
Interesting I don’t see how the lmg is broken it works the same as it does in most games ( high damage, mag and recoil) The 3 SMG ok I can see were you are coming from the extended mags make them a bit overkill but then without the extended mags they are garbage maybe give less starting ammo for the smg’s the scar personally I think is fine. I don’t get what the problem with it is I mainly use it because I like to switch between single and auto. Hammerhead needs less grenade ammo. But saying that people tend to waste their grenades firing at preds in trees a missing by a mile.

For me the broken guns are the grenade launcher which is just not worth the time in the trial this thing was killer but in the actual game I think I’ve used it 2 or 3 times. The mini gun needs some work mainly reduce the spread mini guns are pretty damn accurate weapons. And the 3 shotguns I don’t know whats happend lately I have always ran a shotgun on my assault class and now it should be a killer since they moved the secondary weapon damage to him but it barely tickles a predator

The AK with extended mag has a TTK of roughly 3 seconds on a Berserker, shit is broken as fuck.

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Eh the recoil is only high if you are trying to spray at long range. up close it might as well not even exist. Which is fine. However the reload speed is imo way too fast. you know somethings wrong when the lmg has less reload time than the AK.

The scar is only an issue because of extended mags, it out damages all the other ARs. I think a solution to that could be decreasing mag size but yeah.

Hammerhead grenades are ass, annoying, but ass.

I agree the grenade launcher got nerfed so hard it might as well have been removed. Honestly it should swap spots with the minigun, and the minigun should have its spread reduced a bit to make it more viable as a primary.

Shotguns are too inconsistent.

Yeah the ak is ridiculous, but the recoil is absurd and the reload is long af.

Thats how the fucking lmg should be lol not the ak. (at least in terms of recoil and reload.)

in terms of damage per shot ak should be highest still. But not as high as it is.

I like your suggestions, but I think sometimes asking for just a few specific changes at a time is better. Maybe if the fireteam were faster and stealthier, that would be enough.

For example:

  • increase support and assault base speed by 15% and scout and recon base speed by 10%
  • reduce base mud up time by 15%
  • remove fireteam foot prints, “observant” now adds footprints only for non mudded FT members

dawg… this is me asking for a few specific changes.

This is me asking for far more than that:

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In my opinion FT are already too fast, and too stealthy, at least towards predator.

I would like better stealth, for sure, especially against AI. And I wouldnt mind them being faster, but I think it needs to be in FAR shorter bursts, because FT moves across the map way too damn fast, and its mostly because they can sprint forever, then when they finally run out of stamina it recharges faster than a scout that just injected themselves with steroids.

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So it has been tested, the AK TTK is less than than SCAR with extended mag. SCAR is just more accurate over long distances. The AK definitely reloads faster than the LMG, I use both frequently. I main use Assault with Yuatja’s bane, weapons training and action hero. Shit is ridiculous.

IT sure as hell doesnt feel like it reloads faster than the lmg. lol. I dont have numbers I go off how the game feels so I am perfectly accepting of being wrong when it comes to stuff like that.

Heres the thing though. The scar is gonna land more shots, unless pred is in a claim animation. Meaning the scar out dps’s the ak in actual games most often.

Thats kinda the issue with the lmg. It doesnt have a whole lot of recoil at all so you dont even have to fight at all to land shots. if you are decent at tracking you can probably out dps both the ARs with the lmg at range, and still have ammo to punish the up close shenanigans.

We thought the same thing until we tested it, like I said SCAR is better at ranged shots, but within 25m the AK outperforms every time. Our team really only run AKs and the UMP (last SMG). We wreck 99% of preds on the first engagement with them. Only time we don’t is if we are all out of position farming VT.

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doesnt surprise me that you melt preds then lol!

Thank you for adding to the discussion here, thats a pretty damn ridiculous example of why the game really isnt balanced.

And as an assault, I have no problems catching a Pred in second wind running with my knife. Only time we don’t get them is if they jump on a roof, or somewhere we need to do a little mountain goating to get up to. The FTs run too damn fast, Support is slow asf though.

Supports like the fat kid trying to run the mile. He aint even running hes just heaving and dragging feet.


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As the support player, can confirm, outa shape. I’m fat.

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Yeah they really need to rework damage on weapons, and add bullet drop off to damage. FT speed is also ridiculous, unless as I said, you play support. I’m a Pred main and only play FT for the challenges. So I’ve been playing Pred in the mornings and FT in the evenings.

Yeah, we usually use Fire as bait…



There already is damage drop off, but its either non existant or way overtuned.

For example at any range except point blank the smgs might as well be airsoft guns.

However the ARs feel like they never drop off really.

Its there, but it needs to be retuned. Which is pretty much the single sentence I would use to describe the entirety of the game.

If you ever run into four FTs wearing backwards red and white ball caps, you’ve just met “Team Pokemon”, we’re all good with knives and love to play worm on a hook…

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The SMGs don’t really have drop off either, just accuracy issues. You have to burst fire it to make it work well, it’s my primary AI weapon, and I hold onto the AK for Pred.

I dunno about that one chief. Smgs really… really… really… feel like pea shooters beyond like 20 feet (if even that).

I usually judge it by the penetration they are doing to those fucking ballistic masks. thats the best way to judge damage drop off imo. Because you see just how different things are depending on the range by face blasting them, even if you tap fire and hit every shot.