My two cents about game's balance

Can’t you explain in terms of games 🙄 lol. Like it’s so clear that you have to use examples from other callings 😂 Plus, thats a comparison, not a definition.



The fuhrer would be proud

Profesional gamer is someone who makes a living out of gaming. A pro gamer doesn’t necessarily have to be good at playing. So in order to make a living from gaming you need to invest in a good set up whether you play pc or console.

So the analogy @JelouGaming used is correct. You can be the best top killer player, but if you don’t invest and don’t make money from it, you’re not a pro.


I see. I missed the previous comment by @JelouGaming gaming and only saw the musician comment.

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Still, initial comparison about casuals/randoms seem to be hinting at the difference in time played or skill level. And then it transitions to investing munny and playing for munny. Like I’ve said before, these argument are all over the place 😂

37 days 5hr… that’s my time, so tripple the expereince. I dont complain about the dmg as much as I do the ability to ads as ft vs pred ads and jump shoot… stamina and shitty cloak, o and the shit parkour system. Also the fact everything in pred arsenal is projectile based… I would be fine with the current state if medikits were not allowed on the map

I feel you…😏

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PHG forum arguments model:
Counter argument
Counter argument (non- sequitur)
Counter argument

A better insult



IMO, reducing damage of combi throw, bow, sawz and 7en will get rid of most complains about either faction being OP. The constant complain from most experienced players is the damage dealt by ranged weapons.

Plus… I honestly find sniping boring AF not to mention is quite annoying when we lose because a teammate downs a pred that is too far away to defuse. And yes, that is losing, no matter how people feel about it. Pred died with “honor” and didn’t let his technology be collected.


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Combi throw already got nerf this patch, bow and pistol as well. If Predator bomb blows up is not a win for ft but there isn’t wrote anywhere that is a win for Pred, ot can a draw also as it is for:
-time finish and pred is in second wind
-both sides die at the same time

Arrow and i know its to damn ez. You may think im a pred main but i play both equally. Its been ez since 1.06. Outsmart is not possible since the game is so linear

nerf wasn’t enough, tbh.

Bow headshot still does 120 point damage, combi 117… WITHOUT DOWNRANGE and/or Fearless
That’s just ridiculous. It means insta down almost always because the AI in this game is so broken that they spawn right in your back when you just healed up… with a fucking shotgun… and instantly take away 10-20 points of health. You are almost never at full health as FT.

Maybe it’s not possible for you, that’s why you complain about losing.

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I remember the days when you could stand in front of an AI and all they would say was “hmm…what’s that?” 👀

Ive been bitching about game mechanics since 1.06… you better hope they keep the bow trails

Is that going to make you happy, if they get rid of arrow trails? Because you bitch about pretty much everything.

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