Mythbusting: For those concerned about FT's mudding up and hiding in a corner

Not sure, I have never used that perk.🤷🏻‍♂️ We need to do some science tonight boys!

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Can you guys make a video showcasing this mechanic?

I tried hunting entirely by sound, good golly I felt like I was blind rofl, u gotta be really close to them for the sound bar to become noticeably different in nature. The bubble perk should honestly just be incorporated into vanilla pred, just toned down a bit is all

This is my position. It reacts to audio (and maybe visual) data already being processed by the game. If you need to be able to hear the audio for it do anything it presents no new information.

The important test is if orienting it towards a silent hidden FT member provides a reproducible method of locating them.

Practice this for when your mask gets destroyed and you are left with only regular vision. It is worth it in my opinion.

yea, I’m getting better without my mask lol, good motion sensor placement helps a lot as well

yea I definitely think it needs some tuning, Tbh I usually always have good motion sensor tracking i set up early so I kinda rely on those pings more so than my mask lol

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Instead of isolation they could have pimped out the sound bar to be honest. An actual heartbeat sensor when in proximity. A vocal analyzer to scan for all the ft callouts they make. Gunfire detector. You would cycle these manually and they would come with different vision modes.

The vision modes would be more abstract like when he cycles them in predator 2, they could correlate to what information the soundbar is fetching (heartbeat, gunfire, vocals, boars) but not be functional enough for you to run around in heartbeat mode all the time for example. I imagine the heartbeat visual just as a general colour throb of the whole screen so you cant pinpoint exactly where they are ( unfair to mudders) but would give you an idea once you start hearing hearts and seeing the bar go off. you would have to stop and switch modes and do manual detection then switch back to thermal or whatever.

Missed gameplay opportunity instead we got target isolation.

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Zoom function! Long distance footprint tracking with an estimated distance! A vision mode that only picks up light sources or flashlights at night over long distances!

Too bad we’d need longer matches and bigger maps.

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Good point. Target Isolation may just be a place holder or shortcut for other more complex systems.

Ive said it many times the triangulation thing he uses in pred 1 when arnold throws the rock. Could be a mini game showing last known position of fireteam. Any type of mini game using predator language iconography… Feeling like you are using advanced technology to track.

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Dont get my hopes up you!

There’s a lot they could do and it feels wasted on these tiny showdown race maps

haha so true

ya we need quick hunt and big game hunt modes. thought Id be concerned how different game modes you could select would split the player base maybe with some modes never being played. I’d vote for 25 mins across the board as it is.

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I am home from work and ready to do some science

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can we suggest some controls for the test here? As in, turn the sound off, pair up with a fireteam who muds up and does not fire a weapon or make any visual indicator of where they are.

is there a fellow scientist on PS4 who can help Drakos show us his science?

do you want to just start recording games until someone with a PhD comes forward Drakos? Will you be able to supply us with video?

Can yall test out something i read.

Apparently FT and pred spawn opposite of each other nearly everytime.

Like you can b line front of you as pred and youll end up ontop or next to fire team extreme quickly.

I found it true, wonder if its my luck or just bad design

Gonna try to record, never done this before on PSN, and don’t have a YouTube account. I kinda despise social media