Most satisfying thing to do as Predator in this game

or just get close and do a hipfire shot like most players do

there’s no such thing as “skill” when the movement of the FT is so fast and the hitboxes are so fucked up for most pred weapons. 9 times out of 10 ranged combi/bow shots are sheer luck based on movement prediction

Its possible, because potatoes on PS network.

basically whenever pred has any ping other than 0ms, hit boxes will go crazy, going to the FT on the side of the one you are actually aiming that. That basically takes away skill based targeted attacks. Not to mention that once ping goes over 100ms ANY ranged attack over 50 meters away can be considered a lucky shot. Is frustrating.

What other games show you ping times? Is PHG the problem or PS>Epic>Steam crossplay?
and how often do other games even allow the pings to shoot up like that?

Honestly, i dont play that many games. But even on AFTE we might get shoddy match making and people just get booted automatically because the game goes wack if pings are too high.

There doesn’t seem to be stopping it. So you just need to cooperate and play with ppl in your zone or just play games when they are popular and ppl are everywhere around you .

I can’t say much about PHG today its been more than 2yrs. but i had my fill. didn’t you? man played together!

Ping in other games (and PHG as well, when you play as FT) only affect the delay of when you take the shot and the shot actually lands. I’ve never played a game where ping basically MOVES the hitbox to the side. Is fucked up.

No, hit boxes don’t move, in reality its where the other guy really was and the game most of the time calculates the model position wrong. Thats all. Did you send me that link about games that calculate all the models and then average the numbers together and make a calculated guess where they run to?

It wasn’t too long ago. Some shit about how the games these days problematically calculate positions so that your FT animates smoothly as much as possible. but due to ping times fucking shit up, you don’t get the proper positions.

No dude. It MOVES

Let me look my YT, I have a video of this

Listen, you can’t know unless you have a dev version of the game exposing hitboxes.

Dont send me youtube videos going look llook look.
Hitboxes aren’t exposes. You can’t only assume what you think but if its due to ping then you have to accept the game isn’t calculating positions of ppl.

Why are you doing this?

Why are you just saying hitboxes have a mind of its own?

Jebux, i thought you were smart.
But you dont read articles about shit and sudden you dumb down your own game knowledge. Not that i thought very highly of you to begin with.

I agree. start with Jelou.

Dude I’m telling you I’m standing still aiming at Beer and the arrow goes to samhain who’s to his left. That’s the hit box. I need no dev version to know the hitbox is fucked up when ping goes up.

Most PC (and PSN) Premades are shit like the vast majority of players on this game. It used to mean you’ll have a though time. Not anymore. It is only when you see known names that it becomes though, and you don’t even need a full premade. Some players are able to beat most “good” pred players on their own with 3 potatoes.

No no dude, when ping goes up a special spacetime speed dial is initiated and they go super speed in two locations at once. Stop.

Eating a pig. Its delicious.



That poor pig



To have a premade that need 4 players do to what I can do alone as FT call me a hacker/cheater/macro, aimbot user.


But you are Samhain13 - The Human Aimbot Bowmaster 😂😂😂

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That’s… kinda disturbing 🙈 I’ll never look at Kermit the same way again 😂

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Oh no, the playstyle of a semiautomatic weapon

Hey wait is that sniper rifle?