Marksman predator

Oh why not? Why?Why?Why? :(

I dont feel like typing a response up, but if you really wanna discuss this, I supposed we can on discord.

Highly doubt we will agree tho.
The only thing I will say is being able to set up feild medics and such are a clear advantage.
Should go without saying.

Devs are not competent enough to make a proper aim assist.

No Xan not in terms of realism, I’m talking in fiction.

Life is boring as is, theres nothing really cool.
But in fiction, unless it’s a special case, humans are beyond boring.

No cool powers, extremely weak, ect.

Shut it worm and bow before the God Emperor of Mankind!

On a more serious note its because if its a SF the aliens need to be more powerful then us and have better tech. So we end up the underdog and eventually win in spite of it all. Obviously not in all media, an example above of awesome humans when we get enough time to progress in the far future.
I am sure if we had just as much tech as preds we would dominate them if we can handle them with current age weapons (like Dutch).

PS. Personally I don’t find life boring or not special. I guess it depends on how we each see it.

Keep in mind this would be projectile based

Personalities can be cool, but that’s about it lol.
Yes tech can make humans cool, but eh.