Microsoft acquires Zenimax

This is pretty big. Doom, fallout, the elder scrolls could all be Xbox exclusives from here on out.


Ew xbox.


Hopefully you donā€™t like any of these games because they will likely be exclusive to Xbox

Doubt it, theyā€™d make way more money by selling them. Games make more money then hardware does


IDK man Microsoft doesnā€™t have enough good exclusive titles

Yeah, select games are likely to become straight up exclusives. At least for a time period before PC release and then even longer wait before switch or PS4.

Goodbye Doom, it was nice knowing you.

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Possibly. But its also likely they will be timed xbox exclusives and come to pc through the windows store.

I like elder scrolls thatā€™s about it.

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People would buy an Xbox just to play elder scrolls six (Iā€™m one of them)
I think it would be foolish for Microsoft not to take advantage of that fact.

Iā€™m not as big into gaming as I used to be, so I can live without playing the new one.

Iā€™m going to get a ps5 to play demon souls, but at this point, I could live without that too.

Kind of off topic but gaming has just gone to absolute shit in the past few years, I wanna say like 6 or 7, so Iā€™m not interested in games as much as I used to be.

Games lack the good feeling of good old school games.
The worst offense is how slow every game moves now a days. Its fucking disgusting.

I just hope at least 2 or 3 really good games pop up on ps5.


You jaded fuck

lol jk

For me games just keep getting better as a whole while there might be fewer games I actually enjoy

This old man is outdated let him to his raisin oatmeal cookies and chess šŸ˜‚

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I like raisin oatmeal cookiesā€¦and chessā€¦ OMG IM OLD!!!

Sounds like you suck at chess lmao.

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Wait till James Cameron acquires Microsoft and Sony in their entirety. Then the ultimate console will be released that plays all games. My God, itā€™ll be beautiful.

All the console needs is a name. James Cameron is open to suggestions.


Well, shit. While I dont believe that bethesda games will be xbox exclusives (theres too much money to be made from other consoles and dlcs, etc), theyā€™re going to cream Sony and Nintendo for the ability to port them. Then, eventually Microsoft may finally get its way and have crossplay across all platforms (Nintendo will have to step up its game to carry certain games graphically) and finally make its move to try to kill Sonys game division and Nintendo or acquire them. I donā€™t think it will succeed in killing them. It will likely be a long fight.

On the plus side, maybe, juuuuuuuuust maybe someone at both Microsoft and ID will get it together and put Brutal DooM and Brutal DooM 64 on consoles (šŸ™ pretty please!)

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If James Cameron enters the console wars, itll take 25 years and $10 billion to produce a single prototype. And even then, itā€™ll just be ā€œokā€.(avatar, anyone?)

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I was literally coming here to say the same thing lol beat me to it yeah thats huge asf I wonder what sony has in mind? def makes me wanna get an xbox

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Well Sony has alot more exclusive that I PERSONALLY ENJOY, but this is a huge win for Xbox. I hope that Xbox and Sony can be on equal grounds this console generation.

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Woah, youā€™re playing checkers Iā€™m playing chess

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