Marksman predator


I can already hear the squeakers: “GET NO SCOPED! GET NO SCOPED!”🤣🤣🤣


Ft already complain about the weaponry yautjas use now.

Want to add a sniper now?

Do it…






I like the idea…

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Idk man. Itd prolly be better than being an FT sniper. The mechanics of this game just don’t support the classic fps sniper role at all. The AI like magnetize to whichever FT is closest. They’ve ruined my hiding spot when hiding from pred so many times its not funny.

I just want my mask to be able to zoom in as it should.


That pretty much looks like the stalker pred from AVP Extinction. That unit was essentially the sniper with the best cloak and had a long range spear rifle that could inflict bleed damage and slow down their enemies but against heavy armor it was kind of useless. What I’m trying to say is we need that shit in this game


We need more ranged weapons for Predator so I 100% think this is a good idea IF its done right.

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I’d be happy with the spear gun from the AvP 2 pc game.

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Ya you were one of them, you and @Thunder-Cats, cant imagine how much youd guys cry from this if we had it xD.

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Predator with a sniper rifle… That would be a nightmare.

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Shiiiit, tell me about it. Ohhh caster spamming while we’re running FM and Deadlies! Ohh, good with the bow=cheater! Fuck outta here with that crap


If I had a sniper as the pred I would never melee ever again lol


Spear gun was in Predator 2 the movie…

I already dont, but if we did get this, it definitely needs to one shot or have a really good status effect.

Cause it wouldnt be easy to land shots with how easy is it is for ft to hide.

The only real advantage is that you can definitely stay out of ft line of sight xD.

I’d like to try it.
I cant see myself winning matches solely cause of a pred sniper but I would have fun with it lol.


I feel Illfonic would fuck it up and the scope would be termal and only be like a 6x scope so youd still have to be closeish to the ft

I will always melee however that’s just because I don’t necessarily find it fun to kill all four from range only and if the team’s good I want to keep them on their toes.

Like what @Fire said it should either be really powerful however I feel as a result for the that kind of damage it should have like 12-16 shots total or it’s weaker but causes bleed which both hurts and slows them down with either infinite ammo or a large quantity.

God, sadly that would be the most likely implementation.

I’d love for 100 damage per shot, has the fire Rate of a bolt action, takes 25% energy per shot, but it can pierce through 1 or 2 walls.

I think I would do ok with this, as long as it’s not thermal scope only, but I would love to see those who could really pull this off lol.

Never be seen once lol.

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