Modification Part!y! PC DEATHSQUAD to a PS Predator REBALANCING QUEST

Easiest way for PS4 and PC friends is to have the console player launch rocket league or fortnite and send the friend request (epic) through that game. PC player will receive the request.

In order to play PHG with friends on crossplatform YOU NEED TO USE AN EPIC ACCOUNT. PSN account doesn’t work for it. It doesn’t matter if you are friends in PSN and if both have PSN account linked to EPIC. You NEED to be friends on EPIC. Even if you are not friends on PSN it will still work as long as you are friends on EPIC.

The FT doesn’t have to take in account movement because there is no bullet drop, or lead just point click and revive in 1 second

Yes there is no bullet drop but aside for that what you said makes no sense. You try hitting a predator if you don’t take into account his movement. Here’s one example, when he leaps you need to guess where he leaps to or you are not going to hit shit, also tracking him running and leaping and landing shots its not easy if he is competent.

PS. Damage decreases with range, that is what you could call the bullet drop.

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Damage is damage if it had call of duty or fort Ute bullet drop it would be more even. Instead they thought it would be a good idea to make it harder to aim with predator than FT. Besides the PC.

Preds have far greater mobility to compensate as well as the plasma caster having massive range when it explodes. The predators weapon also don’t lose potency with range.
But yes, shooting mechanics are shit.

and few comments later

Hmm, OK?

No, he asks for private game settings which will:

Is it simple enough for you to understand?

I’ll look into it man but tomorrow I’ve been busy all day dude haha. I’ll let you know if I get epic going or not.

Epic is Cadillackid1215. I’ll have some time tomorrow afternoon (EST). I’m average at pred but interested in the results of playing around with some of the modifications vs. PC

I made and linked an epic account. Now I just have to figure out how to add you.

If you already have Epic just go to FRIENDS and search Scarface_1983 and send request.

I just got back so I’ll start adding you guys.