@IllFonic Check this video out, thats annoying that some pussy just turned his graphic setting to minimum and destroyed pred from rooftop, watafak is this heh ???



Devs just need to implement ballistic for guns, make certain guns restricted for certain classes and make ft strafe speed reduced at least twice lower than its now


LMAO YOU GOT MELTED!šŸ˜‚ā€¦but I mean their good FT and good at aiming so thereā€™s nothing u can do with that šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøMaybe caught them of guard with traps and kill them one by one , it works always w me with Sweaty FT.


Btw At 1:20 somebody throw a grenade at u and you literally stood there like nothing happened lolšŸ˜‚

Next time be more cautious


Wow thats absolutely broken. Thatā€™s the reason I turned crossplay off.


Yep, actually i waited if he will shot me after it, wanted to check if he cannsee me

dont ever crouch walk with camo on


that is what i talking about, it is not balanced at allā€¦


illfonic are fucking idiots


Its so weird for me that devs cant just see what fixes are needed, they can do it but I donā€™t understand why they dont do it fckin weird thing.

And its not that difficult to fix and make game sweet for all playersā€¦

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i have another videos where i shred fireteam 2pc+2ps players and i feel equal when its 3pc+1ps fireteam.

Why dont @IllFonic make a little bit auto aim for PS, implement ballistic, make invisibility better, less noizes for predator, FT movement speed more balanced

without reducing firepowerā€¦


Itā€™s easy to shred random clueless ppl. When you play against a premade that actually knows how to play, youā€™re in the whole new game.


I was the sniper šŸ™‚ and I did the most damage to you. I donā€™t use low settings, I use medium (like ps4) and I cant use more with my graphic card. One advice for the next game: dont stand still in a open area while doing sounds because of the invisibility , you took half hp damage because your start was bad.


Just show me video where you easy kill full PC fireteam before to say easy please?

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thats the thing when you can shot half of the map, there could be only 2 ft members to shred predator in 2seconds.

I know how kill pred easily when i play as ft , i can do it almost alone and is it really suppose to be like that? of course not, the mechanic is broken.


You cant sit still with the uv scanner. Its not impossible to win. Just harder

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I donā€™t main the Pred, I have played maybe 10 matches as Pred since I got the game, but I do know how they work, how to counter them, run them down and kill 'em. I got vids for that. I did ended up against PC teams before and out of 3 premades Iā€™ve won against one, killing them all. Donā€™t get me wrong, I saw your vid and I would never start the match the way you did.

If I saw 'nade flying towards my position, I would move str8 away, because even one bullet that hits you, blows your cover and you can be spotted right away.

2nd thing I would do, I would go for the sniper on the roof 1st, take him out right away so I wouldnā€™t eat so much dmg from him.

3rd thing, if I knew they went inside, like you did, I would pop traps at the exits, pressure them with plasma pistol or caster towards traps.

Itā€™s not how much or how quickly you kill 'em, itā€™s the mind games and creating a panic, what kills 'em. Be careful, be patient and time your attacks. Jump in, do some dmg, jump out, scan your surroundings and their position before you decide to attack.

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As soon as I saw the players on the Scoreboard, I could tell how this was going to go.

Arrow_Calis and Quadraxis I play with frequently, and they are both very good players.

Obvious mistakes you made:

  • You got to the roof before them, and didnā€™t capitalise on it. (You could have laid some traps, guessing at least one player would go up there, and just stayed up there).
  • Your first engagement position was poor. No vantage point. No easy retreat options.
  • You didnā€™t look at the roof while you were on the ground to see if someone was up there.
  • You didnā€™t relocate after the grenade hit you. (They couldnā€™t see you, but they got a hit marker, and then you bled, giving away your location). Arrow (the Sniper) probably just shot at the blood spot.
  • You retreated in a poor direction. A direction that far too many Predators run away to. It is too open. You should have retreated to the other large buildings and used them to cut Line of Sight.
  • After you got your 2nd wind heal off, you could see they were chasing you.
  • You should have continued to retreat for a full heal, or to find a pig.
  • You should not have engaged at half health right after a 2nd wind heal.
  • You then retreated back to where your first engagement was, knowing there was a Sniper on the roof. (which you obviously missed at 2:42)

If you had gotten a full heal off, and seen how split up they were, you could have had a decent chance of killing one of them while isolated.

Two traps at about 0:45, followed by you jumping up and engaging the lone Sniper on the roof, could have gotten you a kill.
While Arrow may have heard the traps, you would have cut off the standard escape route off the roof, or perhaps forced him to run into them in his rush to escape you.

Derailed is a tough map for Predā€™s who donā€™t know what terrain they can use to their advantage. Positioning is extremely important.


Damn me and the boys causing a riot.