Mini-Gun is Trash

The Mini-gun is useless because it’s too slow to swap to (even with fast-hands perk) doesn’t do enough damage, and doesn’t have a LT pre-spool-up option to get ready to shoot and already have the barrels spinning.

After allot of experimenting, better-off using a shotgun or SMG.

um so you need to see this
All weapon dmg stats

according to this video the mini gun has a time to kill at close range of 4.3 seconds which is literally fastest time to kill in the game currently minigun is fine it’s actually better than every single shotgun in the game at close range albeit yes you should probably use an smg instead for it’s longer range but for close range there is nothing better besides the LMG which ties the minigun in dmg

I had the same feeling in the beginning…too long before you actually start shooting, awful accuracy and so on…but after I tried shotguns and then coming back to the ol painless I can tell you there is no other weapon in game that burns predator hp as fast.
You just have to know how and when to use it. It’s a close range weapon… prepare it when you know the pred is around, as soon as it shows up any closer, unload and watch it go green faster than Al Gore

I’ve tried shredding Predators at close range with mini-gun and from my experience the LMG RP-103 (aka SAW), SMG ZR-55, and shotgun CS-12 are all better at taking down the Predator coupled with Yautja’s Bane.

FT members can weapon swap to them faster and lay down a high-rate-of-Fire accurately on the Predator.

The mini-gun, even with Action Hero Perk equipped, has terrible accuracy, can’t be swapped to and aimed fast enough, let alone spool-up the barrels to be effective most of the time. It’s maneuverability is also so slow even if it’s equipped and ready to go, the player won’t even get shots on target unless the Predator is slow and stupid.

For all these reasons IMO it needs a major buff to the following:

  • Ability to Hold Left Trigger to spool-up barrels
  • Weapon Swap Speed Increase
  • Greater Maneuverability
  • Increased Accuracy

The minigun is a double edge sword, you just have to plan more when to have it ready…

Yes i know that A LOT of its mechanics are lacking (not to say DUMB) like que movement speed and not be able to spool up the barrels. But i doubt Illfonic will do anything, they will not take risks at balancing heavily the game’s numerous mechanics that need to get changed, and the community is just fighting each other if anything gets buffed/nerfed mostly becouse this game feels like they didnt decide if the Predator or the Fireteam is the hunter of the game.

Just use the LMG

That’s what I do mate, see above post. LMG is one of my go-to’s for Predator Shredding.

But that’s why I made this post, because I was playing recently and shredding Predators with LMG & SMGs… and thinking man the mini-gun sucks.

i mean, if you’re playing against a pred that’s just standing there and not moving at super close range, then yeah, the minigun is good. but the 4.3 second ttk is providing you’re pre-firing and landing every single shot, which isn’t likely to happen. maybe if the pred sucks and goes for a long claim in the middle of a gun fight, then you’ve found the one scenario where this gun excels.

in reality, unless you’re in the most perfect or ideal of situation, pretty much every other gun is going to be more viable. the mobility debuff and the time it takes to actually start shooting make it one of the worst guns in the game. it’s just a novelty in its current state.

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untrue, its useful if a. You hit him in the trees creating blood spurts.
b. its useful for clearing trees.
c. its fun to use.
Good day

I respectfully disagree sir, because:

  • Every other weapon, save the shotguns, can hit the Predator in the trees to create blood spots — and with more accuracy
  • It’s not that fun to use because of the reasons listed by me in an earlier post, in fact it frustrating to use for those previously stated reasons

Prior to the Trial when I pre-ordered Predator: Hunting Grounds I was hyped to have day 1 access for the mini-gun and expected it to be a weapon of mass-destruction; however, it’s a weapon of mass-inconvenience.

Well you’ve thought about it alot to call it trash but do you respectfully offer any logical solution that wets your whistle?
Otherwise—i can think of one thing…increase its’ damage upclose and not from a far.
It already has a great damage radius which I think beats all other weapons but it lacks in damage upclose . From a far… well not sure if the point of the weapon is to kill it from a distance and not think about it.

To call it trash is unfair considering that it was used in the movie in one of the most vital character developing scenes. But i’m sure people would agree that the weapon in the game still doesn’t live up to it’s potential. please offer more from your mind than literally spray painting the words “Mini gun is Trash” in the forums.

Minigun might suck but its for sure fun to shoot

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I think that was the point of it!

This is fan service from original movie more than weapon.

The minigun is literally the fastest way to kill the predator by your own.

" The purpose of suppression is to stop or prevent the enemy from observing, shooting, moving or carrying out other military tasks that interfere (or could interfere) with the activities of friendly forces. An important feature of suppressive fire is that it is only effective while it lasts and that it has sufficient intensity.

Suppressive fire is a tactic to reduce casualties to friendly forces and enable them to conduct their immediate mission. For example, a suppressed target will be unable to engage vulnerable forces that are moving without cover. This enables forces to advance to new positions or to close with the enemy. For example, a US Marines article notes that “communication and suppressive fire are what enables movement on the battlefield, giving Marines the upper hand.”[2] Suppressive fire may be used to enable a helicopter or boat to land or extract soldiers from a battle zone (the latter is called a “hot extraction”)."

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The minigun is fine as is, EVERYTHING about the fire team is fine as is and maybe tuned a little high(movement speed being a good example).

You tune the MG even a little bit and it becomes god tier. God forbid you run into a well coordinated team running a couple of those things. I couldn’t imagine them buffing it and this place not absolutely erupting in protest.

Did you not read a damn thing in this thread? Because it appears you only read the title, for I said three reasons why I felt the mini-gun under performed in my original post and even elaborated more clearly in my second post that I’m quoting below:

Please read thread contents before leaving comments, we all know the weapon is iconic in the first film and that’s why the community deserves the weapon it should be and not the weapon we have now.

You sure as hell trolled the fuck of it in the first post. SO no respect.

There was zero trolling on the first comment, perhaps you should read the definition of trolling sometime so you grasp its meaning.

Additionally, you formed an argument without even gleaning information from the thread and made a judgement based on merely the subject line.

Therefore you have no power to retract respect when you didn’t offer any from the very start.