Marksman predator

I think they can manage it

Predator needs a vast array of weaponry

Why do you try to discuss things with this guy? Heā€™s another one of those special types of people who thinks their ideas are the best and everyone elseā€™s are shit.

Personally I think they need to add more gear, not weapons. People have been asking for things like attack dogs for quite some time. That would be awesome.

Somebody has to annoy him.

Lol Iā€™ve always been like that.
Hes just too worried about the good sharpshooters.

Its annoying but Iā€™m here might as well talk about the game.

Predator needs more of everything

Gear, weapons, perks, armor and personalizations

Well any lower damage would not be rewarding.
You get it still has to have a chance to kill the ft right?

Right now everything pred has is too weak so everything is risky.
Or just ineffective.

This GAME needs more everything but if they add more weapons I am thinking at least add more predatoris weapons, like that those from Wolf.

Its not about just the damage, its about stealth, mobility and snipping from great distances.
Just add predator weapons like the shuriken, whip.


But donā€™t stop there

The whip stealth kill would be sick

Wraps em up then when he Yanks it back FT get cut in half

I would prefer stealth kills with the whip from trees. Something like Batman does in the Arkman games just more bloody.

Iā€™d love to have a whip I can use to strangle or toss ft.
But melee is too dangerous so these weapons wonā€™t do anything.

Look man, Im tired of ft having the full advantage and being broken than a motherfucker, so even with this sniper unless itā€™s a bad team, I cant see winning a match purely cause of it.

Cause you cant move to use it effectively.

But with stuff like this, even if ft makes it to the chopper, at least il have fun.

Theres nothing cool or good enough right now on order to have real fun playing this game atm.

I love sniping.
So getting the chance to do do would be extremely fun.

This isnt as effective as you think it is.

If you love sniping you should be playing FT. You donā€™t see me saying I love cloak so give one to FT :)
Anyway, I donā€™t think you will be getting a sniper for predator.

Ft is lame and so are the ppl who play ft non stop lol.

I play occasionally when ppl want to.
But itā€™s boring.

And ya I never had my hopes up, this was just a concept idea.

Pred has nothing cool, and is so damn weak right now itā€™s really not fun.

So in the end the predator is better off going by what you said there? Since FT is lame and boring? Should we not look there first and fix it if its in a worse state?

This is multiple topics Xan.

The problem of ft bring boring mainly Comes from it just being a bare bones fps.
But just by comparison, a human Is beyond fucking lame compared to most creatures.

Keyword most. Not all.

It would help if the missions Were better and more involved. Like if this game played like ghost recon.
It would be hella fun.

As far as pred goes right now, even if you win, the matches really arent rewarding enough because ft just does way too much damage can do what they need to, way too easily.

Plus nothing pred has is really cool anyways.
Itā€™s all Super basic shit, and pretty weak too.

Ive given multiple ideas through my time on the forum, to help both Sides.
But all I can do is give concepts.

Basic ones too, cause ya know, Iā€™m Not getting paid to come up with stuff.

But itā€™s really hard to fix the game and make it better, when so many people, refuse to address and see the actual problems.

You are one of those people.
But ilfonic itself is A problem as well, since they donā€™t listen or attempt to communicate.

It really makes me sad how many people we lost very early on because ilfonic didnt listen.

You remember the very first survey someone Posted on here?
If ilfonic would of Listened to the results, wed have a huge playerbase Right now and this game would be really high up in popularity.

You actually find humans lame compared to most creatures? What exactly does the lame meter contains? What to you use to grade them? This really make no sense.

FT does to much damage? No, premades of 4 GOOD players do to much damage. The rest not so much. If that is why games are not rewarding to you (the too much damage) donā€™t worry, 90% of games are with randoms. So those are fun right? I would also like to point out that I donā€™t get how you winning when the game is stack against you (if I understand that right, because of the too much damage) is not rewarding.

Personally I think predator has cooler shit then FT and I donā€™t mean just weapons. The game overall has issues but that is another thing, its not a predator thing, Its a game thing.

Oh I am seeing the problems man, you just want to balance around 4 man pc death squads and that would kill the game. If the que is bad now, imagine then! Randoms would just quit when they would lose constantly. Its not that I donā€™t get the predator has issues in certain scenarios, I do but you canā€™t screw over randoms or nobody ques anymore.

Not in this game, but in general humans are weak and easy to kill, have nothing unique or special to them.
Cant do anything flashy or cool.

Hence, boring.
Can you stop saying pc premades like their the only problem?
Cause ps4 premades are that a huge pain in the ass too.

But again, like Iā€™ve said a million times, I am not balancing or giving suggestions off of any skill level.
I always try to just balance the game itself.

If the game was balanced, a premade wouldnā€™t have the complete advantage like they do now, and randoms wouldnt be as easy to kill.

Yeah, youā€™re not making any sense homie.
If youā€™re saying a PS Pre-made has any more of an advantage than a PS random then youā€™re not really explaining the advantages of this so called premade you speak of.

Might you say something like, 'they use the mics with strategy," might be a thing. But currently, they are not. Speed has everything to do with it. As a player on the PC Predator side against a PS premade, i dont see any particulars unless these particulars are pre-made PS using Kb/m. and that is very unlikely or very very mythical. or ALL of them are DUTCH 2025 with specializations set at the Assault level with a very clever Dante and his rocket launcher. But these are classes, and if they are tight, then they are tight. They donā€™t have to be pre-made PS.

Humans are the hardest creature to kill on the planet, intelligence>everything. Why do you think we are at the top of the food chain man?
Does a nuclear bomb qualify as flash or cool? If not show me the animal that has more of that.

Iā€™ve used the term ā€œPC DEATH SQUADā€ since its a known term around here, I was referring to good 4 man premades in general. If you get 1 out of 10 games I would call that a miracle.

People who know one another, make builds before the game starts, have external communications and so on will always have the advantage.

There is some truth to that. But likely they just load in with the strongest loadout available or their ā€˜thingā€™ that they want to try. PCā€™s are very target oriented as their combo is very quick to accuracy. But I hate the term PC Deathsquad. I would champion just DeathSquad in hopes for brighter days when some crap is implimented to help the PS get up to speed with controls.

I donā€™t think you will see that day on THIS game.