I will say this. That was entirely too much leaping.


Reasons why I outright dont use cloak anymore.

@Ruso I must ask, how many of your games do you usually win as Predator?

It’s sad that they had to lower their graphics to win.

This had nothing to do with their win. Absolutely nothing.

this video doesn’t show all the way i usually play. I’ve read everything you wrote the tips etc, i knew all of my mistakes in video.

my win rate:
4ps player win rate 10out of 10
1pc+4ps win rate 9out if 10
2pc+2ps 7-8out of 10
3pc+1ps 5out of 10
4pc 1-2out of 10


I appreciate the breakdown of PC/PS4 ratio, as it’s very important to consider this.

As you highlight, you win a large majority of your games vs PS4 and mixed teams.
If you want to nerf Fire Team, what do you think that is going to do for those 4xPS4 Fire Teams?
Think of how they currently experience this game, and what their game outcomes usually are.

You clearly have no problem beating them now. What about after the nerf?

What do you think your overall win rate is? Is it above 50%? I’m going to guess it probably is. Running into 4 man PC teams is not extremely common.
If you’re winning 50% of your games against 3 man PC squads, then I’m going to suggest that you’re not really doing it tough. You’re actually a decent player, who has gotten far too used to winning.

Your reaction here is not uncommon, but it is mostly unjustified. You get so used to winning, and start to play in a particular way. That when you get stomped into the ground (as I probably would be too), it comes as a shock to you.

Your loss is unfair, but all of your victories are perfectly fine?

Take a moment and appreciate the view point of all the Fire Team players you’ve beaten.


It’s also sad that people continue to use the lowered graphics excuse when they’re simply just bad. That’s why I stream my games just to prove them wrong and make potential cheater claims pointless.


Yea, I know arrow and Quad. We all play on high or epic settings. It gets tiring of hearing that we cheat when it is simply that you suck and stand around a lot. I watched that video and saw the above problems

Exactly what i wanted to say that when i win against ps is unfairly easy and playing against pc is unfairly difficult… that is not the way it suppose to be, i think you understand me.

It won’t break game mechanic in anyways

How i see solution:
-keep firepower, health etc same as it is.
-implement auto-aim for ps, some certain level of auto help
-ft strafe speed must be reduced at least half. Ft still be manuverable without advantage.
-Add 1more target in each mission for ft
-The way of getting rid from traps(minigame of pressing 3-4 buttons appearing randomly.
-Separate guns by classes
-preds transparency must be dependanble on distance 50m keep as it is, 150m completely invisible or so. This will not give advantage to low graphic players.
-and maybe some preds steps rework


i never lower my setting playing as FT but anyway I shred any predator like he never exist. It’s not suppose to be this way

Read my comment, no low graphic settings, it’s only sad that people has to invent things just to make an excuse.

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Lol you never left the FT “Killzone” all that jumping but it’s all in circles. That teams was being tactically advantageous enough as to set up a sniper/spotter post on the roof lol. I’m not going to lie that part I’m the beginning where you were on the ground invisible waiting to shoot them gave you up real quick. Especially with the new uav scanner.

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yes i know these guys they are fucking cheaters

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James Cameron plays on settings that look better than real life and would still have killed you with a pistol.

lol? I’m not sure if you’re kidding or not?
You’re one of the best Predators we know, kinda not cool if you’re serious. :o


Git Gud. Why you just stand there and let a nade blow up on you? Wtf Why didn’t you push off and caster them till they moved? Why didn’t your tactics change the moment you noticed they were exploiting? All seriousness you really need to be able to adapt. If I a ps player can overcome full pc squads then you should be able to

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yes I’m kidding him)


Haha, good!! :D

PC Cheaters… how long are you guys gonna keep doing this to excuse how shitty your game play is?

View distance (the #1 complain on “low graphics”) is LOW on PS4. Lowering shadows (which is the first giveaway of “potato” graphics, does not provide any benefit in game play.

PC has many advantages over console, starting with performance (FPS). Don’t like it? Turn crossplay off. Reporting players as cheaters because you suck will not get you anywhere. We will keep playing and we will keep shredding lame ass players. NO MERCY.

-CaptainJelou PC Death Squad