Marksman predator

If it’s setup like I said, it wont need an ammo limit.
Youd only be able to do 3 shots at most unless you want to be overloaded.
Then you have to move most likely to recover energy.

I dont think it should have a limited ammo count.

Well my response was in response to your initial response prior to my knowledge of your former response that had the build…response.

This has to be a joke. The sniper rifle for the predator with his mobility and stealth would be far more broken then snipers on top of those buildings in derail back in the day.

This would be the bow on super steroids.

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I don’t understand this whole the bow is far superior in the hands of a pc players. I watch @FairYautja alot. Almost every stream. I watch @JelouGaming video. The bow is still very hard to use even for these players. Shoot Jelou video with the bishmuthfucka. He shot like 10 or 12 shots at one person and was missing alot. Fair misses alot. So how would a sniper be any different. U would be still and the ft are constantly moving

And in the AvP 2 game on pc… But u can actually see it

No one mentioned you, do us all and yourself a favor and go on and live your life and quit hanging around here.

Ok but.
What are you trying to say?

I hear ya trust me I do but what are you tryna say?

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Let’s gooooo!!

Has a zoom function and acts like a fully charged plasma bolt minus the splash damage

Cool down between each shot

Can’t be cloaked when equipped

So Its ok for ft to have insane broken damage snipers, that can two shot a mask, but GOD FORBID pred can do that right?

I already put some pretty hefty restrictions on it.
25% energy per shot, would have a bolt action for rate.
Like not as fast as ft.
A bit slower.

The goal Is to have fun and finally have a way of playing without ever being Seen of you can pull it off.

This would be even harder to land.
@Xan84 doesnt want pred to have anything good or fun.

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Shut the fuck up, you started it not us.

Huh? What

Dont mind me just yelling at the air here lol.
That comment was at Fantasma lmao.
But if you like I can aim at you.

XD lol jk, it’s funny cause it looks like it’s at you.
Mods just thanos’d his new account out of existence lol @REYNOSO_FUA11


What the fuck did you do huh?!

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They’re gonna stop banning anyone else on the forums and only be on the look out for Fantasmas bitch ass.


It’s stupid how he really thinks other people started with him when hes the one who did.
Shits fkn stupid.

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The fucker is either delusional or just flat out crazy tbh, why he’s still making alt accounts is beyond me. What’s funny he wasn’t even mentioned in this thread, it all started in the new pred movie thread and still no one there mentioned him.

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God I want him to actually fight a predator.
If he wins we have no choice but to hear him out.

Like and actually pred irl.

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Best we can do is have him fight a canabalistic jungle rapist.

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