Mythbusting: For those concerned about FT's mudding up and hiding in a corner

Yea I tend to rely on audio a lot too if mudded but I’m curious to try the thing on the left

I’m looking for a match to play.
Today its taking longer than usual

Also if u wait and use isolation tracking at 14:10-14:12 is when mud runs out for them when applied at the start of a match too

I don’t even use target isolation, it’s so easy to find the fire team, they make so much noise

Very true…before I realized the time thing tho Id often have isolation on CD and 90% of the time I just would rely on audio ques or gun muzzle vibrations yea lol or sometimes the AI reacting to something they did even

Lol, I have the music at one notch or zero, because I do like to hear it on very low volume when the fight gets going. But I don’t like it to drown out the sounds. So sometimes its on one notch, and sometimes it’s completely off, depends on my mood…

Yea I like that it comes on when combats engaged tbh , I lowered it mainly cuz I’m at the menu a lot of times too when I’m not in matches even but yea might lower it even more and test that out too


Piggies run away.

Humans run towards.

Follow the signs, nature can tell you all you need to know. If you but listen, Kemosabe

So it is hard to tell but at around 3:10-3:14 I think you are right on top of me.

I will be able to check later when I am back at my pc.

Yea if the piggies dont decide to roll under a tree :P hahah

My conclusion is this is a bogus claim. Specifically the title of this post (with respect to everyone who claim otherwise). I’ll say so until I see footage proving otherwise or of tracking the fireteam in any way with the soundbar that is superior to sound or bubbles.

I’ve ascertained the following:

  • the pattern of the sound bar is a loop and not representative of any in game audio.
  • the throbbing is a loop and not representative of any in game audio
  • the angles are always the same -> \ top | middle / bottom
  • the size fluctuation of the pattern is always the same however the brightness is changed by on screen audio, even the predator’s (even his own zippy thermal sounds it seems). It will flash when there is sound, and become a full sustained pink when there is a lot of sound happening.

It can be tested by using the target isolation and rotating the camera towards and away from the fireteam. unless a sound is being processed and coming through the speakers there is no difference with regard to the sound bar’s patterns or brightness even when staring directly at the target isolation bubble.

It is unlikely they would have coded such an intricate and almost imperceptible system (given how rudimentary all other systems are) and not have put it in the tutorial or mentioned it in any way. I don’t buy that. its just a cheap and unfortunately useless visual albeit slightly interactive.

in this second vid I am right ontop of the fireteam and at times the bar goes super small doesnt do anything very different from usual. also at the end i use the target isolation and it brighten or do anything very different either. i heard the fireteam before getting any indication from the bar initially.

I just need someone to jump on PS4 with me and I’ll show you all how it works. By no means is it the end all be all for tracking, but it does function.

Yea took me 13 mins just now as Pred and i got into a lobby with 1 FT dude …sigh

I’m on DM me lets conduct soundbar and bubble science.
I want to see if the bubbles are ever outside of regular hearing range ever also.

i saw an interesting video i cant find it now though testing all the sounds in the game, what the supressor does, the range of the bubbles all that. apparently you can see the bubbles from just about across the map. taunts are heard across the map at all times which i did not know.

Honestly at times it looks like it just reacts and gets wider from movement ur even doing at times that makes louder sounds like the leap, or something random but it def doesn’t seem to pick up specific sounds like guns …it’s just overall noise. Not sure it’s really useful yea

I’ve never found the sound bar useful but I would like if it did react better.

I’ve seen the heartbeat sensor working a few times but it’s only now and again. Dunno if it’s more visible while they are fighting or sprinting.

What do you mean “scan” ? Is that a pred ability?

Yea I get ur not saying it’s superior to isolation or whatever , it does seem to react to overall noise tho even that u make as predator particular the leap sound and something else I saw but can’t remember

The vision mode
