Marksman predator

YOOOO that sounds like a nice B horror movie.

this summer… xD

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It has to star Nicholas Cage.

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Watch this lmao.
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I’ve seen this before lol, pretty sure he takes whatever he can take to pay off that island debt he accrued.

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bow is really hard to use. is rewarding when you land a shot, but is really hard. unless the target is not moving you will miss shots most of the time

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Also no splash damage. If it’s gonna be a legit sniper it needs no splash whatsoever or very very little.

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I think it should have its own clip

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That could be another fair way to balance it

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I had imagined it without splash damage,
But a tiny range I guess would be good.

The bow is meta and insanely powerful in the right hands. It does take skill to use, I can shoot multiple clips at a predator that lips about and not kill him. I seriously fail to see your point there. Also try some traps. Trap one and arrow him to death. There is a reason why good predators always use the bow against premades of good players, at least those on PC.

So you think that a predator that can get extremely easy to vantage points, have cloak that at a distance you can’t see shit, has insane mobility should also be able to 1 shoot people across the map?
This after how much predators complained, INCLUDING YOU about FT doing this very thing on derail? This would be that times 100. Why do people like you want to brake the game just because they felt something not fair happen to them at one point or another, they made the cloak better to prevent just this from happening. Don’t you think we should work to balance the game properly then fuck it up?

Really, energy cost that would the apropiate talents would make it zip right back up? Perhaps 25% HP of the predator per shoot. A 1 shoot sniper for a stealth, high mobility class like the predator would make even the most powerful premade not able to win.

Yes, I am sure you would have fun 1 shooting people and them not even seeing you. On the other hand FT players would most certainly stop your fun by not hitting that que.

100 damage no matter where you hit on fts body,
Even head shots.

So you literally need to hit the ft twice in order to down them.
You cant shoot
this sniper from the hip,
And you have to have the scope all the way up before you can take a shot.

You don’t necessarily have to stand still using it, you can walk while aiming, but doing that is really slow on predator.

There would be damn near no splash damage,
So you have to be precise.

Xan, you dont want jumping around quick scoping.
That’s fine.

I never had this in mind to be used how ppl jump around with the bow.
Also, the scope would no less than 6x, so you cant be too close.

I feel like you dont fully read my entire post, like All of them, and only respond to half the information.

So I dont see how still think this would be a huge problem with all the restrictions I’ve mentioned.

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It’s because the pred would finally gain a useful weapon and that’s a no no for FT.


I have to say I am glad you’re not the one in charge of balancing the game.

FT does not jump around and quick scope the predator and that is a fast moving damn target that also has STEALTH! Even so the predator needs branches for protection and an upgrade to its stealth (the patch that buffed the cloak) to not be trolled by FT climbing on top of derail and shooting him dead. Even so consider how powerful the sniper is and FT does not have the speed or stealth of the predator.

Now imagine if they would remove stealth from predator, cut his mobility to the level of FT and then expect him not only to charge at a building the FT is guarding with snipers but also stay STILL AND ACTIVATE OBJECTIVES that take seconds. Makes perfect sense man… Oh and throw AI charging and attacking him. You could also add some traps.

Seriously, I can’t even wrap my mind how this is not bloody obvious of how BROKEN (not even OP, BROKEN it would be). You just need good aim, yeah, that would cut like 90% of PS players but the rest? And PS players? Right, right.

In the end I don’t even understand why would ANYONE that is a predator fan want to go sniper hunting in a predator game instead of using tools, weapons and gear the predator actually uses in movies.

Xan seriously man.
Take a breathe and chill.

Were talking a fire rate of 1.5 secs or 2 secs.
100 damage max, no matter where you hit, and takes 25% energy so you unless you want to overload you can only take 3 shots at a time.

Not only that, you also can not take a shot until your scope is fully up, so you cant quick scope like ft can.

Like it would not work with a highly mobile style.
And it would only peirce one or two walls so ft cant hide the entire time.

So with so many restrictions, what are you afraid of?
This weapon isnt meant to just be a free win or even that effective.
Its supposed to just be for fun.

And as long as you stay moving,
Your chances of dying to it are very small.

And honestly if I was in charge both sides and the game in general would feel better and be more fun to play.

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Fire, did you see some of the good FT players around here posting videos of them sniping the predator? They don’t miss predators who are far faster and can leap. Now imagine those people playing a predator with a sniper rifle and shooting after far slower targets that can’t leap or stealth. If you think that is balanced even by limiting it that way I don’t know what to say and again, limiting it by energy is meaningless. The energy can go right back up very fast with certain builds.

But again, its obvious you will think this is fine no matter what and its a pointless discussion since I don’t see them ever adding a sniper rifle on the predator end.

Ok it doesn’t have a scope and is more of a carbine than full sniper

Damage is consistent with quick fire arrows

It runs on it’s own energy

That does sound more reasonable but I can’t say more, new weapons need a lot of testing. Things like how visible does it make the predator when they shoot is, does it leave a trail, how much ammo per clip, fire rate… And so on… I am thinking they already got the pistol on that area.

Why are you ignoring the slow rate of fire?

I am not ignoring man, a 1.5-2 seconds fire rate when you do 100 damage per shoot from across the map is damn good. FT does not have the mobility of the predator and they have to fight AI and stand still to activate objectives.