Making Fireteam Better for Hunt -- From a Full Time Predator Player

you clearly don’t usually play against good FT

Hahah he is. As soon as I saw this post. I knew right a way that was the case. As soon as he runs across a premade. Watch how quickly his words change.

As quick as entering second wind, d’oh! Lolol

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Yo maybe I don’t play against good FT or whatever–but I’m level 125 or something? I have like 61 hours in the game. I’ve played a lot lately. Maybe if I played a premade it would be harder. That said, I don’t get those very often. And if I do, I totally disagree that it takes 1 person to win against me. Usually it’s the opposite: if they have 1 or 2 people on their team who aren’t doing their job, splitting up, etc, then I win. It’s pretty easy to take out 2 FT members no matter how good they are, with the alpha sickle and the blaster softening them up before hand. It’s about having fun on pred and taking your time, don’t try too hard, and you’ll find an opening. I have played maybe 200 games now? And I rarely meet an FT team that is super great. Where you finding these premades or these 1 or 2 people who can beat you? I get them every now and then… but very rarely. The majority of the time, it’s pretty dang easy to win on pred.

Blockquote … whats your win ratio against premade fts?..Then you can boast

I dont’ want to come across boasting. This is just the experience I’m having. How do I find the win ratio?

Listen man nothing personal but saying you win 90 percent of games that are random teams isn’t impressive, it actually makes you look foolish…
Not trying to be a bully but there’s players in this forum that could 1v1 and destroy any pred over and over again

Just careful what you post in this forum ppl will eat you up and spit you out… then t bag that pred body especially being new.

Blockquote Listen man nothing personal but saying you win 90 percent of games that are random teams isn’t impressive, it actually makes you look foolish…
Not trying to be a bully but there’s players in this forum that could 1v1 and destroy any pred over and over again Just careful what you post in this forum ppl will eat you up and spit you out… then t bag that pred body especially being new.


is level 125 considered new? i don’t know. i mean i’ve had the game a couple weeks.

i’ve literally never faced an FT team that has ruined my life or wahtever your’e saying. i don’t care if i do. I’m not talking about the rare unicorn Lebron FT guy. I’m talking about the average experience.

I’ll be careful. BTW, I’m a grown ass man. Nobody here scares me in any way, esp some dude who might beat me in a video game maybe if I match up with him maybe if he’s in a premade maybe that is so good maybe that I’ll be beaten maybe but so far not happened. I’ll be okay but thanks for the warning bruh

So…that’s it.

If we’re coming of disrespectful it’s because when the game came out complaints like this we’re actually very common so the developers listened and it was a wholesale shitshow. The Predator is just now at a point where he can effectively face a good 4 man team if he knows what he’s doing.

You really haven’t been challenged yet that’s all, believe us. 9 second spots, scout duelist running double time, parry masters and no scope snipers hitting you mid leap while in second wind. All of these things will change your mind when you start to see them more frequently

okay well maybe that does happen but not like… i mean… 90% of the time. most of the time i just demolish. 61 hours on the pred is a pretty good amount of time to get a general feel of the game. are you on a PC or a PS3? I play A LOT of stealth games. I have every splinter cell. I mentioned Metal Gear Solid up there. I played a stealth char in an MMO for like 5 years. Stealth is my shit. Maybe you just aren’t that experienced with this kind of gameplay and should be playing FT. Idk man

I’m on both PC and PS5. I’ve got about 600 or so hours into this game and I play both sides regularly. Believe me when I say stealth in this game is pretty much non existent at higher levels of play.

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how do you get to these high levels of play? is there a ladder? no. is there a level-based matchmaking system? because a whole lot of the time, i’m facting 1 steam person, 3 Ps5 people or whatever, and 1 of them has an open mic or is yelling at their team or something. There needs to be a competitive mode or something. Because I rarely ever get the “high levels of play.” Where does this happen? Am I missing something?

With the amount of hours you have played yes your new

Yeah I mean. You definitely are facing a shit load of scrubs. Because we literally all face a shit load of scrubs. 90% of the player base is absolute shit. Play a 4 man of day 1 sweats and you’ll see in no way shape or form is the fireteam too weak.

That’s the issue with asymmetrical games. Evolve, DBD, Predator.

People tend to not use teamwork, and be bad. And you get this false idea of how powerful the monster, killer, or predator is. But if everyone is working together and actually good at the game, they instantly Become ridiculously powerful


Matchmaking is also very weird in this game. You’re absolutely right that you just described a pretty common FT. Most of my time is on console, I only got the game on PC during the steam sale and am only about level 102 there. Yet for some reason I run into a lot more experienced players while playing on PC than on console. Played for over a year and can count on one hand how many members of this forum I ran into. I get it on PC and I’ve run into a LOT of them in that months time span.

The only way you’ll ever get “high level players” is probably private matches. It’s so rare to actually bump into the good 4 mans. I have like probably almost 1000 hours and have played maybe 2 Dozen or so, maybe less, actual good 4 mans lol

so if the only time i run into this “high levels of play” is in private matches, how on earth is that relevant to this discussion? i’m talking about the average experience. i’m not talking about your premade stuff with people who have 1k hours in the game. i’m talking about me playing for 4 hours last night and winning almost every single match. the literally 1 time i lost was because i ran in without my second wind up and was just running around. i dont even have to take it serously. i basically fkn role play as the pred to make it more itneresting or i jump around and sneak up to people and say “boo” and shit before i kill them. i can run in a circle and prevent some of these people from killing me. its just about managing cool downs and having a good feel for movement and stuff.

It’s extremely relevant. Because if you buff or help the ft Out to help your “average experience” I’m gonna kill every single predator every single game lol. FT already had the Ability to kill the predator in 2-4 seconds. A single member… can do this if they just aren’t missing. So if you help ft’s out anymore at all, then 4 mans won’t be the issue. Just 1 really good ft member will be too much.

You can’t balance a game around the low level scrubs, because high level players will take advantage of this

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I can grab 3 people from this forum and we can play and we’ll show you why it’s a bad idea to buff the FT again

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I said it earlier, @DisturbedLlama is trying to tell you now…you’re trying to balance around low skilled players, this makes higher skilled players God tier.

Trust us…challenge a premade and see where we’re coming from first before you make up your mind. Bottom line is you cannot balance this game strictly around casuals

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