Making Fireteam Better for Hunt -- From a Full Time Predator Player

one thing this thread has accomplished though is that i feel way less bad for FT members now rofl. i kill with a vengence at this point rofl. people on here teling me they’d solo me as a FT member. o okay. the FT people are funny / cute. Ya’ll are toxic, and I don’t feel bad about kililng you all in 5 mins at all like I was feeling hahah. As far as I’m concerned, keep it how it is. I’ll go 15k - 69 in this game too. I was just trying to help you. Fools. Fact is, it’s probably crappy predator mains who are complaining about what im saying. I’m sorry you get pnwd so hard by FT people who are 1/10th as strong as the character your’e playing.

You on PC or Console?

PC. And no I’m not adding you to my Steams friends list. That’s reserved for friends

Wasn’t going to ask. Would like your name though so I know who to look for

My name is tanjo. it’s in teh video I posted up there where I’m going 5-0 against randos.

I don’t see a video, but thank you. Maybe I’ll see you in the jungle

like i said, im not even good. but theres no reason someoen with 61 hours in the game should be going 27-3

its not hard if you have potatoes enemys

I’m not adding you either.

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Fak yu!


Nobody wants to be friends with old people eww.

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okay so in 30 games, if i’m playing against FT teams with 3 - 4 people each, that’s 30x3.5 = 105 people. so out of those 105 people, only 3 combinations of them were good enough to beat me? no, sorry. theyre not potatoes. they simply dont have an equal chance. if you lose as predator, YOU SUCK. period. im not even good and i hardly ever lose. if you have 3k hours in this game and you aren’t winning 90%+ of your pred matches you straight up suck. if you have 200 hours in the game and you arent winning 90% of your pred matches, you suck. so how is this balanced? fact is you probably suck at pred.

pal every pc pred have that win rate vs random ps4 potatoes . i had that win rate from day 1 , its easy get over it

bro youre literally making my point. its called IMBALANCE. its not because theyre good.

so back to my fkn original point: make it 6vs2. give the FT team better tools. make it more challenging, so, as you say, every PC player isnt dunking on PS4 people every single game

its not “imbalance” when you count potatoes , its called PC (good aim good fps ) vs ps4(pathetic aim and pathetic fps (not even 30 ))
go play vs duo + 2 potatoes and you will understand the difference

bro honestly i beat steam people too. its not just the platform. i beat 4 steam people on a reg basis. but like i said i dont care anymore. leave it how it is. i’ll go 1million and 3 and who cares. let this game be what it is. i’ll be larry bird and you can be the guy on the poster

my friend you are new , you have no idea how this game works . you gonna find good duo enemy and they gonna open your ass
your “good” enemys from the video they didnt spot , they didnt saw your plasma , they didnt block in you the buildings , they didnt even listen you when you were 5 meters away (and ofc they didnt even try to pairy once )
they were bad

lol good story. i just played 5 more games yesterday. guess what? 5-0 on pred. easy. i guess that makes me 32-3 now in my last 35 games. im winning games faster than ever. no even if an FT player spams parry over and over they can’t take me 1 on 1. i can see the animation. i just move in from the side, back, or shoot them. what can they do? shoot me back? i have way more health than them. if your’re a pred player and youre losing to the FT on a regular basis, i feel sorry for you. im doing better now than i was when i made this thread, because now i enjoy winning before FT people get one objective thanks to this thread. if you play pred in this game and you think FT is OP or you are sitting here talking about how hard it is to win as pred and how scary FT can be and how I don’t know wtf, then you must really suck. 5-0 yesterday. Getting bored.

i was thinking of making another video of my last 5 games, but why bother. just imagine the same thing as last time, but quicker, more ruthless victories and less playing around. like i said, by all means keep it this way. i’ll just keep proving my point. i’m actually still getting better at this game too. wins are easier. stuff is second nature. movement is becoming more second nature. keep the game how it is. i like winning.

You’re too cocky for a player with under 100 hours, the matches you’ve shown are against potatoes, no one is pushing you on the Fireteam side, if you go up against experienced players, your ass will be on a silver platter.

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