Mythbusting: For those concerned about FT's mudding up and hiding in a corner

It only works if they don’t choose their spawn point. If they don’t choose you are directly across, if they do, it’s a crapshoot.

I had one team spawn very close one game.

But I’ma give it the old college try!

yes this is true. in my experience you cant get to them quite on time unless they stay still. the first objective will take them to either side of where they start. so if you let off your target isolation. by the time you get to them they might have gone to either side of the map for the objective so it is a 50/50 guess which compound they go to first but they always start opposite predator.

i never considered how the predator spawn works based on which spawn FT chooses. I usually just go to the center of the map and chill til they make noise.

I got both PSN and YouTube Drakos, if I find myself playing more I’ll see if we can link up for a some other testings.

Took a break causs its all annoying now, I play like once a week.

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I am uploading my test video yesterday with Draedark. be warned it is me looking for him for 15 minutes using the sound bar. will upload for science though.

@FOXANDbr maybe he can help, hes a PS4 regular. hes recorded and uploaded before as well.

help? with what?

check out the thread ok homie and let us know.

Loading a game up now, I’ll record it and see if it records my voice as well, I’ll try and talk through how I use the sound bar and all that.

Won’t use target iso either

ok turn off your sound too

If you turn the sound off, the sound bar becomes useless, it’s like using a radio directional finder, you slowly pan and when it spikes you home in on the source direction and listen as well as watch the bar.

I also use the heading indicator to see direction. To get used to this you have to take in a lot of data all at once.

Trying to do it with no sound will be extremely difficult…

but if i could hear the sound then i wouldnt need the sound bar… i thought we were using this to find a mudded up FT hiding under a hut as mentioned in OP’s title.

Well yes, but unless I get a guy that just hides when he is last guy left, it will be hard to do this without being in a private match.

right so it isnt useless without the sound then?

i mean technically its useless if you need sound for it .

So if you are a ways away from the ft, say out of range while in normal vision you can’t always hear their gunshots and if they are mudded, target iso is useless. The thermal amplifies sound, and with the sound bar and your ears you have to discern what is an AI, birds, boars or the fireteam. There is a lot to take in to start moving in the right direction. With the heartbeat, you can see that with normal thermal vision when you are close enough if they are hiding. It’s also easier to see the heartbeat in thermal if they are mudded, if they aren’t mudded, the different colors of their body heat can obscure it.

ya for sure, ive managed 100 hours so far without the sound bar. using sound, sound bubbles and target isolation. those mechanics clearly work for tracking.

what we are trying to ascertain though is what tracking information the sound bar can relay that those indicators already dont.

the beating on the sound bar is an animation that goes off all the time regardless. are you referring to the hearbeat on the FT itself or on the sound bar?
