No that guy just blew it by hanging out across from the warehouse entrance at the beginning

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Lolā€¦ weere at the point of 2 v 1ing pred as the other 2 do objectives. So much fun?


Because the first step is getting illfonic to acknowledge that thereā€™s a difference between aiming on ps4 & aiming on mouse.

2nd is the immense gap between coordinated FT and pubs, but guns dps would be lessened in general if ps4 controllers could actually hit pred at a distance.

4 second ttk is ok for a controller because they typically cant track a leaping pred for 4 whole seconds + the motion blur + low fps. Mouse can.
A lot of the issue stems from the lack of aim smoothing, sticky reticule, turn assist etc in a twitchy console shooter.


hunting for veritanium bricks is fun

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I was in this match as well, and I have every graphics setting on ā€œcinematicā€ except for view distance, which I have on ā€œepicā€. Playing on a PS4 controller. K+M is not my jam.
I recognised Arrowā€™s nick from here. Damn, youā€™re a really good shot! :O

But Ruso. Yeah man. FT can do so much damage, itā€™s quite ridiculous. And they need to solve this low graphics cheating somehow. But, I donā€™t think they know how, or even care for that matter, since they have so many other problems with the game right now. Itā€™s very frustrating to see how this game is getting more new bugs each time there is a new update, and they donā€™t seem to know how to solve even all the old bugs. Still hope there is light at the end of the tunnel though. (huge Predator fan, and a long time gamer).

185 HP dutch LOL

we all know that its pretty impossible to win vs a premade pc ft with the uav tracker and the buffed dmg and hp. As a Predator you cannot miss anything

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Uav tracks pred?

Looks like CYSZ gaming is bitching about you guys for potentially cheating or just being OP.

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i just whooped massimpact buttholeā€¦

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Impossibile is a big word, maybe is impossibile against the best ft in the world (and this I can agree). But agaisnt a good pc squad you can still win in 2,3. The game just need a balance quick patch. Bane and tick skin need nerf. After this the situation will be like before, uav , anti cloack and pitbull are fine in my opinion.

pitbull is not so great inmo, the 50 cal bane is over the top

Pitbull is like gosl , a bit better for close range, but definitly worse for long range.

thats what im sayingā€¦also going against even premade semi good ones can still be beaten pretty easyā€¦ but with perfect loadouts its gonna be really hardā€¦prefect as in any gun with bane on it

This is my opinion:
-bane lower to 5 point and 5% bomus damage only
-tick skin revert to 4 point and +15hp
-fast hands for pred lower to 2
-add one perk.slot for pred
-increase perk point of zerker
-bear trap destroyable only if you hit the metal object and not the bubble area
-reinforcemnts revive with half gear and ammo
-longer missions

Then the game will be pretty manageable for both sides, noobs and pros.


id be fine with bane perksā€¦ if 50 cal was nerfed as in scope sway and longer cycle between shots

Now the zen7 is a good choice

Def agree with reinforcements coming in at half everything.


Im playing now as ft with crossplay OFF to get into matches with PC RANDOMS ONLY to see how many times whole FT get killed and pred winsā€¦
@Icollectpreds @BadBlood @XViper @ProziPix @BadRed7 @FromTheHood @TheBrokenOne77

You guys may do it too and count how many times you lose.

I foresee youā€™ll lose 0-1 out of 10games.

Iā€™m playing FT Tmw. PS4 only though.

Lost as pred twice tonight.

Once 2 escaped

The other I made a bad play and died

Tonight is just not my night

Off to a bad start

All 4 escaped

Get a number of people dropping out before the match startsā€¦ More crashes?

Just got into match where pred PC has left the lobby once he saw full pc fireteam šŸ¤£
Hmmmm, whyā€¦?šŸ¤”