Multiple preds vs more FT would save the game

I don’t think there would be a problem with keep up with city maps. They don’t need to create a city with pedestrians, cars and what not. An abandoned ally with a construction yard and what not would fit perfectly well. Games have been doing cities for some time now, I am sure they can do it just as well.

They also don’t need to limit to city, imagine an oil rig out at sea? Huge Titanic like ship out at sea? So many things they can pull.

Hell, even a game mode where the pred needs to escape and FT is hunting in some type of military base, pred is the one doing sabotages and gets his gear back one by one. That would also be awesome if you ask me. The FT should be able to keep spawning as new squads and the pred should be upgraded to be really powerful (some super predator like in the last movie type of thing).


City map would be horrible for predator, literally no where to go or hide for cover and going into buildings would be a death sentence much like it already is not including the cave and other areas Predator’s moves are limited and can be body blocked in after second wind and killed. City map isn’t happening and it will stay in the jungle and might as well deal with that.

I agree… but my hope died… i dont believe they can pull up with immersive shit for us XD

As long as preds can work together, definitely

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Like i would also like an immersive scene at night… night moonlight and like chilling on a tower and going like WOW look at this view… as a predator XD

Open areas mate with limited interiors like right now. Just add some type of fog or smoke or gas that would mask the predator to some degree in certain areas. The only thing limiting them is imagination. It can be done and well.

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I would like like a hybrid city with a harbor… a light tower… and fog surrounding city and harbor and sea…

And as predator ur able to climb upto it like from assassins creed… but like a limited map ofc… but ur able to like go in water even slightly where its not too deep… but fog around and moonlight

Something like this but darker and moonlight

Yeah, that would be awesome. They don’t want to do it because they would need to create new assets. For more jungle map they can recycle what they have…

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Like i want part city part harbor with sea and fog… and i want like part forest like that…

Open areas are even a death sentence for Predator. That’s the problem Predator is too easy to spot even with cloak because let’s be honest cloak sucks as is. FT damage is way too high and Predator melee is average and Predator really doesn’t have ranged options other than caster and bow. No need to talk about Handheld PC because it’s hot garbage along with the smart disc.

Honestly, if they’d lower FT damage output wouldn’t be a big deal since there’s no reason this game should be balanced around a 1v1. Just to make it fair make it balanced around a 1v2 so 2 is equal to the damage 1 person can do now as an FT. Give Pred some new and better ranged weapons, fix the garbage cloak, and fix melee hitboxes and tracking. That’s really the only thing busted about Predator melee in my opinion.

It would also be nice to give Predator Specializations or something similar.

Either way I am entirely against a city map mostly due to optimization, game mechanics as they are, and state of balance as it is.

In all honesty I want Predator teams long before they should even touch a city map, If that ever happens, and even before that a lot of other things need to be fixed first.

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This game is not balanced around 1v1. No FT can 1v1 a GOOD predator. He does not stand a chance in hell.

Bullshit, you’ve obviously not played against good FT’s. I’ve also solo’d a decent number of Predator’s that were good, but I landed my shots and kept moving. You are lying to yourself if you think it’s not balanced around a 1v1. I have second winded predators with several busted builds in 3 seconds then chased them down and killed them. It’s even happened to some of the best Predator players.

In reality a good FT will always beat a good Predator due to damage and game mechanics. Nothing you say will prove that otherwise especially when I’ve seen it, done it, and there’s been numerous tests done proving that balancing has been done around 1v1.

If you soloed a good predator then he was not a good predator.

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Um, your logic is clearly flawed bud. Ask any number of players who play both sides or even some of the best FT players and ask them how easy it is to solo a Predator now even a good one.

There is no reason that one FT can or should put out enough damage to second wind a Predator in 3 seconds. Especially in a 1v4 scenario. There is no reason for that and put it this way smart team stays near each other, but spaced enough to avoid AOE they will kill you before you can blink if you get anywhere near them. That isn’t balanced at all.

If we go by your logic, then you’ve obviously never faced a good FT because if you haven’t been soloed by a good FT then they weren’t a good FT.

I mean If there is only 1 person left alive then by all means you are not good at predator if he kills you solo. But you are also correct that 1 person has the dps to solo the pred. So you aren’t bad if one person lays you out, but if there’s only 1 left you should be able to out maneuver and kill fairly easily

I see the same un-definable OP FT vs you as Predator. No details into how you equiped yourself and no detail into whether or not you’re facing PS or PC FT members. Again…so many details left out and you’re furiously enabling yourself to argue in your own defense that the game is against you. SAD potatoe.

Who is this referring to

Ill choose you.

Gotta find a way to fix the queue problem. Not sure if this would help, but how about after someone plays pred, they have to play one or two games as FT. Yeah, it sucks that it’s forced, but if people will come back to the game they should be willing to help the game grow a bit. @DisturbedLlamas idea about rewards for playing FT is good too

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