Month Long Challenges

I love the idea of the daily and weekly. Love them its a great way to lower wait times. But what if we can lower them even more.

Give us a monthly challenge that is community based. So something like a Billion damage to the pred, Mythical of choice ( this is for ft)

Monthly for pred would be something like 10,000 claims. Same payout. Mythical of choice.

These would be for the entire player base to finish and I feel like the two would even out the wait times.


dude no one will do those montly quests (ok maybe 0.001% of players base )


Why do you say that? Cant wait to see what half assed thought you put.

And how would they not do them u do them bye playing the game

billion dmg to the monster ?do the maths my friend . not humanly possible

Lol. Thats what I thought. So you either stopped at that point and didn’t read further in the post. Or English is your 2nd or even maybe 3rd.

A single player is not trying to complete this challenge. The ENTIRE yes you read that correctly the entire player base. So lets say you and I are on a team and we try hard against a very good pred player and we each deal 5000+ damage to her or him so that 10,000+ damage we dished out to the Predator would be added to that 1 billion pred damage. Meanwhile @REYNOSO_FUA11 and @Weevo540 deal 12000 damage collectively to the pred that damage is then added to the 1 billion pred damage.

Is that better for your lack of reading Comprehension having ass

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Been saying this. Whole heartedly agree. Gimme some knife skins I can win instead of praying to RNGesus who has forsaken the mythics in this game


Do you understand what I am talking about. That the. Challenge is for the entire player base to collectively fill the bar

there is no point for entire base quest. they will do it in 3 days max or worst they wont and we will lose the “quest”

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I like this just as well as an individual reward. I’d be good with either. If you’re doing collective it’d make it a lot of fun for everyone. The scale would be hard to balance but yeah.

Elite Dangerous does something similar with its weekly challenges where as it’s tiered by participation. So if you’re in the top 10% of players to contribute you get a better prized than someone who put in the minimal effort. I always liked that

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Thats on the player base.

If Illfonic sees its finished two quickly then they make it more. If they find we are failing at them they reduce them. This is better than any idea you have typed up in the last few weeks so plz give us a way to shorten the wait times.

actually i had best idea ever for this game while you didnt

I wouldn’t like that participation part. Because It would favor the no lifers more than the casual players like your self.

You can already see wait times lower when the daily or the weekly has to do with dealing damage to thw pred so this would be a great way to lower them even more

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Lol the comments say other wize there bud so good try but mine is still way better there bud

Also that has nothing to do with wait times

Eh…I mean it also depends on the challenge. Maybe some fun ones like que as a whole FT for 300 matches or something, so you have to find and play with friends. Spitballing here. Overall though concept is fun. Community challenge

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“the commends” AHAHAHAHAHAH everyone liked that idea wich exist in EVERY ONLINE GAME
your idea is bs , no one cares how many damage the entire community did , every one cares to prove he is the best and with my idea he can do it

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Yeah man. For sure

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My idea is bs when it exists in other games like cod, and battlefront 2 ,For Honor, And countless others. Ur idea is a basic stat page while my idea is to shorten wait times by adding a way to get a mythical. Yep sure thing bud. Keep on thinking that.

While I enjoy my Doritos and Freedom

Is this guy for real. Like how bad is his reading skills that he thinks this is a bad idea

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“basic stat page” do you know how ranked system works ?
or did anyone ever said " wow dude monthly challenge for entire base i am gonna start that game again " no one ever , but everybody cares for stats/ranked and this is the way to implement it in this game

and for shorten wait times still i had best idea my friend

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