. It was a film about a comanche woman fighting gender norms. It just did it well.
I can’t really blame them since most modern feminist films are anti men.
The general idea
What about race swap films that don’t tie it into the narrative
Is there a trailer for this? I couldn’t find any. I just found articles of Val-Zod going to have his own feature project but that’s it. Again, I’ll wait until more info comes out before I jump to any conclusions.
But was it really? It seemed like the people had no problems with her wanting to be a hunter, simply that they thought she sucked at it. Prohibiting her hunting because she is a woman and prohibiting her because they think she is a liability are two separate issues.
Again, as I asked Fin, because the film has a female lead does it mean that it’s automatically feminist? Isn’t the need to prove people wrong and that they are more then what people think they are is a universal human experience not just exclusive to the female perspective?
OK so I’ll ask you this: What is the issues regarding White Wolf-Black Panther, the original and remake of The Little Mermaid in terms of the swap? Does the race swap of the Little Mermaid actually disturb the narrative or adds to it? Do you think that the White Wolf race swap adds to the Black Panther narrative or prohibit it? Many people say we should make Black Panther white as a take that to all the “woke” people ( I know what they really want to say but they are trying to mask it lol) but the idiots don’t realize that this has been tackled long ago and shows me that they know nothing. Which falls into my next part of the discussion…
For what seen from my own research, as I try to do often after ever discussion to figure out the other side of things, I went to look more into Val-Zod, (I really hate saying black superman as it just reduces him to a one note object rather than a person) and it turns out there is more going on to him then just a race swap.
He has his own compelling back story, personality, ideas and goals. I mean the guy is a pacifist due to being taught that he could be a danger to everyone until he had to fight Darkside to save the world. Like looking on into more videos essays, he’s his own character, a Kryptoian who just happens to be black. But the argument of just “black superman” that I hear form the other side without telling me of his characteristics just simply informs me what I originally had in mind, people just focused on the race and not the whole character on it’s own, seems to me that yet again its just fueled by racism when this character has been established as a more solid person then just an empty race swap. Most of the people here didn’t even tell me his actual name or character, just pissing about the fact that Superman is coming back as a black dude instead of informing me that he is his own person.
If we go back to the remake for a moment, if you ask me about the race swap that doesn’t tie into the narrative, well to be honest…I haven’t seen the movie so idk? I mean it seems like they were going to follow the story beat by beat but they are adding new characters into the story that will change the dynamic of the story in the first place so it seems like there is alot more that might go on then one might think? With this, instead of blindly defending or attacking the film, I rather wait and see if this is a souless cash grab (which I still think it is) or perhaps will this film be actually have something of substance. Is it possible that this version of the Little Mermaid can add a new narrative that White Wolf and Val-Zod does for their respective character origins? Maybe, but with this new info that I’m looking into, I’m just going to move my position as “I have no idea” and I will wait and see about the film when it releases.
God damn white wolf sounds so fucking racist lol
Okay I should clarify, I’m talking generally about the entire concept. Not just black superman.
I’ll take blame for ignoring context
Okay while the film may be a bit open ended on specifics we don’t see any female hunters beside Naru and we see blacklash to the idea before we’re shown them knowing about her hunting skills.
While it is a possibility they’ve seen her hunt badly before, that’s not communicated within the film and as such can’t be counted.
A. It wasn’t just female lead, it was female equality. Which very much is a feminist point.
B. While it is a universal trait, the use of society as the opposition is directly sets a feminist position.
I’ve never heard of white wolf before
So this does depend a bit
It sounds like a new character which is fine just like Miles Morales. But then there’s specifics that I genuinely don’t know. I literally know nothing so maybe he is bad.
I’m going to be honest, when you guys talked about black superman I thought it was the same superman but race swapped. Not an entirely different character.
That’s entirely different.
On first glance, yeah I agree, it sounds like something that the KKK would call themselves, seeing they got the whole Grand Wizard shit going on or the usual viking culture appropriation that these weirdos try to take for themselves. But the character himself is actually far more complex and his own being.
Well the film stated while there isn’t female hunters, no one ever challenged her about having no women as hunters at all either. Naru’s mom simply did correct her on saying that hunters don’t hunt because they do, but they do to survive. Taabe even states that no one is stopping her because she is a woman, but simply that they think she can’t, during their argument in the War Chief ceremony scene. While there was a comment or two from the other hunters, something about not needing a cook, they were always irritated at her insistence of being a hunter rather than a woman being a hunter. Maybe I missed something, but I never got anything that the tribe prevented her for being a woman.
Ok sure but this leads us to the next point…
Yeah but again, this alone doesn’t mean the film is bad by default. Trash shouldn’t discourage the chance of great content, otherwise we become what we hate, and that is having blind hate of something due to just a sliver of a relation to past experiences. I’m just more of a wait and see kind of guy then jumping the gun kind of guy.
The quick run down is that the White Wolf is the adopted caucasian brother of Black Panther. They both have a complex relationship that has gone down to pure conflict but he was always loyal to Wakanda and eventually do mend with his brother. I’d recommend watching the vid as I did leave out a few things here and there for the sake of simplicity but the White Wolf is much more then just a palette swap.
Which is why I had my issues with everyone dissing him, as yet again they show anger at the idea of a black person being Superman and not looking at the fact it’s been done before and not just another swap. If people only took the time to find out this info, then perhaps many of these arguments could have been avoided, but then they wouldn’t be called the Reactionary Right now wouldn’t it?
Now I just wonder what the new series will take with Val-Zod as it would suck if they tarnish the potential of making something great with his character.
I agree but I can’t blame anyone for assuming something commonly done poorly by Hollywood to continue being poorly done by Hollywood.
And we still gave it a chance. I turned over, other people turned over, several people turned when they saw it.
Not directly but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t there.
Then I think it’s the matter of perspective, as I never had that kind of impression when I saw it.
Yeah I know. The point of bringing up Prey in the earlier conversation is that it’s an example of how the idea a film has to use a big star actor to make a film instead of using a proper but also highly talented actor for the role is false. Prey showed that Amber and Dakota did a fine job, no big star required. IF anything, big actors over using the appropriate ones can lead to actual racism. Like how Hollywood executives wanted to use Julia Roberts to play as Harriet Tubman for a Harriet Tubman film, even though it’s based on a real person and would be fucked up to use a white lead instead of a black lead. But as Fin would say
No racism factored into this right…? Even though this exact line of thinking is what brought the attempt Julia Roberts casting, racism intentional or not. But yeah it’s been stretched out too much, that’s just the jist of it.
Fuck Amazons message, things shouldn’t reflect our world unless it’s good at it and rings didn’t
The world we live in today…
It’s horrible
Character development