Mythbusting: For those concerned about FT's mudding up and hiding in a corner

ok so my real question is this. can you find a mudded up FT hiding anywhere on the map sitting still using the sound bar for orientation?

If they are mudded, you can see the heartbeat as sound bubble in thermal, if they are too far away to see the sound bubble, the sound bar will still give you a general ideas of where to head once you discern the sound you are trying to hear.

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ok so in this scenario they are not making any sound and the sound bar then is not useless without sound? so it should be possible without sound to locate FT with the sound bar. If you use sound to make sure it is not a boar or AI then that is cool as long as FT is not giving off any other indication where they are. thats the test we gotta do.

i realize you cant do that in a pub.

interesting i cant remember if i have ever seen the heartbeat. the fact that it doesnt stick out leads me to question this as well. i did a test with Draedark yesterday, i was mudded and right in front of him and there was no mention of a heartbeat. Do we know if there are conditions for this? Is it only when they are wounded or something?

I am a slithery little sneaky snake…

We tried mudding you up, un-mudded, running around to get the heavy breathing/tired effect. The sound bar seemed to point me at the pigs more than anything, but that could just be me not knowing how to read the clues.

What we are kind of interpreting this to be at the moment, with no other data, is that the sounds bar is spiked by sounds but it does not necessarily give you directional information. Maybe it spikes more if the sound is louder, and it is louder if you are looking at it. But like @Jaysus is saying, then you do not really need the soundbar visual at that point because you already have the information you need.

But please keep up the science, this one would be super cool if it turns out there is a use for it after all!

if it works guaranteed its more useful than the devs intended because that is some low key as fuck game mechanic!

Maybe this makes more sense.

If the sound bar visual is just a display for the loudness of sounds in the direction you are looking in, then it is not very helpful.

If you can see heartbeats that is cool. Are you running the perk for better bio vision sound bubbles or anything?

They have to have been wounded, or have been sprinting to see their heartbeats

If they have full health and haven’t been moving, you won’t see it

ok we tested sprinting. I think I might have actually seen it on a wounded FT but not on a sprinter.

here is my footage. while i dont recommend watching it because nothing of note happens. I did try to orient myself using the sound bar. I called out several times as well with my mic (not picked up by recording software) to see if i was in the vicinity but i never really got close. So I remain dubious about how effective it is.

Off work for some console testing atm HMU. Also want to test it with VOIP since that also generates tiny sound bubbles & pubs is all spicy hot mics. Its either that or the sprinting. People i’ve been able to find sprint till exhaustion do that loud huffing puffing exhausted state that spikes it a lot, but not sure from what distance. and you can hear it halfway across the map & catch up to see the mudded footprints before they crouch in a corner but science required. But I mean you can hear it so far away how much of a difference thatd make overall who knos so thats a valid point.
And i’m in the trees instead of around the loud AI if thats relevant

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we can be confident that the actual shape of the bar means nothing as it is just this loop which repeats.
it does wobble around but that pattern is looped.

This is fantastic information. Thanks for the heads up 👍

I simply use my ears all the time to find them.
I turn off that crap music and I can even hear them running (heavy breathing)
Them I simply turn to the right side and follow a straight line to find them
The vision’s sound amplifies these sounds too
But I only use the vision when my ears pick up a suspicious sound. them I turn on the vision to amplify.
I never look at this audio wave in the corner.

ok thanks for your input. Drakos was looking to do some PS4 testing but might have found someone to test it with. not sure we will wait for his report!

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I have one buddy I play with, and he’s still at work, so still waiting on a PS4 person to test with. But yes I have been using the sound bar today. Like I said, it only gives you a general direction to go, I also use very sensitive noise canceling headphones when I play, so that may help me isolate sounds as well.

Hmm very cool, good find! Def thought that was just fancy predator cosmetic UI too… Gonna rest it out soon